January 7, 1886


January 14, 1886

Captain T. N Fennell. a veteran Kentucky whiskey gauger, died at Georgetown a few days ago.

January 21, 1886

Our community was saddened to hear that John Burchett, one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Lawrence County has departed this life. Uncle John, as he was familiarly known, had been a sufferer for many years from a combination of physical ills, and his death was therefore not unexpected. He began several days ago to fall rapidly, and Tuesday morning at three o’clock he quietly breathed his last, surrounded by his sons and daughters-his venerable wife having some years ago preceded him to the Land Beyond the River. At this moment we know so little of his early life. He was born on the 6th day of November, 1806 in the spot now occupied by the drug store W. T. Evans, and has always lived in this county. At the time of his death he had so far as we not remember, four sons and three daughters.

Uncle John was a man of very decided character, with him to like a man was to like him, to dislike him was to hate him. Consequently he had some enemies but his friends far outnumbered the later. To men he was firm and unyielding, and to women and children, he was gentleness itself, and at hie home his hospitality was unbounded. We do not know whether Uncle John was a member of any religous body or not, but we do know that he was the soul of honor in all his relations with his fellow man. His word was indeed his bond, He was buried Wednesday, at the old homestead where so many years of his life were spent. To the family of our dead friend we tender our warmest sympathy.

January 28. 1886




February 4, 1886


February 11, 1886


February 18. 1886


February 25, 1886


February 4, 1886


February 11, 1886


February 18. 1886


February 25, 1886




March 4, 1886

Mrs Landon Carter died at her residence near last Louisa last Tuesday. Her funeral took place yesterday at one o’clock. ( see below under 3.18 for another posting)

March 11, 1886

Died on the 3rd Inst., a little insane son of Wiley McCormic. We greatly sympathize with the many friends and relatives of the departed.

Mrs Landon Carter, a highly esteemed and Christian lady departed this life on the 2nd inst., and was buried on the 4th. She leaves a host of relatives and friends who mourn her loss.

Also on he 20th ult., an infant child of Williams Adkins, ( either says Jr. or Mr.), aged 21 days. The mother is also in critical condition.

March 18. 1886


March 25, 1886

From Georges Creek:

James Boyd , a citizen of our neighborhood, died on the 10th inst., of consumption. He was a faithful minister of Christ and has now gone to reap the reward of the just. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved family.



April 1, 1886

Died, on the 26th inst., at Cassville, Jas. Black, of Typhoid fever

April 8,1886


April 15, 1886

Died, last Thursday, old “Uncle” Jim Brown, colored. Also, Friday, Henderson Pruter (hard to see 2nd letter but think it is R), colored.

A Shooting Affair. 

On Wednesday of last week at Levi Kitchen’s on Dry Fork of Little Sandy, in this county, George Arrington shot and killed General Perkins. Arrington and Perkins together with Buck Hensly, a friend of Perkins, and Taz Arrington, a brother of George, had been together a night and a day before the killing all drunk on brandy. There had been hard feelings between the Arringtons on the one side and the murdered man and Hensly on the other: but Arrington’s told the boys that thy had nothing in the world against them but were friends to them. But on the day of the murder the four with a few other men were at Levi’s Kitchen’s when George Arrington rode down the creek to B. F. Webb’s store and purchased some cartridges for his pistol, and when he came back Perkins was off his horse talking. Arrington whooped as a drunken man generally does and when he came near, Perkins began shooting at him. Arrington drew his pistol and they both out one round, when the firing ceased. Arrington began reloading his pistol when a bystander interfered. Arrington promised that if he was permitted to reload his pistol he would not shoot any more: whilst his brother Taz, with his loaded pistol in his hand, swore he would kill the first man who interfered with George. George reloaded and immediately opened fire on Perkins, whose pistol was empty. Perkins ran a short distance and fell and Arrington shot at him as he ran. Perkins died immediately: the fatal shot taking effect about two inches below his left nipple. He also received one shot in the back part of the left thigh. The last shot he was supposed to receive as he ran. Buck Hensley during this time was lying drunk at the house of John Perkins, a short distance from where the shooting occurred, and immediately after Perkins was killed the two Arrington’s went and gave him a desperate beating over the head and face with their pistols and other weapons. George Arrington made his escape to the woods and was followed several miles by the friends of the murdered man, but could not be caught. The two Arrington boys are had cases and a terror to the neighborhood in which they live.

April 22, 1886

Died, on the 18th inst., Polly Bowins, wife of Henry Bowins, aged about 70 years, of cancer. She leaves many friends to mourn her loss, but their loss is Christ’s gain: for her last and parting words to her friends were “ My troubles and suffering will end soon.”

April 29, 1886

George Richardson, Jr., passed Tuesday.



May 6, 1996

Died last Thursday Ima the little daughter of Jas. Q. Lackey and wife, aged two years. The remains were interred in Pine Hill Cemetery Saturday. The relatives have the heart felt sympathies of the community in their trouble.

Died. on the 1st inst., little Jay Northup, Junior, aged three years. He was attacked by Croup on Wednesday, April 28th,m and only lived until the following Saturday. The remains were followed to Pine HIll Cemetery Monday, by a large number of friends, who deepest sympathies are with the bereaved family.

Edmonds Branch: Did on the 25th ult., an infant child of Pharoah Marcum and wife, The bereaved parent have our heartfelt sympathy.

May 13, 1886

Wheeling WV: John Pass, a Tucker County school-teacher while out on a geological excursion, was instantly killed in Thomas mines by having his head caught between a loaded coal-care and a post. He was only married only a few weeks, since.

Died, May 8th, Mrs. Adelaide B Clayton, wife of John M Clayton, Sr. She was born Dec 18, 1833, and was always a devoted Christian. The burial took place on Sunday,

May 20. 1886

Died-In Louisa, on Wednesday May 12th, 1886, at the residence of C.D. Norris Judge H.W. Norris. Mr Norris had been a sufferer many years from Bright’s disease, and death may have been a happy release. He was well know in this part of the state, having been a merchant and lawyer in Catlessburg a long time. Some years ago he moved to Eden., in Martin County where he practiced his profession, but for some time preceding his death he lived with his son in Louisa. Judge Norris was a veteran of the Mexican was, and took an active part in many of the battles. He was tenderly cared for by his children, and died professing his faith in Christ. He was buried from the M.E. Church South, and was interred in Pine Hill cemetery.

Our esteemed sister member, Mrs. Emma Northup, has been sorely berefit by the loss of a darling child, a bright and manly boy, an only son. Therefore be it resolved that we the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle of Louisa deeply sympathize for our stricken member and her family,

May 27. 1886

Died, May 20th, in Cassville, WV, Mrs Lizzie Lefner, She had been confined for quite awhile before her death, with that fatal disease Consumption. The burial took place on the 21st.



June 3, 1886

Died, on the 23rd ult, Mary Ann, wife of L. B. Sword. She was 67 years old and leaves a husband and one child.

The funeral of James Boyd and Polly Bowen will be preached at the Murray Church on the fourth Sunday in June. ( Note above mention of Polly Bowins… spelled different here and also have not seen obit for James Boyd)

June 10. 1886

Died. last Saturday, the daughter of Geo. Pigg, The funeral services were performed Sunday.

Jack Marcum, who gave bond a short time ago for his appearance at court for cutting Elisha Ferguson, was brought here last Friday charged with the killing of said Ferguson. The killing took place on Thursday evening. ( Not obit but has death so included it)

Mrs. Robert Kembrough died suddenly of heart disease at the residence of her daughter, Mrs F. M Curl, Chynthia

Wm. Moody, aged sixteen years, who lived with his father, Thomas Moody, just across the Bath ( not sure if this is spelled right since hard to see). line in Rowan County, met a horrible death near his home the other evening. He was a riding a horse, with the plow-gears on him, to work in a cornfield, when the animal suddenly became frightened, and running away threw his rider, one of whose feet became entangled in the gearing, and with his head and shoulders on the ground was thru dragged a distance of a half mile, with the horse going at full speed. In this condition he survived until ….. ( can’t read word) against a log which lay in the way, which put as immediate end to his life. The skull was crushed and the body and face fearfully bruised and lacerated. The horse was suppose to be perfectly gentle, as he had never been known to scare before.

June 17, 1886

Miss Mary Boaz, a young lady who lived with her father, a short distance from Owingsville, received a severe electric shock from a bolt of lightning which struck a tree a short distance in front of the door in which she was sitting, sewing on the evening of the 8th inst. She lingered for several days, when she died. A doctor was called to attend her, but thought at the time she had not been seriously hurt.

June 24, 1886

Edmone’s Branch: Died, on the 13th. ult at the age of sixteen, Miss Jennie Cazy, the adopted daughter of Daniel Cazy and wife. The aged and bereaved parents have our heartfelt sympathy.



July 1, 1886


July 8, 1886


July 15, 1886


July 22, 1886

John C. Reynolds was working underneath grain bins near Owingsville, a few days ago, when the flooring gave way and precipiated several hundreds bushels of wheat on him, smothering him to death before he could be rescued.

July 29. 1886




Late in the afternoon of February 10th, 1886 as Fisher Marcum was going to his home on the waters of Morgan’s creek, in this county (not sure but would think Lawerence) not far from Jack Marcum’s, a shot rang out on the cold morning air and he fell to the snow. Three or four hours later from the the time he fell he died from the effect of the shot. Almost with his dying breath he said “Pud shot me.. I am bound to die.. I am shot through and through.”. Pud is James H Marcum, also of Morgan Creek, who was arrested the next morning.

August 12, 1886


August 19. 1886


August 26, 1886




September 2, 1886


September 9, 1886

Louisa KY: Oscar Gross, formerly of this place, was killed by a train on the C&O. Railroad a few days since.

Daniel Pack, of Little Blaine, died August 26 of flux. He leaves a wife and several children who have our sympathy.

G. W. Murry’s child died the other day of flux. Age four years.

September 16, 1886

Louisa, KY: Rueben Prater, colored, who died at his home near this place a few days since, is said to have reached an age of 112 to 115 years. The relatives of those who owned him during slavery vouch for the correctness of this statement.

September 23, 1886

Douglass Crum of Wayne, CH, WV died last week. His remains were brought to Fort Gay Sunday for interment. Rev Suddith of this place preached the funeral. The deceased is spoken of very highly by all who knew him.( Please note that they did have 2 s in the first name Douglas)

A large number of our town people attended the funerals of Mrs Emily Burgess and a child of Mr T. J. Burgess last Sunday at Garred’s chapel. Rev R. F. Rice conducted the services. All who present from Louisa, desire to thank the people of that neighborhood for their unlimited hospitality and the kind treatment received at their hands.

John Ambrose, thirteen, living near Owingsville, died from injuries received by thrown from a horse.

George’s Creek: 
Our quiet little neighborhood has been visited by a plague which proves to be more fatal than an earthquake. Deaths or sickness are reported in nearly every family:

F.N. Compton lost two of his children- both lying a corpse in the house at the same time.

The family has the entire sympathy of the entire community.

Old Grandmother Bartlett, wife of Peter Bartlett, died at her home near here on the 16th inst. k of that terrible disease flux. She leaves a husband and son and host of friends to mourn her loss.

Marinda Brown died on the 10th inst., of flux. Also Marion Castle’s little child died on the 10th inst.. Still there are more cases new cases reported daily.

September 30, 1886




October 7, 1886


October 14, 1886

Died, yesterday afternoon, at this place , a daughter of Mr Fred McHenry. We tender our sympathies to the friends of the deceased

October 21, 1886


October 28, 1886




November 4, 1886


November 11, 1886

In Floyd County, KY, Wm Bayes, aged eighteen years, was almost instantly killed by being caught between a rolling log and tree. When extracated, without saying a word, he sprang forward, ran about thirty yards and fell dead. His chest was frightfully mangled.

November 18, 1886

Judge Archibald Borders, one of the most reputable, wealthy, and best known business men of the Sandy Valley, died at his home near Richardson ( another article said near Peach Orchard), a few days ago, after a short illness. He was eighty-nine years.

The seventeeh months old son of Jas. C. Johns, who lives near this city, died on the 11th inst. of flux.

The family of Mr Jack Terman, of Rockville, in this county were dangerously poisoned Tuesday by using, through mistake, “rough on rats” instead of baking powders. A little child has died, but the others are reported to be some better. ( see story below for more details)

November 25, 1886

Probably the saddest occurrence in the history of our county was the burning of Mr M. F. Carter’s house and one of his little children last Wednesday night. The fire originated in the kitchen, but in what manner it is not known. Mrs Carter was badly burned in the attempt to rescue the child- a little boy about 5 years old. Mr. Carter was, at the time of the accident, away from home discharging his duties as Assessor. The house was large, and the light from the fire was noticed by several persons at this place, a distance of about six miles. The building was insured for $500.00. This entire community deeply sympathized with the family.

A short time after eating breakfast on Tuesday the 3rd inst., the family of Jack Terman, at Rockville Station in this country were taken suddenly and violently ill from the effects of what was found to be poisoned food. Mr Terman had been sick for some time and Dr. Banfield spent with him the night previous to the poisoned breakfast and by partaking of the malignant food was also poisoned. In addition to the persons above named the following were also poisoned:

Mrs. Sarah Terman (mother of Jack Terman), aged 70 years, Mrs Ellen Mayo, Miss Alice Powell, Willie Cavern, Jim Vinson (col.) and Pearly Oliver a child of the servant girl, Mollie Oliver. Mrs Sarah Terman and the child of the servant girl have died but the others will recover.



December 2, 1886

December 9, 1886

Mrs Elizabeth Prichard, the only pensioner of the war of 1812 in Boyd county and living on Bolt’s Fork in that county, died Dec. 2nd, aged 84 years.

December 16, 1886

December 22, 1886
Two colored children died in town last week ( no names were listed)

Died, last Sunday, evening a child of Marshal B. F. Martin and wife.