Wheeling WV August 30 GEORGE BLACKBURN of Elk Garden, a boy of about fifteen years of age, was bitten last Friday by a rattlesnake and died before he could reach home. He was engaged in binding oats for a neighbor, about three miles from his home, and while tying a sheaf was bitten on the nose.
Random spot in Paper: Mr Robert Crutcher, on old and well know citizen of Louisa died last Saturday night. About the first of January he was stricken with paralysis, only partial at first, but before his death it became general and his death was like the going out of a light.
Mr Crutcher was known to nearly all Sandians, he having lived in the country many years. We believe he came from the neighborhood of Elizabethtown, KY. , where he has relatives yet living. He was an honest, industrious man, liked by everybody. He was buried with the honors of Masonry by Apperson Lodge, Vinson Lodge of Cassville, participating. The burial services were held at the M.E. Church South, Revs. Hager, Smith , and Riffle officiating the the remains were followed by the grave at Pine Hill Cemetery by a large concourse of friends.
Sept 10, 1885 Issue
Sept 17. 1885
Sept 24, 1885
Mrs. Fleming Stafford, of Lick Creek, died Monday nigh of Consumption
Died, at his mother’s residence in Louisa, KY. yesterday morning, Guy Clark, of Consumption
See further details under 10/1 One Chapman shot and killed an old man named David James a few days ago on Rockcastle and was taken down to the Catlettsburg yesterday for safekeeping.
Leonard Kramer, an old citizen of Ashland, suicided by hanging last Friday
Last Saturday night during a row at a saloon at Ashland Mart Dwyer fatally stabbed Rink Haney
Last week a shooting scrape occurred on Elk Creek, in Martin Co. in which Shade Chapman killed his uncle David James. The killing was a result of of a difficulty several days before in which Chapman beat James very badly with an auger. It is said that Chapman way-laid James house until he came out. James a a rifle and as he came out he received a load of slugs from a shot in the hands of Chapman: and as this did not seem to prove fatal to Chapman fired five shots from a pistol, all of which took effect.
October 8, 1885
October 15, 1885
October 22, 1885
Mr. John Frasher, who lived many years on Mill Creek about one mile and a half from Cassville died last Saturday. Mr Frasher was an old and highly respected citizen of Wayne County, of sterling worth and character. Such was his uprightness that he was know as Honest John. He was buried Monday with the honors of Freemasonry. See below for a another mention under 11/5
October 29. 1885
A little child of William Atkins of Cassville, was fatally scalded by the upsetting of a stove last Friday.
The funeral of Joe McClure’s wife will be preached the 2nd Sunday in next month at Garred’s chapel. ( there was no obit on this.. just this mention)
November 5, 1885
In Memory of the Just. “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes: and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow or crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the the former things are passed away.”
John L Frasher was born in Wayne County, W. V, October 28th, 1806 , died October 16, 1885, age 78 years, 11 months, 18 days. Bro. John L.Frasher has lived all his life within a few miles of where he was born and died. He professed religion when about twenty seven years old, and joined the M.E. Church South, in which he lived a useful and acceptable member until he was called to his reward on high.
Bro Frasher was s a Free Mason and one of oldest in the country. He was a Mason in Apperson Lodge No 195, and was one of the charter members of the Vinson Lodge No. 66 and was a member of the same until his death: he loved the order. and we don’t hesitate to say he was a perfect Ashlar. Hew was buried Masonically, October 18th, 1885, on his old farm near Cassville, Wayne County, W. Va.; his funeral was preached by Rev B. Akers, the text was Isaiah 40 ch. 31v “ But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, & c. Wherein God in his kind providence has taken unto himself one or our faithful workers, and whereas, the family and church, and Masonry sustain a loss in so faithful a christian man, therefore be it.
Resolved 1st That as a society, and a church, while we deeply deplore our loss, and sympathize with the broken hearted family, we cherish his memory, emulate him in christian character, and humbly bow to the will of him who doeth all things well.
2nd. While we suffer his loss in sorrow, we yet rejoice in that eternal gain vouchsafed unto him in his entrance upon the rest that remains to the people of God.
3rd. That these resolutions be spread upon the record of Vinson Lodge 66 and that a copy be sent to the Central Methodist, Wayne Advocate, Kentucky Democrat and Big Sandy News, for publication and a copy be sent to the widow.
To the W.M., Wardens, and Brethren of A.F and A.M, your committee appointed to draft resolutions in memory of Bro. John. L. Frasher, deceased beg I save to submit the foregoing report.
Committee: C.C. Thompson S.T. Crabtree J. L. Billups
November 12, 2885
Em Prater, colored, died in Louisa Tuesday. Died on the 30th ult, Lizzie Poe, she leaves quite a circle of friends and relatives to mourn her loss.
November 19, 1885
Miss Carrie Snead, youngest daughter of S.H. Snead, died last Tuesday afternoon.
November 26, 1885
Miss Francis Ma…m ( could it be Marcum?) departed this life on the the 13th ult. Her remains were interred on the 15th.
Old Mrs. Houchin, of Cassville, died Saturday morning
December 3, 1885
December 10, 1885
December 17, 1885
December 24, 1885
December 31, 1885
We have received a letter from Olathe, Kansas, stating that A.P. Hawes, who left Lawrence County last fall for the West, died on the 16th inst., of heart disease