Busseyville Methodist Church



School Name: Busseyville Methodist Church
Variant Name:  
Status: Inactive
KGS Cemetery #:  
General Condition: Destroyed by the construction of the Road for the Yatesville Dam Project.
Coordinates: Latitude: 38.0694444 Longitude: -82.670765
Location: Adams, Kentucky
Auditor's Property Acct:  
Auditor's Parcel ID:  
History: The Busseyville Methodist Church was dedicated Sept. 9, 1900, by Rev. G. R.Fringer, presiding elder (this office is now district supt.). Pastor was Rev. W. H.Davenport. Trustees were Dr. Hezikiah Webb, George Picklesimer and B. P. Holt. The land was given to the church by Freemont Randall (Mont) Bussey and wife Sue Webb Bussey. 

The last service at the church was Sunday, April 10, 1988. The church was purchased by the Corps of Engineers for construction of a road as part of the Yatesville Dam Project. The large oak tree in the yard, fell victim to a heavy rain/windstorm about 2 years before the closing of the church. There was a big hole in the tree and many Easter eggs have been hidden there down thru the years. Nothing but good memories remain of how everyone walked to Sunday School and Church each Sunday morning. Among the families from the little community of Busseyville that attended the church were: The Bussey Family, Wellman, Clarkson, Meeks, Robinett, Jobe, Holt, Carter, Hughes, and Roberts.

Quoting long time church-goer Cora Jean Meek Newman (who now resides in Ashland Ky), " As all things must end, so goes the finality of the Busseyville Church, but in each of us who ever attended Sunday School and Church there, and had fellowship with that hardy, honest, God-fearing people-- we surely must have left the better for it".
I attended this church all of my life, from a small child until it's closing in 1988.
Sandra Faye Jobe
Transcripts: Sandra Faye Jobe
National Historical Number:


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