1897- most issues damaged and at times difficult to read



Sept 3

? T. J.Maynard -one of his infants passed away only a few months old


Buchanan: K. F. Panfield of Colbertson, died of consumpton, August 31


George. W. ( ?) died last Friday morning. Mr. P…. died at the home of his sone about four miles from Louisa. The funeral took place on Saturday.


Rev. A.G, Stuart; The venerable minister passed peacefully away on inst. Sunday afternoon, at his home in Louisa. He has been quite feeble for two or three years and was seen on the the streets but few times this year. The body was taken to Buffalo Shoals, W. Va., for burial bedside the grave of his sone. Rev. Stuart was about 80 years old and had spent nearly half a century as a minister in the Presbyterian Church. He was a Scotchman and was thoroughly educated at Edinburgh. A wife and two daughters survive him.


Vincent Calvin: Thought a citizen of Boyd county, the name of this man is familiar throughout this county, He was the father of George and John Calvin, who have bought cattle and other stock in this section during the past several years. Mr. Calvin died last Sunday. He had been badly crippled for a number of years. His age was 78 years.


Mary G: The death of “Aunt Ma” as she was commonly known in this vicinity, removes a unique character. She was between 75 and 80 years old. Until recently she has been very sprightly, walking from her home to Louisa ( four miles and return the same day)


Mrs. Wm. Kouns: The widow of Wm. Kouns, of Cherokee, this county, died last Monday morning. Her age was about forty five years. She has been sick of fever about three weeks.


Sept 10



Died, on the 3rd of September, 1897, Mrs. Kida Ann Fannin, aged 48 years; a faithful Christian, a true and loving mother, who left the shores of time to answer the “Roll Call up Yonder”.

She was the wife of John J. Fannin, who moved to Lawrence county in March 1897. Her native home was in Morgan county, where she was born and raised. She was the daughter of Moses and Nancy Conley.

Sister Fannin has been a christian and belonged to the the Laurel Fork United Baptist Church for sixteen years, during which time she had labored for her Master and walked the pathos of righteousness which led her on to her home beyond the Blue.

She was going about the ?yard doing her little chores, when she was smitten with a paralytic stroke, which rendered her speechless in a few minutes, Her last word were, “daughter take care of the baby; I will not be with you long.”. She only lived a few hours and then she fell asleep in the arms of Jesus.

She was the mother of thirteen children and leaves a husband a ten children and many friends to mourn her loss.

Although our hears are saddened and we feel a deep loss in the most of person of Sister Fannin, we have the blessed assurance that our loss is Heaven’s gain.

Sister Fannin will be greatly missed by all who know her and most especially by the church wherein she belonged. Brethren, while her seat is vacated here on earth is it only evidence that she has gone home to that Beautiful Land on High.


Inez: A little child of Rev. Wm. Sumpter departed this life last week


Edmunds Branch: Two Good Citizens laid to rest

At the ripe old age of seventy-seven years and three months “Uncle Ed.” Smith was, on the 2nd inst., called to his eternal reward.

The burial took place on the 4th in the Cummings Chapel burial grounds.

The ceremonies were conducted by Rev. Clifton Dean.

An unusually large crowd of people attended; several from Ashland, Catlettsburg, and Louisa. This evidence of high esteem and honor was thoroughly merited in the case of the deceased. He was certainly a true, good man, and a more hospitable home than his could scarcely be found. He was, more than once during his lifetime, the possessor of considerable wealth. And, not withstanding some reverses, he was comfortably situated in his old days.

Mr. Smith reared six handsome daughters and one son, all of whom are living.

He had been in very ill health during the greater portion of the past year.


See additional posting September 24, 1897 below.



A.L Chambers:

Our community was shocked last Friday morning by the news of the death of Lon Chambers, of whose sickness but few people had heard. He was sick only a few days and death came quite unexpectedly. It is said he had typhoid fever. The funeral took place form the South Methodist Church on Saturday and the interment was made in Pine Hill Cemetery.

Deceased was an honorable and industrious young man, thirty years of age. He was engaged in the grocery business at this place. He was unmarried, and was a son of Wm. Chambers.


A Colored Woman Drowns Herself:

The body of Junetta Grinton, widow of the late George Grinton, was found in the river at this place Wednesday morning.

There seems to be no doubt about it being a case of suicide. One of her daughters, who slept in the room with her the night previous, got up at four o’clock and left her in bed. After preparing breakfast at Mr Aug. Snyder’s the daughter returned to the room where she had left her mother, but the latter had gone. This was about five o’clcok. Nothing serious was thought of her absence, however.

She was probably between 50 and 60 years old. Not long since she rented her house and lot at this place and went to Catlettsburg to live with her daughters, but soon became dissatisfied and returned here. She tried to get possession of her house, but did not succeed. On the day before her death she remarked that she would as soon die to go back to Catlessburg.


See additional article under September 24 ( use first name Jane).



Two Lawrence County Men in Ashland:

Lafe and John Enyart, brothers living on Seed Tick, in this country, were struck by a train while crossing a railroad track in a wagon at Ashland Wednesday evening about 8 o’clock. Lafe was killed instantly and John was fatally injured.


Milton F. Kennedy, formerly of Pikeville, was found dead, in Virginia last week.


Pikeville: Sept 6: At the mouth of Fred’s creek, during a fight, George Miller was struck with a rock by a participant named Sloan and died in four hours. Sloan was arrested and waived examination in court.


Needmore: Died, on the 1st inst., at little child of Mr. and Mrs. Mason Kitchen.


Brushy: Born, to the wife of Jermiach Cordle, on the 4th inst., twin babies, a boy and a girl. The boy died and was buried on the 5th.

The funeral of Isaiah Short and his daughter Annie will be preached the fourth Sunday in this month.


Blaine: George Ramey, who was accidentally shot by his brother-in-law some time ago, died on Friday in untold agony. The bereaved family and friends have our sympathy.


Sept 17


Rove Creek: Died, on the 13th inst., of typhoid fever, Jeff Bryant, jr. He was a son of Ves Bryant and was respected and loved by all who knew him. The bereaved family have our profoundest sympathy.

2nd article: Buchannan: Jeff Bryan, jr., of Rove creek, died on the 13th from malignant typhold fever. His period of affliction was short but painful and aggressive. He was buried on the 14th in the Cummings Chape; grave yard by the Mutual Protection order. Jeff was almost 25 years old, was an exemplary young man and was liked by all who knew him.


Walbridge: We were sorry to learn of the recent death of Mr. A.L. Chambers, was he was well beloved by all who knew him; but God’s divine will be done.


Myrtle: T.H. Shelton, the hustling C. & O. agent, of this place, went down to Ashland to attend the burial of his mother-in-law who died on last Thursday.

Also Died, on the 10th inst., the infant son of Elijah Mollett, who lives on Greesy creek a few miles above this place.


Charley: The following are the names of those who attended the burial of uncle Henry Borders, at Ulysses, on the 7th: Mrs J. D. Burton , the daughter of the deceased, and her two sons and daughter, Lonzo, Rosco, and Nora, and H. K. Jackson and wife.


Buchanan: Rev. C. Dean will preach the funeral sermon of Mrs. Laura Curnutte on the first Sunday in October at Cummings Chapel. Mrs. Curnette was a daughter of Rev. J. T. Johnson, of Round Bottom, and the wife of V. B. Curnutte, of Huntington.


Mrs. Tobe French, daughter of Reve. C. Dean, died at Zelda on last Wednesday.


? J. Asberry Johnson, brother of G. F., and formerly a resident of this county, died last week at his home in Rooks county, Kansas. Intermittent fever and general nervous debility caused his death. He leaves a wife and four grown children.


John Enyard Dead: John, Enyart, who was injured at Ashland ( unable to read complete obit)


Jay Draughan Kills his Uncle in the West:


Fairplay CO

John A Draughn arrived her today form Kentucky for the purpose of identifying his cousin, Jay Draughn, who lies in a hospital, recovering from a bullet wound received in a shooting affray with R. A. L. Draughn a month ago. In the shooting affray with R. A. L Draughn was killed. He was the uncle of Jay Draughn, his slayer, and the father of John A. Draughn.

Jay Draughn has been in Colorado since 1891 under the name of Hiram Baker. He is a fugitive from justice for the murder of Ben Cunningham, at Paintsville March 14, 1891. R. A. L. Draughn had been in Colorado since April 1896, under the name of John Codell. He was a fugitive from justive on account of the killing of Henderson Hall in Floyd County in November 1895, The killing of Hall was one episode in the famous Hall-Higgins feud, extending back into the 70’s. The shooting of R. A. L. Draughn by his nephew was over money matters.

On his arrival here today John Draughn went to see Jay, instantly identifying him as the man wanted in KY for the Cunningham killing. At the meeting of the cousins John Draughn, not withstanding the pleading of his cousin, Jay, to be left in Colorado, declared that he would do all, in his power to return him to KY as soon as he is well enough to travel, which, it is thought will be in about 10 days, He says that his honor and future political preferment depend on taking his cousin back to Kentucky, and he will do so at all hazards.


Family Fight: Andrew Adkins Fatally Cut by his Nephew:

Jay Adkins, age 14 years, fatally wounded his uncle, Andrew Adkins during a fight on Morgan’s creek, this county, about ten miles from Louisa.

John D. Adkins and his two half brothers, Andrew and Denny, were engaged ina a fight. John seemed to be getting somewhat the worst of it, when his son Jay came up and used a knife very effectively on Andrew. This put an end to the fight.

Physicians pronounce Andrew wounds fatal.



Midst the stillness of night, when all nature is hushed in sleep, time of day in which the Angels sang “Peace on earth, good will toward men,” Henry Borders, a respected gentleman, and a member and leader of , for many years of the Baptist church at this place, passed from life to the Beyond. For years, he has worked in the cause of the christian faith, valiantly defending its principles and boldly denouncing evil is all its forms. Today there is a vacant seat in the little church on the hill, which time alone can refill. So is life; as the summers come and go, one after another drop from our circles of acquaintances, leaving a vacuum which we think can never be filled, yet time will find some one to occupy the position. Although another may occupy his position in the church, no one can erase the memory of hime whose life and example many of us are trying to copy.

The funeral ceremonies were conducted by Rev. J. C. Walker.

The most noticeable event at the tomb was the impressive burial ceremony of the K. of O. It was declared by all who witnessed it to be the most impressive scene they ever saw at a burial.

Of the K. of O. we would speak further. It is a secret organization founded by M. J. Allen ( could be Alien?), August 15, 1897 and is composed of young men under the age of 24. They have done many noteworthy acts in the interest of morality and the intellectual improvement of the little village of Ulysses. We look forward with interest to each appearance of the K. of O. for each time they have the pleasant surprise for use. May they live long and be permitted to accomplish their self imposed task.


Sept 24


To the memory of Edmund M. Smith who departed this life at his homne at Catalpa, Ky., Sept 2, 1897, at the ripe old age of 77 years. He was a most excellent citizen, a pillar for the church and gave largely to the church during his life. His home was always open to the preacher; he was kind and affectionate to his wife and family; he loved them and they loved him; he was loved and respected by all his neighbors; if he had any enemies I never knew them; he was a father to the orphan and a friend to the poor; his hospitality toward all who entered his house was beyond measure; his home was open to the weary traveler both night and day; his life was marked with pleasantness and even temper; he was noted for his truch and his word among those who knew him was a good as his bond; he was a plain man with no deceptions; he enjoyed life the fullest sense; his great pleasure was to have all his children, grandchildren and friends fill his home; he did not want to be a millionaire here, but was content with ample supply of the good things in this life, which he always had an abundance, and to spare to others whom he found in need. He was of great benefit to the laboring classes, many of whom received employment that enabled them to get through hard struggles. He wa a christian of the purest type; a man who made no pharisaical pretensions but lived religous every day. He will be missed by the church, missed by his wife and children, missed by his neighbors and friends, missed by the stranger, by the poor, and by the widows and orphans. Now his place is vacant and cannot be filled; his work is finished; his peace is completed; his joys are more than human mind can conceive, more than mortal pen can describe ( J. F. Hatten)


Ulysses: Died on the 6th, Henry Borders. of a complication of disease and old age. Uncle Henry had been a constant sufferer for over a year, but he died in the triumphs of a living faith.

John Grim, an old and respected citizen of Lowmansville, died very suddenly on the 13th of cholera morbus.

A peculiar fact about the drowning of the colored woman Jane Grinten, at this place recently was that the body was found afloat two or three hours after, the drowning. If the body had sunk and remained so as long as is usually the case, her fate would not have been known for several days, as no one saw her enter the water.


Leg Cut Off, Death Results from Injuries

Andrew Thompson, aged 17, son of Geo. W. Thompson, of Normal, Boyd County, had one of his legs cut off by a train, last Sunday evening, He was trying to get a ride on a freight train. The family formerly lived in this county.

Later: The boy died from the injuries on Wednesday and was brought to the old home for burial.


Little Blaine: The funeral of Elizabeth Berry ( better known by the name Betsy) will be preached the last Sunday in October, at Walnut Gap, Dry Ridge, by R. F. Rice and Joe McKinster.

See another article below for October 8.


Martha: Albert Grimsley, of Johnson, died last week of typhoid fever.


OCTOBER - 1897

Oct 1


Wallbridge: On last Sunday morning, death visited the home of Alf. Workman and took from him a loving companion and from the little children a loving and kind mother. Sister Workman has suffered long, but she is now free from it all.


Graves Shoals: Mrs. Emma Maynard, of Nats creek, died last Thursday, the 23rd.


Eph Rose, a miner at Rush, was killed by a train on Tuesday last week near Huntingon. He had been sent there to solicit aid for the striking miners and was run down and killed instantly. It was another case of double track killing- getting out of the way of one train and in the way of another.


Deep Hole: Several of the young folks, together with some of the old, attended the funerals of Ned Cooksey and the infant child fo Seymour Dean and wife of Green Valley Sunday.


Buchanan: A 6 year old son of Bill Davis, of Harbardstown, W. Va,, died on the 25th Sept, of typhoid fever and was buried on the 26th, Rev. Clifton Dean preaching the sermon and officiating in the funeral ceremonies.

The funeral sermon of Mr. and Mrs. Evans Clay, of Bear Creek, will be preached for the second Sunday in Oct., at Mt. Zion church by Rev’s George Justice and Issac Fannin.


Oct 8


Gallup: The Funeral of Mary, daughter of Marion Childers, was preached at this place Sunday by Rev. John. H. Sturgell, with a crowd in attendance.


Webbville: Died on the 4th instant, Caroline the wife of A.J. Woods. She was a great sufferer and leaves many of friend to mourn her loss.


Glenwood: Mrs Robert Jacobs died on Short creek to-day, leaving a husband and two grown children.


The sad news reached her to-day from Indiana, that William Barrett, who lives near here, met a horrible death by falling a well. Young Barrett left here a few weeks ago on the hunt of work, and had found employment in Indiana, digging wells. His widowed mother knew nothing of his whereabouts until she received the sad news of his death and burial. He was a son of Charles Barrett, who was killed at Ironton, a few years ago.


Little Blaine: The funeral of Elizabeth Berry was preached on the 3rd intant, at Walnut Gap Dry Ridge by Rev. R. F. Rice to a large congregation..800 or 1000 people were present.



Died, on the 24th ult., Garfield Hannah, the 14 year son of Stanton Hannah.


The funeral of Aunt Phoebe Castle and Mrs. John Pack with be preached at this place the third Sunday in the month by Revs. Burns Conley and J. C. Walker.


J. Fortney, a fireman on a C. & O. freight, was thrown from his train near Winchester on Friday morning and so badly hurt that he died in a few minutes. His home was in Ashland, where the remains were sent. He leaves a family.

Oct 15


Zelda: the funeral of Mrs. V. B. Curnutte was preached at this place last Sunday by Rev. C. Dean, and a large crowd was present.


Wallbridge: Marian Webb, of Central City, W. Va., attended the burial of his sister Friday.

Died, on the 6th, Miss Ella Webb, daughter of Robert Webb. She was sick only a few days; was 26 years of age. The burial took place in the See graveyard. Rev’s Lowe and Peck attended the burial. The bereaved father, brothers and sister, have our sympathy.



To the memory of Mrs. Lille J. French who died at her home near Zelda, September 15th, 1897. She was a daughter of Rev. B. Deane, was born in Wayne county, West Va., December 18th, 1865. and converted to God and joined the Methodist church, South, at the age of 16 under the ministry of Rev. R. F. Rice. She was married to Tole ( hard to read 2nd letter but think it is a o) French Aug, 18th, 1887 and to them were born tow sons who they had dedicated to God. The death of little Wade four years ago, tended to break down her enfeebled health. She was a true christian, a devoted wife, a loving, trusting help mate. She was a kind, affectionate mother. She fulfilled the scriptures in trying to raise Edgar, her only child, in the way she should go. She always manifested great interest in church work and proved herself a friend to her pastor. Doubtless, for a year or more, she realized she living in the evening of her day, but like a veteran soldier and true christian, she entered the last battle of life without a doubt of fear. All that kind hears and loving hands could do for her was done but the Lord had need of her and she must go, and steadily her feeble body went down day by day, but stronger and brighter grew her faith. To all her near friends she talked, and pointed to Jesus and told them she wanted them to meet her in heaven, and sent becoming friends to her absent friends. Oh, how beautiful and touching were her dying words to her heart broken husband as she told him so often to hold out faithful and meet her in heaven; that it won’t be long. So earnestly did she pray for the Lord to strengthen and hold him up, that he might live long and serve him well, until the silver cord was cut and the freed spirit disencumbered of her house of clay, was borne by angels to the house fo God.

Irad: Many of our citizens attended the funeral of Mrs. Aileia Diamond, who died Sunday, Rev. D. H. Reid conducted the services.

Next Article:

Mrs Ailsy ( note first name spelled different from first article) Diamond, daughter of Elizabeth Muncy, was born in Giles county Va,. on June 21, 1821, and died at the home of her son, Marion-Diamond, in Lawrence county, Ky., Oct 9th 1897 at 10:00 o’clock p.m. aged 76 years. She came from Virginia in 1849, since which time she has been a resdent of this county. She married John Diamond, who died in 1881, and from this union, 4 boys and 4 girls, 8 in all were born. 4 daughters and one son survive; 3 daughters are dead. She has been a member of the Methodist church for many years and died in full communion with that body. For fully five years she has survived with catarrh and since the Christmas of 1896, was compelled to take to her bed. Her sufferings were painful at times, and she often prayed for release from her pains. Just before expiring her last breath she left these words of a triumphant faith: “Jesus is with me!” She exhorted all those at her bedside to live christian lives, and to meet her in heaven; and sent this message to her grandchildren who were not present. One thing that needs special mention was the fact that she requested her family to tell her when they noticed the approach of death, and when the message was delivered she rejoiced in the words: “Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!” Death was welcome, and, without fear, without shrinking, she entered the world of rest in peace.


Webbville: Noah Hughes died at his home near here on the morning of Oct. 8, he was buried on the 10th. The crowd in attendance was remarkably large. The services were conducted by Rev. Jas. Barrett.


Webbville: Elizabeth Workman (Adkins) was born Jan 29, 1841, died Oct. 1st, 1897. She was married to Thomas Workman, June 10th 1871. She leaves nine children and many grandchildren to mourn her departure. But she has passed ove the River to the home of the soul. Lived in the christian church 20 years and died happy.


Webbville: Sarah Workman (nee Crawford) was born March 22nd, 1865, died, Sept 26th 1897. She was married to Alfred Workman 1893, This happy union was blessed with three little boys, namely: Floyd, Boyd and Fred who are not left without a mother to care for them in this world.


Oct 22


Edmonds Branch: the news of the death of Jay Frazier struck horror to our people. His parents and other relatives have the deep sympathy of the entire community.

2nd article: Jay A. Frazier meets on Untimely Death:

The News regrets to chronicle the tragic death of one of the brightest young mean in the ranks of Lawrence county’s teachers. It was but yesterday, when the young man was in Louisa, buoyant in health and spirits, hopeful that in the future he would win a place and name to which his industry and ability justly entitled him. He came to this city and was paid the amount due to him as a teacher at a public school at Buchanan. In a day or two he left his home after engaging his successor as teacher, and started westward to try his fortunes in another State. Nothing was heard from him until last Saturday morning when a telegram from Willard, Missouri, came to his father, Eli D. Frazier, saying that his son had been killed by a train at t the place from which the dispatch came, and asking what should be done with the body. The particulars are meager. At of this writing, the body has not been sent to his father, who resides on Blaine creek, a mile or two from Catalpa. It is inferred from the telegram that young Frazier must have found employment as news agent on a train and while thus engaged meet his death.

Mr. Frazier was unmarried and about 23 years of age. He was a bright young fellow, on the best teachers we had. He had difficulty in obtaining a first class certificate whenever he was examined, and was always a leader in the county Institute. His sudden and awful death is greatly to be deplored, and the News extends a warm sympathy to all his relatives and friends.

Later: Mr. Frazier’s body was shipped from St. Louis, arriving at Buchanan Wednesday evening. Thursday morning it was interred at Cummings’ Chapel, with the funeral rites of the Knights of the Golden Eagle. An immense concourse had assembled to pay a tribute of respect. to a well known and popular young man.


Martha: Died on the 18th inst., an infant of H. J. Loar


Frank Wolcott, who in cold blood, shot and killed William Webb, in Huntington, last Friday, was held without bail by an examining court to answer to a charge of murder in the first degree.

2nd article: William Webb, aged 29, son of Presiding Elder in the M. E. Church was shot and killed at Huntington Friday byt Frank Wolcott, son of a wealthy citizen, living in the suburbs. Wolcott was drinking, and Webb’s friend claim that not a word had been spoken by either party when the shooting occurred, Wolcott is in jail.


James M. Saulsberry, a brakeman on the the Lexington division of the C. &. O. , was run over byt the train near Mt Savage Wednesday morning and instantly killed. He was from Ashland, had a wife and children and was a brother of Dr. Wm. Saulsberry.


George R. Fish, a brakemen on C.& O. freight No. 95, was probably fatally injured about 8:15 o’clock Friday night, in the yards at Russell.

Fish had just put a tramp off the train and was climbing up the side of a box car when the moving train carried him against a target post in the yards. He was thrown under the wheels and tearfully injured.


Paintsville: John Conley, and old and highly respected citizen of this county, died at his home on Lick fork of Jennies’ creek at 2 o’clock Saturday night and at 6 o’clock Sunday, his son died. The were both buried at the same time and place on Sunday evening.


A son of George P Stapleton cut a tree last Saturday in a quest of a rabbit and when the tree fell it struck him across his thigh and leg crushing the bone and so mangling the limb that amputation was necessary, from the effects


Oct 29


Charly: Died on the 23rd inst., Mrs David White. She leaves a loving husband and children to mourn her loss.


Grave Shoals: Rev’s A. Preston and A. Miller preached the funeral of Mrs. Childers at Riverside, to a large crowd Sunday.


Wallbridge: Died on the 19th, Elwood, a son of D.G. See. of Salt Petre, W. Va., near this place. Elwood. though he was young in years, only 15 years of age, has paid the debt we all must pay. His body was laid to rest in the See graveyard. His funeral was preached at the grave by Rev. G. M. Copley, Reynolds and Peek. May God bless the the bereaved father, mother, sisters and brothers, and make them as willing to go as Elwood.


Wm. Stevens died at this place ( no location mentioned) last Friday. His death was a result of blood poisoning, He had a wife and children. ( article not able to read completely- torn)



Nov 5


Card of Thanks:

We feel deeply indebted and very grateful for the many kinds acts shown us during the sickness of death of our little daughter. We shall always remember each of these acts. We are especially thankful to the ladies who so kindly assisted through our deep sorrow. G. B. & Julia Gray.

Next article: Died last Monday morning, Louise, one of the infant twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Gray, of this place. The following beautiful lines were read byt Rev. D. H. Reid at the funeral:


A single child,

that lightly draws its breath,

And feels its life in every limb,

What should it know of death?

Woodsworth- The Seven Sisters.


Pointing to such, well might Comelia say,

When the rich casket, shown in bright array,

“These are my jewels!”, Well of such as he

When Jesus spake, well might the language be,

“Suffer these little one to come unto me!”

Rogers- Human Life


A white column on life’s narrow base has been broken!. The polished shaft, ere yet , the lines of destiny were deeply traced to write a record good or ill, is shattered by death bolt! But the monument of an enduring love will raise from shattered parts, and father and mother’s hands will weave.

“A garland of seven lilies wrought”. About its top.


Louise Reynolds Gray, infant daughter of George B. and Julia Gray, and a sweet, new blossom of humanity, fresh fallen from God’s own home to flower on earth, was here just long enough to lisp in childhood’s prattle, the names of those who gave her birth. With a twin sister, who survived, she formed for two summers, an object about which two hearts twined, like ivy to the oak, with deep affection.. Born in Louisa, KY, May 18th, ’95, the little tendrils that held her to the earthly clay parted and Monday morning 6:30 o’clock, November 1st, 1897, will be hung in the memory as the time and date when smiled a parting of the other county. The writer often visited the child as the little life was ebbing and flowing between the peaks that mark the limits of the eternities, and it was almost impossible to remain near the couch, where, alas! all knew too well , the cords drawn taut with pain, would soon part, releasing all that was immortal in the little body. The brain and spine were affected, and as the sensitive organism was tortured with the swift and sharp paroxisms, one would involuntarily offer up silent prayer to Him who put such delicate fabric together, the stop the heart and still the pulse!

There is a limit beyond which pain ceases and the oblivion of unconsciousness comes to stay the sharp stroke. “Twas undoubtedly so with this dear child; we cannot think she felt the pain after a day or so of suffering. The life guest was tenacious of its possession and resisted the intruder, Death, with such heroism that the battle waged many days.


Her strength was remarkable and her endurance beyond what was possible. Kind hands ministered tenderly to every want, and many noble women sat through nightly vigils, looking through their tears for the end.


She lived 2 years, 5 months and 13 days, and for a year fo that time the life was in decline. The constitution was frail and the death might have looked for at any time. “Tis o’er now-life’s fitful fever- and the sweet smile that lighted the little face with its “aura sweetly prophesied,” that the voyage was through the celestial city with a company of angels cherubs like herself!


O’child! O new -born denizen

Of life’s great city! on they head

The glory of the noon is shed.

Like a celestial benizen!

Here at the portal thou dost stand,

And with thy little band,

Thou openest the mysterious gate

Into the future’s undiscovered land.


Card of Thanks;

We take this …. of reaching the many dear friends who so kindly and tenderly assisted us at the time of the death and burial of our beloved boy, and assure them of our deep appreciation of their services and sincere sympathy. These tender ministrations did much to help us bear our affliction. Thank you, one and all. L.H. and Permrilla York.


The body of Mrs. W. B. Faulkner brought to this place last Saturday and buried in Pine Hill Cemetery on Sunday. She after a brief illness at her home in the country, leaving a husband and children- the youngest being 4 weeks old. Mrs. Faulkner maiden name was Tolbert and her mother mother was buried at this place five years ago. ( can not read rest of article and could not read number of children- torn)


Will, the 17 year old son of D. L. H. York, of our neighboring town of Fort Gay, was drowned in the river at this place last Tuesday morning about eleven o’clock. He fell from a steep bak into a deep hole of water and was drowned before assistance could reach him. The body was recovered in about twenty minutes, but life was extinct.

The burial took place yesterday morning at ten o’clock.

It was a sad affair and much sympathy felt for the stricken family.

2nd article: One of the saddest accidents that ever befall our town, took place on Tuesday morning. Willie ( or could be WIlhe) York, aged about 17, fell into the river on the Louisa side and though there were people on the either bank, before assistance could arrive, he sank to rise no more. The body was found about twenty-five minutes after, although every remedy known was applies, all was too late. Deceased was the eldest son of Dr. and Mrs. L.H. York, and was one of the brightest and most intelligent of the young men of the section and very popular indeed. He was almost the idol of the family, and his untimely death almost paralyzed them with grief. The sad affair has cast a gloom over all the town and the the most profound sympathy for the bereaved family, fills every breast.


Nov 12


Crit Wellman, aged 15, was shot and killed by Tom Holbert, age 25, on Beaver, in Floyd county, upon very slight provocation.


Richard Jacobs killed James D. Rice at Lime Stone, Carter County, last week,. There were no witnesses to the affair. Both were young men and had been close friends.


Amanda Barber, aged 75, an inmate of the Greenup county infirmary, was struck and killed by a C.& O. train, while walking on the track last Friday.


A horrible murder was committed at Vanceburg recently. Capt. Hobbler, a prominent contractor was called to his door and struck in the face with a bottle fo vitrol. The fiend who did it then poured a quantity of the acid down the prostate mans throat. After twenty-four hours of awful agony, Hoobler died. The murderer was disguised, but is believed to have a young man named H.T. Halbert, a former partner of Hoobler’s. Halbert is a civil engineer and chemist. Every effort has been made to find him, but without success.


Nelson Joseph was fatally shot by Charles Howard, son of Ben Howard, on Puncheon creek, in Magoffin county, Saturday night. Joseph was shot thru the abdomen and died on Sunday morning. Howard claims that the affair was accidental.


Nov 19


Fallsburg, KY

Mrs Eliza Johnson, wife of Samuel Johnson, died at her home at this place Thursday night Nov 11th, after a long and painful illness. She had been in poor health for years, but for the last two months of her life her suffering had been intense, and she longed for the angel of death to come to her relief. She had for many years been a consistent member of the Methodist church and a devout Christian.

She was a good wife, a loving mother and a kind and generous neighbor, loved and respected most those who knew her best.

2nd article Nov 19:

To her family and friends, her husband, and children, we would say, think of the dear one as a blessed spirit in the land of rest, free from all earthly sorrow and suffering, radiantly happy with her Savior and her loved one at home.

Think of her waiting and watching for you and grieve not, but prepare to meet her where sickness and death and parting be no more.

Dear mother, gently rest and sleep,

On earth you wake, no more to weep,

But on the other brighter shore,

Join with loved ones gone before.

2nd article: Fallsburg: Death, the great reaper, called from among us our oldest and best neighbor last Friday night, in the person of Mrs. Eliza Johnson. She was buried on the hill near here, where most of her family are resting. The bereaved ones have our sympathy.

3rd article Nov 19:

Mrs Sam Johnson, of Fallsburg, died last Friday night after a long and painful sickness, She was 68 years old and the mother of Mrs Andrew Ferguson of this place.

4th article:

Died on the 11th, Mrs Johnson, wife of Samuel Johnson, after a long, lingering illness. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Issac Fannin.


Martha: Rebecca Hay, wife of John Hay, died Nov. 13th


A three year old child of Phil Byington died last week of membranous croup.


A Card of Thanks:

We take this method of tendering to the good people of Fallsburg and vicinity, our heartfelt thanks for their many acts of kindness, during the sickness of our beloved wife and mother. May Heaven’s richest blessings be upon them. Especially do we mention Mrs. J, K. Rice and Mrs. Ruby Carter, whose timely services were unmeasured. Samuel Johnson,, Mrs. L. V. Canes


W. B. Faulkner’s infant child whose mother burial at this place recently, died last week.


David Diamond, who lived about four miles from Louisa, died yesterday. He has been sick fro some time and his death was expected. He was an upright citizen, and was about 58 years old. He was the father of a large family, most of whom are grown.


Nov 26


Irad: we are very sorry to learn of Jess Chafin’s death


Jackson KY: John and Robert Frazier, brothers, fought here Saturday night and Robert killed John with a rifle. John Frazier killed Harlan Brown on the streets of Jackson August 21.


Buchanan: John Guilkerson, of near Round Bottom, died on the 22 inst of cancer of the stomach and was buried next day in the cemetery at Round Bottom.


Buchanan: Stephen Workman, father of Squire James Workman, of Bear Creek died Nov 20, 1897. He was born March 18, 1806 being 91 years, 8 months and 2 days old at the time of his death. I have known Mr. Workman all my life and have always known him as a devout, patient christian and an ardent worker for t for Christ and all institutions which had for their object the good and happiness of his fellow man.


Prosperity: Died on the 5th of this month, Jessie Chaffins, son of widow Mary Chaffins, of consumption. He leaves a wife and and one child, and many friends and relatives to mourn his loss but they have consolation that their loss is his great gain.


Killed, Wm. Cherrington, a Drummer, Killed by a train

On last Monday afternoon Capt. Wm. Cherrington was struck by the locomotive of the shuttle train, between Catlettsburg and Ashland, inflicting injuries from which died thirty minutes afterward.

He stepped off of a street care directly in front of the train and was thrown about forty five feet. He age was about 65 years, and he was employed as traveling salesman for a Gallapolis, Ohio, flour mill. He visited Louisa about once a month, and was regarded as a thorough gentleman.


Frank Smith Dead:

Frederick ( better known as Frank) Smith died on Monday afternoon, Nov 22, 1897, at 2:30 o’clock, of kidney trouble. He was sick only nine days. Deceased was born in Berlin, Germany, April 1st 1830 and was 67 years of age at his death. He came to this country at the age of 21, in 1851, and have lived several places before finally settling in Lawrence county. He was of that hardy German stock whose industry keeps them at work as long as strength supports them, and was known as a hard worker by everybody. He was married three times. Thirteen children were born of his fruits of the union with his first wife, whose name was Howe. His second wife’s name was America Workman, and one son Millard, was born. He third marriage was to Elizabeth Workman, in March 1893, This issue was barren of children. Thus this man could boast of being the father of 14 children in his life time, of whom 8- 5 boys and 3 girls- survive. His present wife, with 5 step children- 3 boys and 2 girls- are the only relatives, beside his children from his first wife, who survive him on this side of the water.

Mr Smith belonged to the Catholic church in his native country. The funeral was conducted by Rev. D. H. Reid, of the M.E. Church, South, on Wednesday morning, and the burial took place at the “Point”.


Grand Moody was killed by being struck on the the head by a rock thrown by John Dingess, at Dingess W.Va.


Albert Myers, engineer, was killed in a freight wreck on the N & W railroad.


Deephole: Died on the 17, David Diamond, he leaves a wife and eleven children to mourn his loss.


Dec 3


Webbville: Died near here on the 24th ult, the infant child of Thomps. McComas.


Martha: Death has again visited our community and taken away Uncle Lewis Skaggs. He was a good man and earnest christian worker.


Martha: Nancy Kelly was also taken away on the 26th. She was a good woman and will be greatly missed. The family has the sympathies of all.


Martha: Gus Whitt was found dead last Saturday morning on the ridge between Frank Gambill’s and the widow Lyons. He is supposed to have been murdered. There has no proof developed against anyone of yet, however. We hope and trust that the murder may yet be found.

2nd article: Gus Whitt, age 19 years, was found dead in the road near Frank Gambill’s a short distance from the town of Blaine, last Saturday morning. The skull was crushed on the back part of the head, and the wound appeared to have been made with a heavy club or similar instrument.

The condition of the body and its position lead the discoverers of the body to believe the murder had been committed somewhere else and the body taken there afterward.

The young man was intoxicated the evening before and his father had searched for him without success; and on the following morning very early resumed the search, with the startling result stated above.

At first no clue could be found, but after a few days sufficient evidence was obtained to secure a warrant for the arrest of a Johnson county party upon a charge of having murdered Whitt. The evidence shows the murder to have been committed in Johnson county, or near the line, which is only a few miles from the place where the body was found. We have not yet learned the names of the accused.


Rev. Davenport’s youngest child died at this place last Saturday, of croup. Its age was ten months. The funeral was preached on Sunday morning by Rev. Reid, at the M.E. Church, and the body was taken to the Thompson neighborhood, several miles in the country for burial.

( Card of thanks later mentions name of infant child Curtis, died November 27, 1897)


Edward Earley, colored, aged 22, was killed by a train at Ashland.


Edith, the six year old daughter of Peter Ward, at Inez, was burned to death a few days ago. Her clothing caught fire from an open grate.


Dec 10- from 1885



Rev. D. Grimsby of near Flat Gap, was here Monday. There have been 3 deaths in his family this fall, a son, a daughter and a daughter in law, each of whom died of typhoid fever, and Mrs Grimsby is now sick. Mr. Grimsby is one among the ablest of Baptist preachers int this county and is well and favorably known throughout this country, and he has the deepest sympathies of all who know him.


Clifford Ky:

Born, to the wife of W.D. Frasher, twin boys. One died Nov 26, the other Dec 4.


Dec 17


Judge John S. Patton Dead

“ I have done the state some service; and they know it. No more of that. I pray you in your letters, when you shall these unlucky deeds relate, speak of me as I am; nothing extenuate, nor set down aught in malice”.

On last Saturday morning, after I had perfected arrangements to leave home for my appointment at Garrett’s Chapel, the sad intelligence came over the wire to me that Judge John S. Patton was dead. This message was fraught with sadness but was not unexpected. Almost three years of slowly rolling time, of constant suffering, the wheels of life stood still, the tired heard ceased its throbbings and the soul of the of one of the greatest jurists in the Big Sandy valley stood before the King.

Judge Patton was born in Pike county, Ky., February 7th, 1844 and dies at his home in Eden, Martin county, Ky, Dec 11,1897.

Judge Patton’s father moved from Pike county to Lawrence county Ky., in 1844 and settled near Louisa, where he, John S., through many difficulties, acquired a good knowledge of the ordinary branches of an English education. John S. Patton received a certificate to teach school and for four years he served the people of Lawrence county, as an instructor in the public schools. In the year 1869 he was licensed to practice law at Greenup, under Judge Stanton. He was elected Co. Attorney of Martin county, when that county was laid off of parts of Lawrence, Johnson and Pike in 1870. Th little county of Martin, which had honored him with its trusts again thought him worthy of the position, and he was re-elected in 1874. Retiring from a successful administration in this office, he made the race for Circuit Judge of the 24th Judicial District and was elected by a majority of almost 300 in this Republican district. Judge Patton was a deserving popular man with the people. A man with broad sympathies and wide charity. The poor, wherever he went, felt the kindness of his heart. He stopped at no expense to help his fellows and many a man can call his memory blessed for some substantial help given while in straightened circumstances. He was a liberal contributor to the building of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, at Eden and was always liberal in his support of gospel provisions.

As a lawyer, he was among the best in the Big Sandy Valley. His counsel was especially esteemed by his co-workers at the bar and his decisions generally carried the weight due an intelligent, alert jurist. The intricacies of the law vanished before a mind of erudition and his broad common sense, and generous heart enabled him to take the sure and safe course in everything that came before him. Within the last three years he was a victim to dropsy and was hardly able to attend his pressing duties. He fought bravely and hard to sustain himself, but he was brought low by his dread foe, at last,

Judge Patton was not alarmed at the approach of his death. In his closing moments he had faith in his God, to whom he committed in his soul. His remarks to a friend just before he died were: “ I am awaiting the Lord’s will. I had nothing to do with putting myself on this earth, and will have nothing to do with my going from it. When the Lord takes me away, I will then consider , he has more use for me up yonder than he had down here.”

His funeral was preached by Rev. R.F. Rice and the writer at the M.E. Church, South, in Eden, Dec 12. The Masonic Fraternity, of which he was a member, buried him. A large congregation were in attendance to testify to the esteem in which he was held. He has but few surviving relatives. May God bless the aged father and disconsolate widow.

2nd article: Jude John S. Patton of Martin county, dies at his home last Friday. His health had been so bad fro three or four years that he was unable during the greater part of the that time to discharge his duties as Judge of the Circuit Court.

Judge Patton was a native of Lawrence county, having been reared near Louisa, By his own efforts he became of am of prominence throughout the Sand Valley, and reached the highest position of Circuit Judge in the upper valley counties. His superior ability was acknowledged by all who knew him. He was a natural orator and with the advantages of a thorough education, he would have become renowned in this particular.

Judge Patton’s term of office would have expired January 1st. His death brings sorrow to a great many people. He was about fifty years old and went to Martin county soon after it was established.

Martha: Uncle Billie Lester died on Dec 12th, He lived to a ripe old age and was a good citizen and an earnest christian.

Thomas Johnson and old and well know citizen of this county, died Tuesday night after a long and painful illness. For many years Mr. Johnson had suffered from an enormous tumor which had lately confined him to his bed and which was the direct cause of his death. He was the only brother of Samuel Johnson, of Fallsburg, and his wife was sister of Samuel and Wade Muncey. He was 69 years of age and leaves a large family of grown up children. Mr. Johnson was buried yesterday from his late residence on Meade Branch.


Dec 24


Charley: Robert Traffic recently received a telephone message from Lexington announcing the death of his son Oliver Traffic, who had been in the asylum for about 18 months.


J. E. Hobbs, of East Lynn, Wayne county, W. Va., died a day or two ago aged 103. An aunt living in the Maysville recently died aged 101 years.


Mrs. T. B. Layne, of Ashland, died at the home of her father, Mr. George Burgess, at George’s creek, this week. She was about twenty years of age, and leaves a husband and a baby.


Dec 31


Paintsville: A young daughter of G. C. May , a farmer, had her dress catch fire from sparks and she was burned to death.

2nd article: Note on says baby girl other baby boy.

On Christmas day Mr. Grant May’s baby boy was burned to death by its clothes catching fire. Mr. May resides in about three miles from town.


Vanceburg: Three Murders

Tilman Cooper, the desperado killed by Marshall Kenna Christmas day, was buried Sunday.

On the night of August 14 last 14 year old Eldrue Plummer was shot and instantly killed at a gypsy camp by one of the members of the traveling segregation.

On the night of November 2 last Capt T. B. Hoobler was killed at his home and brutally murdered.


Peach Orchard: The eight month old child of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Daniels, died Friday night. The bereaved have our sympathy.


Death from Croup:

Membranous croup, that most fatal of children’s diseases, has claimed another victim in Louisa. This time it was George William, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. William Remmel. His age was 21 months.

He had just recovered from an attack of tonsillitis, when symptoms of croup appeared. This was on the 23rd inst. No uneasiness was felt, however, until the next day, when the true nature of the disease showed itself. Death came about seven o’clock p.m.

The funeral took place from the M.E. Church, South, on Sunday morning, followed by the burial on Pine Hill Cemetery. The deepest sympathy is felt and expressed for the bereaved ones.


Dave Wellman, age 15, son of Jerry Wellman, died at Catlettsburg last week. The body was brought to Cassville, their former home for burial.


Mrs Fletcher Garrett, aged 47 died at Catlettsburg Saturday.