January 2, 1903
Prosperity: Died, December 18, Aunt Hala Moore. She leaves a husband and several children to mourn their loss.
Obituary: Josiah Albritton Chapman was born in February , 1872, died December 17, 1902 being a little over thirty years of age. He is the fifth son of Rev. John R. and Joannah Chapman, of Louisa. Albritton, as he was familiarly called at home, was always a good boy. He was one of the most industrious, honest, manly little boys the writer ever even knew. And he retained his integrity all through his short life. He received a good education and taught in the schools of Kentucky and W.Va., five or six years; the last two or three years he was principal of Cassville Graded Schools. He was married to Miss Stella, daughter of Clabe ( or Clabo) Wellman of Cassville in 1896. To this wedlock was born two children, Ethel and John Paul. In 1898 he was converted and joined the church, and ever since lived a consistent christian life. His funeral was preached by Rev. Bryan, of Cassville. He was buried by the order of American Mechanics of which he was a member. He leaves a father and mother, six brothers, five sisters, a wife and two children to mourn their loss. About October 10, 1902, while hauling stone, his wagon accidentally got over a bank and came nearly turning over. He jumped off, fell and while down a large stone rolled over him. It was this injury that caused his death.
Fallsburg: We extend our heartfelt sympathy to J. W. Savage and wife, who had to give up their dear son Lewis so suddenly and unexpectedly. ( see below for obit)
Obituary: Death has visited another home, taken a precious jewel, left the home desolate, and father, mother, brother and sisters broken hearted and sad. Lewis J. Bell Savage, son of J. and Martha Savage, was born Sept. 14th, 1883, died December 14th, 1902, aged 19 years, 3 months. He was on his way home from Fayette county. At Kenova he stopped with his uncle J.M. Stephenson, and was taken violently sick, and passed away to swell the hosts of the redeemed and blood washed throng.
His father and brother were with him and did all they could for him, but in vain. His parents, brothers, sister deeply mourn their loss.
Dr. A.G. Berry died in Ashland this week fo consumption. He was a brother of De. W. A. Berry, formerly of Louisa.
Mrs. Zerilda Wellman, aged 83, died in Catlettsburg Friday. She is the widow of Judge Jeremiah Wellman, and mother of Mrs. S. G. Kinner.
Grayson, Ky., December 26- Thomas Frily, near Branigan, Carter county, shot at Clyde and Claud Hall. His first shot struck Clyde’s coat collar. Both the Halls opened fire, and one shot struck him between the eyes, killing him instantly. His wife who tried to stop Frily, was dangerously wounded and is reported dying. The Halls gave themselves up, and claim self-defense.
A young man named Roberts, age 22, of Jackson, Ky., died Tuesday at the railroad camp of Mayson, King & Co., on the new line of the N.& W., several miles up Tug River. The body was brought to Louisa by boat and shipped here from Jackson. He had been sick for a few days, but his death was unexpected.
The 16 year-daughter of Field Pigg, who lives a few miles out in the country, died very unexpectedly, Wednesday morning. She was apparently as well as usual early that morning and ate a hearty breakfast. Soon after eating she became ill and died within a short time.
2nd article from 1/16/1903: Died, at her home on Lick creek, Miss Lillie Pigg, daughter of Felix and Louisa Pigg. She was sixteen years of age and was a bright and intelligent girl, loved by all who knew her. She had been sick a short time and her death was unexpected. She leaves a mother, father, three brothers and six sisters, and a host of friends to mourn their loss, but she has gone to dwell with the angels in that beautiful land.
Elbert Vaughan, whose dangerous illness has been mentioned in these columns several times, died Tuesday night at the home of his father. He was just reaching his majority and his death is a great shock to his family and friends. Inflammatory rheumatism, which caused his death, made him a great sufferer for several months.
Mr. Wm. Mather, died in Cincinnati Tuesday. He was known to many people in Louisa, having visited here many times. His last wife was a sister of Mrs. Freese, and a daughter of Dr. Nicholas McGuire, now deceased, who was one of our best citizens. Mr. Mathers was an excellent gentleman and a man of considerable means.
Peach Orchard Man Killed: Its seems from reports that Milton Hinkle, formerly of Peach Orchard, this county, was killed at Pittsburg, Kansas, last week while acting as a policeman and trying to quell a disturbance at a negro dance. Montgomery Godley was arrested for the crime, but was taken from the jail by a mob and hanged. It now develops that the hanged man may have been the wrong party. News from Pittsburg today:
“Investigation today tends to show that Joe Godley, a brother of Montgomery Godley, who was lynched by a mob here yesterday for killing Policeman Hinkle, is the man the mob intended to hang. Its seems that Joe Godley escaped during the lynching. It is now thought that Joe Godley fired the shot and killed the policeman and that the man lynched was innocent. “ The mother of the Godley’s boys is said to have asked a physician here to treat Joe for a gunshot wound to the neck. She would not tell the whereabouts of her son and the doctor refused to go with her. The officer’s revolver, with which he was killed, has not been found and it is believed that the man who did the killing has the pistol in his possession.”
January 9, 1903
Manila: Squire John C. Barkers wife died a few years ago. She has been sick for some time.
Manila; Uncle James Stapleton died on Mud Lick after a brief illness. He was very old.
Lizzie: One of our old mothers died the other day- Mrs. Stanley, aged about 80 years. She lived a long christian life and leaves many friends to mourn their loss.
Greenup: Jan 9- McKinley Green, the son of Charles Green, was run over by a freight train this evening and instantly killed. The train was on a siding and was moving slowly when the boy tried to get on.
Mrs. Mary Arnold, aged twenty-two, a pretty young widow of Southern Pike county, committed suicide at her home by shooting herself through the forehead with an old rifle. She had been brooding for several days over a love affair.
A telegram was received Wednesday stating that Virgil Clay, son of Mat Clay, of Lick Creek, had been killed at Thacker, W. Va.. He was employed as a miner there and it is supposed met his death in the mines.
Lick Creek:1/16/1903: Departed this life, Jan. 7, 1903, Virgil Clay, age 17 years, 7 months and 29 days. He was the son of Mat Clay. He death was caused by a slate falling on him in the mines at Thacker, W. Va. The accident occurred about 3 o’clock Wednesday evening. This was a great shock to the family. The young man’s lifeless and mangled body was brought home Thursday and was laid to rest in the Shannon graveyard.
Death of Bert Shannon:
The wife of Bert Shannon , who serious illness was mentioned last week, died Saturday night and it was necessary to bury her Sunday afternoon. She died at her home on the Johns farms, two miles from Louisa. Her death was caused by septisemia. She was conscious to the last and realized the hopelessness of her cause. Besides her husband, a little son aged one survives her.
She was the highly respected daughter of J.C.Johns. She was married a little more than two years ago. Her early death is deeply deplored and much sympathy goes out to the bereaved.
Killed by a Train:
Jay Drake, a Louisa boy, Crushed Between Cars.
On last Friday morning the shocking news reached here of the sudden death of Jay Northup Drake, which occurred the night before in Logan county, W.Va. He was a brakeman on a freight train on the Norfolk & Western railroad and instantly killed while coupling cars near Dingess.
The accident occurred about seven o’clock Thursday evening. Jay was a front brakeman. The train broke in two near the front end and Jay got down to couple it. After signaling the engineer to “back” he stepped in between the two sections of the train, for the purpose, it is supposed, of adjusting the automatic coupler. That was the last any one saw of him. After the cars came together the engineer waited for a signal from him and then whistled for the signal. Receiving no response the awful result was surmised, and the train men went to the spot to investigate. The young man’s lifeless and mangled body was found on the track between the cars. Death had come to him instantaneously. He had been caught squarely between the bumpers or the couplers and his body crushed almost in two. The supposition is that he either slipped and fell between the cars just as they were coming together, of that he had some difficulty in adjusting the “knuckle” of one of the cars, and that the other portion fo the train reached him before he expected it.
About two hours previous to this, the train had been on a siding at Breeding, where Jay’s brother Leo runs a store for Congressman Leo runs a store for Congressman Jas. A.Hughes. Leo urged his brother then, as he often done before, to quit the railroad, saying that he would get killed. Leo was notified of the accident immediately after it occurred and took charge of the remains, bringing them to Louisa for burial. Another brother, Alva, had just come to Louisa from Pittsburg for a few days visit. The four other brothers and one sister were all at Pittsburg. Lon and Henry tried to reach here in time for the funeral, but got only to Catlettsburg.
The body was taken to the residence of H.C.Sullivan upon its arrival Friday evening. The funeral services were held Saturday morning at 10:30 from the M.E.Church. Rev. John Cheap, the pastor, preached the sermon, and Rev. C.C.Hill conducted the service at the grave. The internment was made in Pine Hill Cemetery.
The unfortunate young man was in his twenty-third year. He enlisted in the army three years ago and was sent to the Philippines. Last August he returned to this country and secured his discharge. Soon afterward he went to work on the Norfolk & Western. About a month ago he fell from a car and was slightly injured. He then secured an accident policy for $700, payable to his sister, and this was in a force at this death. He was a sober, industrious young man with no habits of dissipation.
Jay was next to the youngest of the family of Matthew Drake and wife, both of whom died before any of the children had reached maturity, and when the youngest was a mere tot. Leonard nows holds a position on a steamboat running between Pittsburg and Morgantown. Lon is a steamboat captain and pilot. Alva is running a restaurant in Pittsburg. Their only sister married an industrious and prosperous young man and they live in Pittsburg. Leo is a county official of Mingo county and is in charge of a store and timber business for Congressman Hughes. Henry is at Pittsburg.
Mrs. James A. Hughes came up from Huntington to assist in the funeral arrangements.
We are sorry to announce the death of the wife of James Hughes, of Morgan creek. The funeral was preached Sunday at 10 a.m. to a large concourse of weeping friends.
Ulysses: Aunt Annie McClure, aged about 70 years, wife of George McClure, who lives on Chrisley Branch, died December 22 with consumption. She leaves a son and daughter and several grandchildren, and a lot of relatives and friends who will sadly miss her. She was a devoted christian and died in the triumphs of a living faith.
January 16, 1903
Charley: Since our last letter the death angel has visited our vicinity and taken from our midst Asher Miller, who has been confined to his bed for some time. He died in the full triumphs of a Christian faith. He was converted only a few days before his death. He was an old soldier and drawing $ 50 a month. A wife and several children mourn their loss.
Aunt Permelia Miller, wife of W.M.Miller passed away of heart trouble. She was a christian woman and leaves a husband and several children.
The wife of attorney J.D.Barrett, of Warfield, died a few days ago of gastritis. Mrs. Barrett was formerly Miss Letiitis Dorsey of Ironton, Oh. She was a member of the M.E. Church, South, and lived a devoted christian life. She was noted for her acts of charity. Died January 10 and was 46 years of age and had been married 20 years, and leaves a mother, husband, and two children, Douglas, Lee and Irma. Her funeral was preached January 11th. ( some information obtained from 1/23/1903)
Dr. W.H. Davis died in West Virginia last week and his body was taken to Georges creek, this county for burial.
2nd article: Georges Creek: Dr.W.M.Davis, formerly of this place was brought here from North Jelico, Tenn. Where had been residing for the past few years and laid to rest in the old family grave yard beside his companion, who fell asleep some time ago. This community was shocked by the death of the old doctor., who had spend his life with us. He has ridden through heat and cold and high water to attend his patients. There has not been a more shocking and sad burial at this place for many years. His funeral and burial services were attended by Rev. Albert Miller. His body was accompanied from North Jellico by his son Samuel and his wife, and daughter Gracie, and two son-in-laws Johny Stuart and James Miller. The doctor leaves eight children and may friends.
Dr.H.W. Wadkins, died at his home two miles from Louisa last week. He was about 70 years of age. His health had been poor for some time. The body was interred in a burial ground near his home.
The death of John Wallace, superintendent of the Torchlight coal mines, five miles south of Louisa, died suddenly last Saturday, of neuralgia of the heart. She had been in poor health for a long time, but her death was unexpected. When the fatal attack came, a telephone message was sent for Dr.J.C. Bussey, but she died before he reached there. Twelve children survive her. She was an excellent woman.
Burned to Death: One of the saddest accidents that has occurred around here for quite a while, was the fatal burning of Arnold, the little five year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. See, which occurred at their home two miles below Louisa on Thursday evening of last week, at five o’clock.
The little fellow was in a very playful mood and had put on a dress. He was upstairs with his parents and was sent down after a broom. He took that up stairs and then went back down and into a room where there was a fire in an open fire. The child had not been in the room more than a minute when his parents were startled by his screams. The rushed down and found his clothing in flames, and before they could be extinguished the child was horribly burned. Its sufferings were relieved by death early Friday morning. Mr. See’s hand were very badly burned in putting out the flames.
The body was interred near the home on Saturday.
Jeff Vaughan Dead: A telegram was received here Wednesday evening from the Confederate Home at Pewee Valley, Ky., stating that Jeff Vaughan formerly of this place was dying.The body was laid to rest in the burial ground at the Home. He was almost 80 years old. He was a man of fine business capacity. His wife had been dead many years and his child, a daughter, passed away seven or eight years ago, leaving him without a home. When the Confederate Home was opened a few months ago, he was admitted, until his fatal illness seized him two or three weeks ago was enjoying life very much.
2nd article: Jefferson T. Vaughan, who died yesterday morning at the Soldiers Home at Pewee Valley, took place yesterday ( from 1/23/1903 issue). Mr. Vaughan was seventy-six years old. His death was caused by paralysis of the heart. He was a member of the Fifty-first Kentucky Confederated infantry and his home was at Prestonsburg.
Died on the 8th Henry Webb, of blood poison. Henry was brought from Williamson and lived only two days. His many friends have our sympathy.
Bear Creek: We are sorry to note the death of Mrs. Harve Kinner. All who knew her loved her.
January 23, 1903
Rueben Fork: As the death of James. A. Wooten of Ironton, Ohio, has never been named in your paper I will say a few words about him. He was taken sick about December 1, and departed this life Dec. 24, 1902. His body was brought back to the old home graveyard at the Wooten place near Tom’s Shannon. He was a bright young man of about 26 years of age. He was laid to rest on December 25. His wife, father, mother and brother accompanied his remains back and the rest of his relatives or all that could be there were at the funeral. He lived in this county till about 10 years ago when he moved to ironton where he lived till his death.
Pikeville: Mr. John Ford, son of Mrs. M.E. Ford of this place, and brother of the Hon. S.K. Ford. of Mount Sterling died Friday night after a very short illness.
Inez, Ky., Jan 17- Benjamin Mallet died at his home near Stonecoal W.Va., today as a result of a blow on the head inflicted, it said, by Floyd Bowen, a prominent attorney and teacher of this county. When Mallet was assaulted some months ago he was speechless for two weeks, and his case was regarded at hopeless. Finally his physicians performed three operations, removing three pieces of the skull about the size of a silver dollar, from which over a pint of clotted issued. Mallet recovered and has been working a month. Today he was seized with violent pain in the had and died in a few hours. Mallet was a son of Shade Mallet, a steamboat man. Bowen was released on $ 5,000 bond.
Mrs George Peay died this week at her home, over at Willard, Carter county and her death brings to mind the very peculiar life led by this woman.
Miss Willie Elliott, as a beautiful schoolgirl of fourteen summers, met, was wooed and won by George Peay. By this union there were three children. Their home was an ideal one, but about fifteen years ago the mother was shadowed by a peculiar misgiving. Like Peter before his dream, she thought everything unclean and common.
Possessed of this peculiar idea, she shut herself up in her room, and refused to have any communication with the outside world. Not even her children were permitted to enter, though they came to the door once a day and conversed pleasantly for a time.
She would partake of food prepared by her husband, to whom she was devotion itself. He seemed to humor her idiosyncrasies, and would, three times a day for fifteen years, cook her meals and carry them to her. She would hot partake of a bite otherwise prepared. Hers was a life of exclusiveness; her only companions her husband and her books. She was a woman of unusual intelligence and was a great reader. Age the age of forty her whole system withered away.
Warfield: There deaths since last letter:
Mrs Emily Jane Crisp died of dropsy on December 31.
Mrs. J.D. Barrett, nee
Death of Judge Stewart
On last Saturday morning, about four o’clock, the spirit of Judge James. E. Stewart peacefully took its flight. For two weeks his condition had been so critical that no hope for his recovery could reasonably be entertained.
Circuit Court adjourned from Saturday morning until Tuesday out of respect to his worthy member of the bar.
The funeral took place Monday morning at 10:30 from the residence, conducted by Dr. J.M Boland, pastor of the M.E.Church South, of which the deceased had been a faithful member for half a century. Some his favorite songs were rendered by the choir, during the service. The body was laid to rest in Pine Hill Cemetery.
The pall bearers were as follows:
J.H. O’Brien, Jay H. Northup, G.W. Gunnell, A. J. Conley, P. H. Vaughan, Dr.M.G. Watson, Alexander Lackey, A.J. Loar, Jude S.G. Kinner, Dr. G.W. Wroten, F.T.D. Wallace, R.T. Burns, G.R.B Chapman, Judge R.F. Vinson.
Judge Stewart was one of our most prominent men, and his affliction and death have called forth the most sincere sympathy and expressions of sorrow from his friends through the Big Sandy Valley. His life was one of great activity. He was known as one of the most industrious lawyers in the State.
Judge Steward studied law in Louisa under his uncle, Hon. Frank Canterbury in 1853-4. In a very few years he pushed himself into the front ranks of his profession and maintained his position there until he was stricken with paralysis. This sad event occurred in the court house at Pikeville, Oct. 4, 1899, while he was engaged in an important trial. He was brought home and afterwards became able to walk around very slowly, but could not transact much business. His library was one of the best in Eastern Kentucky.
Judge Stewarts’ death is a severe loss to this community as well as the entire Big Sandy Valley.
He was born Oct. 1, 1832; died Jan. 17, 1903. Married Cynthia F. Mayo Jan. 11, 1860. To them were born five children. Three of them and his faithful wife survive him. They are attorneys J.W.M. and F.L. Stewart, and Mrs. Albert Campbell.
He joined the M.E.Church, South, when but a boy and was converted at an annual conference held in Louisa in the fall of 1853, He was admitted to the bar at the close of 1854, and on Jan. 1. 1855, he located at Paintsville, where he resided until 1871 when he moved to Louisa. At his death he was one of the oldest lawyers in this valley.
In 1876, he was elected Judge of the Criminal Court of this district, which he filled for for years with much ability.
January 30, 1903
Propersity: Vinia, wife of Millard Rose, departed this life Jan, 21, 1903. She was a devoted christian and a women loved by all that knew her. She leaves a husband, two children and many relatives who mourn her loss.
George’s Creek: Died, one day last week, of old age, Aunt Katy Brown, of Lowmansville, at the age of 106. She was probably the oldest person in Kentucky. Her husband died perhaps 30 years age. Since then she has lived with her son John. J. Brown.
2nd article: “Aunt Katy” Brown died a few days ago at the old Brown homestead on George’s creek near the Lawrence-Johnson county line, at the great age of 105 years. She was many years older than any other woman in this part of the country. She was the widow of the late Rev. John Brown, a well known Baptist preacher. His home was, for half a century, a noted stopping place for travelers, the road up Big Sandy leading by his place at that time. Mrs. Brown was a great-great-great grandmother. Her descendants are numerous.
Her maiden name was Borders. she being a sister of the late Judge Archibald Borders, the first county Judge of Lawrence county, and of the late Rev. John Borders, for more than fifty years one of the best known Baptist preachers in the Big Sandy Valley. She was the last survivor of that large family, all of whom lived to a great age. Until her last illness she enjoyed good health and was remarkably active for one of her extreme age.
3rd article ( 9-11-1903)
Ulysses: On August 30th, the funeral of Aunt Katie Brown, a centenarian, was preached at the residence of her son John J. Brown on the same spot of ground where and her husband John Brown, Sr., settled in the early part of the century. She was one of the pioneers of Johnson county. At the time of her death she was hundred and four or five years old. Her descendants and relatives number far into the hundreds.
Mrs. Lonnie Stone, aged 20, was killed by a train near Olive Hill Monday. She started to cross a trestle, and, hearing a train coming, turned back and attempted to get off. She fell and the train caught her. Two children and a husband are left. She was a daughter of Dr. Howard, of Olive Hill.
At Prestonsburg last Saturday, a son of Isaac Fitzpatrick, shot and killed Thomas Marrs. The shooting is said to be accidental.
Stephen Howard, Magoffin county, first sheriff, died at his home, on the Licking river, ten miles above Salyerville. He was eighty-two years of age and was elected Sheriff in 1860 on the Democrat ticket. He died of pneumonia after a short illness.
Harry Smith, 15, of Huntington, W.Va., walked up to Arthur Nickles, a companion, and placing one arm about his shoulders, pulled a revolver from his pocket with his other hand and laughingly remarked that he was going to shoot him in the mouth. “Your marksmanship is not good enough,” replied Nickles. He gun went off, and the bullet entered Nickles’ mouth and lodged in his brain. He expired soon after. Smith says he thought the revolver was empty. Nickles was the son of a prominent East End citizen.
Obituary: On the morning of 9th inst., the Angel of Death visited our peaceful village and spirited away Mrs. Sarah Wallace, wife of John. H. Wallace, Supt. of the Torchlight Coal Works.
Her maiden name was Vermillion, was born in Lewis county, fifty-two years ago. She leaves twelve or thirteen children, some of whom are quite small. Her body was interred at Richardson by the side of her father.
February 6, 1903
David Cooley, died on Beaver creek, Floyd county, from drinking too much lemon extract.
Mrs. Mary Bolt, one of Boyd county’s most prominent young ladies, and a daughter of Isaac Bolt, of Boltsfork, died at Prestonsburg last Saturday after only a brief illness, from typhoid fever. This young lady, with her brother John, had been attending Prof. Byington’s school at Prestonsburg for some time, and gave up her studies only about a week previous to her death. The remains were brought to Ashland and taken to Boltsfork, where the funeral services were held.
Mrs. George R. Bickford, wife of the superintendent of Col. Northup’s mines at Whitehouse died last Sunday evening after an illness of only a few hours. She was 45 years of age and leaves a number of children.
Floyd Cantrill, who is a very bad man, has included in his category of crime moonshining and murder, and comes from one of the most dangerous families of all of Eastern Kentucky. It is said on the night of Jan 6, last, Cantrill and a crowd of mountain moonshiners had collected at a log cabin on Piney Creek for a dance. The mountain lasses were there in force, and fun and whiskey flowed freely. Everything went well until about the hour of midnight, when big Jim Mullins, who is a bully of the most dangerous types, attempted to take Cantrill’s girl away from him. Cantrill objected and Mullins reached for his pistol, but Cantrill was too quick for him and slashing out a 44 calibre, Colts pistol, shot Mullins through the heart. Cantrill, undaunted by the awful scenes of the dying man’s struggles and with the utmost sangfroid played the gallant with his girl to her cabin home.
Daylight on the 7th found Cantrill crossing the Kentucky line into West Virginia. He was mounted on a mule and riding to Logan courthouse, he sold his steed for $ 75, and armed with his trusty 44 calibre revolver and a gallon of Kentucky moonshine whiskey he landed in Charleston. His movements in the state capitol were dark and mysterious, and when accosted by the chief of police as a suspicious character, he replied to the charge by producing a bottle of moonshine and inviting Chief Lynne to drink with him. A day later, however, word came from Pike County authorities to arrest Cantrill, offering a $200 reward for his safe return to the Pike county jail.
As Lynne and Spralding were taking the prisoner from the C&O. depot at Huntington via the street car to Catlettsburg, the had no handcuffs on him.
The prisoner chatted and seemed to be in the best of spirits and the officers asked him if he liked a certain brand of whiskey, the would get it for him, and everything pointed to an uneventful trip to Catlettsburg. Nothing occurred until the car was leaving Central City. At this point the prisoner became visibly restless and took quick glances through the window. Directing the guard’s attention out the window, he made a spring like a tiger a reached the car door. The car had just reached the car door. The car had just reached Fourpole Trestie, and when he reached the platform sudden death interposed itself between him and liberty. The trestle is very high and the car was speeding toward Kenova at a fast rate. With disgust and disappointment he was taken back into the car by the officer and handcuffed.
Col. J. A. Fickinger, Senator Camden’s most trusted agent, died after a very brief illness at Fairmont, W. Va.
Ulysses: Died, Jan. 20, little Edgar, infant son of Albert and Zellie Chandler, The bereaved parents have our sympathy.
Gallup: Died, on Jan. 16th, Clyde, the infant child of John Preston. The bereaved father and mother have our sympathy.
Little Blaine: Died, on the 31st ult, an infant child of George Fraley. It has gone to dwell with him who said, “Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid then not for of such is the Kingdom of heaven.”
February 13, 1903
Charley: Died, recently, John. W. Judd, of consumption. He was was confined to to his room for quite a while. He was a faithful member of the United Baptist Church, and also to the G.A.R, a devoted member, and one of Lawrence county’s best citizens. His body was interred in the Lige Judd graveyard. He leaves a wife and several children and many friends to mourn his departure.
Pikeville: Earl, age 15 years, only son of John H. Hatcher, proprietor of the Williamson House, was drowned at the wharf on Wednesday night last week by stepping from the steamer Grubbs, which has just landed. More than an hour passed before it was known who the unfortunate boy was, as no one recognized Earl as he went down into water. Parents of all boys who were away from home at the time were frantic until their sons were found.
At this writing the body of Earl has not been found.
J.P. Roberts, age 35, living two miles above Williamson in Pike county was killed by a freight train in the Williamson yards a few nights ago.
Rev. McClung Dead: Rev. Samuel. F. McClung, pastor of the M. E. Church, died Saturday afternoon of pneumonia, after an illness of about a week. He leaves a wife and several children. The funeral was held there Sunday and the body was taken to the old McClung home in Greenbrier for burial.
Mr. McClung was well known throughout the Big Sandy Valley, having been associated with our people in the execution of his duties in the service of the M.E. Church, South. He was for many years a Presiding Elder. His age was 44 years. He entered the ministry in 1976. He was a practical and energetic man and led an active life. His death is deplored throughout the conference.
The sixth death at the Confederate Home at Pewee Valley occurred last Saturday. It was that of John B. Patton, of Cynthiana, age 83. He was a member of Shawhan’s Cavalry battalion, under Gen. Humphrey Marshall.
Capt. Washington Williamson, 86, one of the “old guard” steam-boatmen, died of rheumatism at Portsmouth. He followed the river nearly all his life, in recent years serving as a pilot, though an invalid. He was the first to operate steam propellers on the Ohio and Erie Canal in Southern Ohio. He was born at Fort Gay, W. Va.
Mrs. E. Gaujot, wife of one of Williamson’s leading citizens, died Friday night after a brief illness.
Eugene Curnutte, railroad watchman at Radnor, was killed 10 miles east of Wayne. A train almost severed his head from his body. It is believed he was murdered and his head placed on the rail to hide the crime.
February 20, 1903
Frank Underwood, aged nineteen, was shot from ambush and killed while cutting crossties near Olive Hill, Carter county. George Henderson, aged seventeen, is in jail at Grayson charged with the shooting.
2nd article: George Henderson shot and killed Frank Underwood at Enterprise, Carter county. The men quarreled over payment for three days work, which Henderson claimed that Underwood owed. Henderson shot Underwood with a double barreled shot gun. He was arrested and brought here, where is now awaiting his trial. He claims that the fired to save his own life.
Laurel Hill: The death angel mad is appearance at the home of D.B. Bailey on Feb. 1st, and took Daniel, a 13 year old son. It was hard to give him up but God’s will be done.
Casper: Died, on the 11th, Mrs Elizabeth Vanover. She was buried in the family graveyard.
Hereford, the fourteen year old son of Sant Preston, living three miles east of Paintsville, was suddenly killed by a falling tree a few days ago.
New reached here of a terrible murder committed at Paintsville. Jake Schovenfield killed his wife and son, for cause we did not ascertain. Schovenfield had not been found at last report.
Mrs. Ethelbert Gartrell died at her home between Catlessburg and Ashland on the 12th of typhoid fever and spinal meningitis. She lost both sight and hearing before death delivered her. Mrs. Gatrell was from Newton, Mass, was 23 years old, and had been married only 15 months.
February 27, 1903
Georges Creek: Uncle Isom Boyd died at Peach Orchard Saturday night.
2nd article: Isom Boyd, at his home on the 24th, in the 80 year of age. He was a brother of Mrs. Wm. Castle, of this place. Out of seven members of the family, this is the first death in fifty years.
We are sorry to hear of the death of uncle Bill Marcum, who died near Willard. His remains were brought to his old home near Easton Bros. store and laid to rest in the Marcum graveyard. He was 88 years old.
Ulysses: Died February 19th the infant child of Joel Ratcliff and wife, of Christy Branch.
John Scarberry died recently with dropsy.
2nd article: Charley: Died, recently, of consumption, uncle John Scarberry.
John Elam and wife, Olive Hill, died to typhoid fever, the latter dying Thursday evening and the former Friday evening. They were buried in the same grave.
2nd article:
John Elam and wife, of Olive Hill, died of typhoid fever, the later one dying one evening and the former the next evening. They were buried in the same grave. As the remains of the wife were being taken from the room the husband told them to wait for him; that it would not be long until he joined her. He died the next afternoon.
Paintsville: We have just received news from Martin county to the effect the jail was broken open at that place last Saturday night and Pleas Spradlin, confined for the the murder of his four year old boy, made good his escape. He is accused of one of the most horrible crimes in the State. While in the woods some time ago with his little boy and sixteen-year old girl hunting sheep, he killed the boy with a club.
Thomas: The death angel has again been in our midst and taken from us uncle Allen Taylor. He was 94 years old. He was perhaps the oldest man in our county.
Ivyton: Died on the 9th inst., Mrs Cynthia Powers, wife of James Powers of Bradley. Consumption caused her death. She leaves a husband and several small children.
Death of J.C. Butler:
On last Saturday morning, Mr. J. C. Butler passed away at his home in Louisa. Consumption had been making inroads upon his health for about a year or more, and during the past few months he had been unable to do any work. For two days previous to his death it was evident that the end was near. At five o’clock on the morning of the 22nd, Mr. Butler breathed his last so peacefully that the watchers at his bedside scarcely knew when the dissolution occurred.
The funeral services took place Monday at 10:30 a.m. from the M. E. Church South. Dr. J. M. Boland, the pastor, paid a deserved tribute to the deceased and spoke words of comfort to this stricken family and bereaved friends; and the choice rendered appropriate music. The church was filled almost to its utmost capacity, showing the esteem and sympathy of the community. Interment in Pine Hill Cemetery followed immediately after the funeral.
Mr. Butler was in his 43rd year. A wife and two children, Mabel and Ray, aged 16 and 13, survive. He was truly a good citizen, upright in his dealings with all men, industrious, and more than ordinary intelligence. His death is a loss to the community, and a calamity to his family, to whom he was thoroughly devoted.
Donithan: We are sorry to say that death has taken Mrs. Fred Berry’s baby- a little girl.
March 6, 1903
Yatesville: Two deaths have occurred in this and the Catt neighborhood that has cast a mantle of mourning around many a hearthstone. They were Mrs. Andrew Justice, of our own neighborhood, on the 25th ult, age 30, and Miss Etta Shortridge, of the Catt neighborhood, who death occurred on the 26th ult. Mrs Justice was buried at the Rifle cemetery by the side of her baby that had just preceded her one week. Miss Shortridge’s remains were interred in the Fallsburg cemetery. Both were highly respected and loved by all who knew him. The bereaved have our sympathy.
2nd article: Keturah: Died, at the home of V. D. Harmon, on the 20th ult., Ettie, daughter of Mrs. Louise Shortridge, of consumption. She was brought here in January. Her suffering was intense, especially a day or two before her death, and like many other young people, she neglected her soul’s best eternal welfare until a late hour, but was truly redeemed to Christ and shouted loud His praises and died in peace. Her remains were interred in the cemetery of Fallsburg. Rev. R. H. Cassady, of the M. E. Church officiating.
Olioville: The death of Miss Vernie Woods, daughter of John Woods, occurred last Thursday. We are sorry to lose her.
It has developed that the unknown man killed by the C. &. O. train near Ashland last week was Alfred Bledsoe, who lived near Olive Hill.
West Liberty: Ulysses Bailey, fifty-five years old, of Yocum, this county, was killed by a saw log while working in a saw log woods. He leaves a widow and a large family of children.
Accomadation trian No. 3 ran into an east bound freight train Tuesday morning at Russell, killing conductor Henry Davis and brakeman C.C. Miller of the freight.
Elba s. Ulen, a printer from Catlettsburg who worked in Louisa many years ago, died at Colorado Springs last week of consumption.
Kinner: Mrs. Maggie Neal Meredith, died of typhoid fever last Saturday, aged 19. A more extended notice will be given next week.
2nd article: Mrs. Maggie Neal Meredith, who had been sick for eleven weeks with typhoid fever, passed from this world to a higher home Saturday, Feb. 28ty, at eight o’clock. In July 1902, she was married to Harvey Meredith, who with grandparents, father, brothers, sisters and a host of friends mourn her loss. She was 19 years old.
The widow of Fielden Isaacs, died Tuesday evening, at an advanced age, at her home on Lick Creek. The burial took place near John. L. Vaughan’s.
2nd article: Lick Creek: Mrs. Fielding Isaacs died March 4th, at the home of her daughter Mrs. B. S. Stratton, near Torchlight. The remains were interred in the home graveyard. She leaves 6 children to mourn their loss.
Paintsville: The body of Earl Hatcher, who was drowned at Pikeville last week, has not been found yet. A reward of $ 50 is offered for its recover.
2nd article 3/27/1903- the body of Earl Hatcher, the boy who drowned at Pikeville Feb. 4th, was found at the mouth of Cedar creek, a short distance below Pikeville, last Sunday morning. The body was badly decomposed. The boy was 13 years old, and the only son of John Hatcher, proprietor of the Williamson House.
Paintsville: After an illness of several months, Bill Daniels died a few months ago a the home of his mother on Muddy Branch.
East Point: Jack Blair who recently moved from Riceville to Middle Fork, died last week.
March 13, 1903
Lick Creek: An infant child of James Pinson died recently.
Martha: Died, on the 6th, Loranza D. Skaggs. He returned from the Philippines last summer, where he had served in the army 3 years. He was converted while at the Islands, and among his last words were, “All meet me in heaven”.
A 19-months-old child of Rev. and Mrs. B.F. Caudill, of Russell, died Wednesday evening.
West Liberty, March 7- A twelve year old boy of Grant Holliday found a bottle of whiskey in the hotel which had been left by some of the quests and drank it and lived only about ten minutes. Mr. Holliday is a prominent merchant of Caney, this county.
Last week a collision occurred upon the C.&O. road at Russell, in which two men were killed. Frank Jasper, a trackwalker, was very much interested in the wreck and had a photograph taken at the scene. Today, while he was standing at the spot, apparently with his mind upon the wreck of last week and in deep meditation, he was struck by a train and killed. The fascination of the spot must have been very engrossing, as ordinarily he was a very careful man and wide awake to all that was going on about him.
A heavy fall of slate in the mines at Rush, Boyd county, last Saturday killed three men William Fain, John Pack and George Brickley.
Wm. Fain was 45 years of age, and leaves a wife and five children, two of them married. He had been a miner at Rush practically all his life.
John Pack, the road layer, was about 40 years of age, and leaves a wife and five children. He had been at Rush about three years, coming there from Virginia. He was originally from Blaine, section, in Lawrence county, and was employed for a long time at the Peach Orchard mines.
Geo. Brickley, who was Mr. Pack’s helper, had only been at Rush about one year. Previous to that he resided up at Sandy City where he was employed in Mahan’s big saw mill. He was about 25 years of age, and leaves a wife and two children.
Dr. J. H. Gratiney, died in Cincinnati Saturday. He was well known here, having married a native of this place- Miss Quin Shannon, sister of Ex-Sheriff J.W. Shannon.
Mrs. Jennie Muncey, died at her home in Smokey Valley Wednesday evening of consumption, at the age of 53 years. She was the widow of Addison Muncey, and her maiden name was Hutchinson. Five grown children survive her. THe burial will take place this afternoon at two o’clock.
Vessie: The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Cunningham died on the 17th ult.
Little Blaine: Death visited our creek recently and took one of our best citizens. Wesley Moore, who died March 6th. He was buried on the 8th in the family grave yard. Rev. Bevins conducting the funeral services.
2nd article: Died on the 6th, Wesley Moore, from dropsy of the heart. He was buried on the 8th in the home grave yard.
3rd article: Wesley Moore was born April 17, 1837 and went home to heaven March 6, 1903. He would have been 66 years of age at his next birthday.
He married Ledocio McKinster in the year 1865 or 67 and their union was blessed with 14 children, seven boys and seven daughters. Six of each are still living, two had preceded him to the gloryland. Uncle Wesley, as he was called by many, was converted when quite a boy, joined the M.E.Church South, and lived a consistent member until death. He volunteered in the Union Army Oct. 20, 1861 and served until Jan. 31, 1865. Many of the 14th Ky. Co. “D” will remember him. While a soldier in the war he never forgot his God. He cam home honorably discharged. He raised a respectable family. One of his sons is an itinerant preacher, a first class one too in every respect, and one a doctor located at Mattie, Ky. Some of his boys are farmers. All his children are married except the youngest, a boy of 16 years.
4th article: His father, Wm. Moore, was twice married, and there were born to him in all nineteen children, seven by his first wife and twelve by his second. Wesley was a son by his last wife. Wm. Moore died when Wesley was a small boy, leaving the cares of home largely to him. He worked hard to support his widowed mother, brother and sisters. His family have heard him say that he had worked for a peck of corn a day and then carried it to mill on his back. He married on 16ht day of Feb 1857 who liked himself had been reared in an orphanage.
Ulysses: After a brief illness Aunt Bettie Young died Feb. 26, at the home of her grandaughter, Mrs. Albert Chandler. Rev. Tom Williams preached the funeral sermon. She was about 70 years of age and was loved by all who knew her.
A terrible accident shocked our entire neighborhood March 2nd, Mary, the 11 year old daughter of Jesse and Julia George, caught fire while standing near the grate. No one was there to help her and she tried to put the fire out, but failing she ran to a pond, intending to jump into it and extinguish the flames which were ascending above her head. On the way she saw her little brother and appealed to him to come to her rescue. Like a little hero he did so and unflinchingly grappled with the flames, burning his hands badly. Her father heard their screams and came upon the scene just in time to tear the last remnant of clothing from his child. His hands were terribly burned trying to save little Mary, who was the idol of the home. Her body was burned almost to the crisp, but she remained consciousness to the last. After suffering intensely for 24 hours she sweetly closed her eyes to the scenes of suffering and went to Him who said, “Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of the Heaven.”. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Hicks.
March 20, 1903
Andrew J. Hackworth, a well know and highly respected citizen of Johnson county, died at his home on Riceville Friday. He was 62 years of age.
Ulysses Bailey, 54, was killed last week near his home at Yocum, Morgan county, by a saw log rolling over his body, causing instant death. He leaves a widow and a large family of children.
Smith Rice, book-keeper of the Paintsville National Bank, and one of the best known and most highly respected men in the Big Sandy Valley is dead. He had been gradually going down for some time suffering from tuberculosis, and remedies were unavailing. He leaves a wife but no children. He was a son of hte last Martin R. Rice, at the time of his death, the largest land-holder and the wealthiest man in Johnson county, says the Catlettsburg Press. His loss will deeply felt not only by the people of Paintsville, but the whole valley.
Little Blaine: Florence Moore, wife of John “Hooker” Moore of typhoid fever. She leaves a husband and nine children.
Denton: Carl, son of W. V. and Bertha Raison was born Oct. 24, 1900, and died Dec. 10, 1902, He was dedicated to the Lord by baptism by Rev. J. W. Hampton Sept. 1, 1901. He was their only child and I have never seen a brighter child.
Joe Rose, the young man who was so seriously injured in the C.& O., rear-end collision at Russell two weeks ago, at which time the conductor and brakesman of the freight train were killed, died Monday at an Ashland hospital. His left leg was amputated soon after the accident and his death is due to blood-poison.
Edward Gearhart was killed and Lawrence Miranda badly injured by a C.& O. train near Ashland Tuesday. Drunk, and sat down on the end of a crosstie of the railroad track. Gearheart, who was 26 or 27 years old, was single. He had been working at No. 8 mines for some time, and boarded with his brother, George, also a miner there. His parents reside in Ironton.
Capt. Ben Preston, the well-known steamboat and river man of Paintsville, died Saturday night of consumption. The deceased was 37 years old, and was a brother of Henry Preston of this city, and Cy M. Preston, of Catlettsburg. The deceased’s wife died about one year ago, leaving a four year old daughter, who has since been residing with her mother’s relatives at Frankfort. She came in Saturday evening and went on to Paintsville with her uncle, Cy M. Preston, but the father and brother was doubtless dead when they reached Paintsville. Mr. and Mrs. Preston, both being in poor health, were unable to attend the last sad rites which took place Monday afternoon.
Boon’s Camp: Uncle James Meek died yesterday and was buried today in the family grave yard. The largest number that had attended a funeral at this place for years, was present. May his aged wife and large family ever walk in his steps of honesty, uprightness and integrity, and be prepared to meet him in the land of the blessed.
Mrs. Milton Thompson, died Wednesday at her home on Rich Creek, of typhoid fever. She was a daughter of John Curnutte. Her sister, Mrs. John Hooker Moore, died of the same diseased only two weeks ago. A husband and two children survive this good woman.
Charles M. Lowe was instantly killed and his wife fatally injured Sunday by being struck by a C. & O. passenger train. They stepped from one railroad track to avoid a freight train and were run down by a passenger train coming from an opposite direction. Mr. Lowe was a merchant and had been married but a short time. His wife died after a few hours.
B. Hatcher Dead: “Pole” Hatcher, formerly of this place, and well known to many of our older citizens, died at Council Bluffs, Iowa, last Saturday afternoon after an illness of three weeks from a complication of kidney and liver troubles. He age was 63 years. He was for many years a steamboat captain on the Mississippi river. He was a brother of the late John H. Hatcher, whose family resides here.
March 27, 1903
Pikeville: For a long time there has been an ill feeling between the Moore and the McCreary families on the left fork of Beaver Creek in Floyd County. It is supposed the trouble arose over ownership of the old Henderson Moore tract of land. Twenty years ago Henderson Moore was killed. Two weeks ago Anderson Moore, his son was assassinated within a few yards of where his father fell. Anderson was standing in the road only a few yards from a group of people when a steel bullet fired from ambush put an end to his existence. The assassin has not been arrested though his identity is well known in the neighborhood.
2nd article: 4/24/1903- Cliff Branham and Nelson Mooore accused of assassinating Anderson Moore, were arrested at Whitehouse. Monroe Morroe, accused of being an accomplice was also arrested and is said to have made a a written confession.
Winifred: Miss Sarah Lemaster, died recently at an advanced age. She was a daughter of Uncle Francis Lemaster who raised nineteen children.
A 12 year old daughter of Amos Caudill died a few days ago of fever. She was sick about three days.
James M. Collins, of near Flat Gap, died on the 15th ult. He had been unable to do anything for 20 years, and had been confined to his bed 9 years. He used to be a minister of the Christian church and died in the triumphs of a living faith, having been for several years a firm believer in heartfelt religion.
Mr. W. J. Hager, died at Salyersville Saturday at the age of 76 years, after an illness of several weeks. He was the father of State Treasurer, Wilbur Hager, a brother of S. P. Hager, of Ashland, and Dan Hager of Paintsville.
2nd article: He was a son of the late Gen. Daniel Hager, of Johnson county, where he was raised up on the farm, but since his early manhood he was has been in business, having moved to Magoffin county some forty years ago. Though seventy-six years of age he was active and full of life up to recent sickness which terminated fatally.
Rev. J. W. Glover, a well known physician, and for many years a traveling preacher in the Western Virginia Conference, M. E. Church South, died last week. Dr. Glover was stationed at Farmington, W. Va. He was buried at the family cemetery, near Frost, in Greenup county, the Masonic Lodge of Ashland, of which he was was a member, taking part in the service. He was well known in Eastern Ky.
Another report say: The Rev. John. Wilkes Glover, of the M.E. Church, South, dropped dead in the pulpit, while conducting a protracted meeting at Farmington, W. Va. He was born and reared at Mt. Zion, this county was 65 years of age. He was a Union soldier. A widow and one son survive him. His burial took place at Mt. Zion church under the auspices of the Odd Fellows and Masons.
April 10, 1903: Seems Rev. Glover did not die in the pulpit as first reported: Died suddently last night at the home of J. U. Hamilton, on Salt Lick. Rev. Glover was staying at the home at conducting a meeting earlier. Passed away at midnight March 17.
Mattie: The funeral of Ella Cordle will be preached the 31st day of May, and the old Jordan graveyard near the head of Rich Creek.
The wife of Claude Jenkins, died at Logansport, Ind., last week. Mr. Jenkins is a young lawyer, a brother of H. W. Jenkins, of this place. He has visited here frequently and was married less than a year ago.
Mrs. John Elswick, died at her home a few miles from this place Tuesday evening, of consumption. She leaves a husband and a little daughter about four years old. She was a daughter of R. H. Meek, and a sister of Mrs. Frank Johnson and G.V. Meek, of this place. The burial occurred at the old home place.
Thos. L. Compton, died last Saturday evening at the home of H. C. Sammons, in this place. His death resulted from a carbuncle located at the base of his brain. It made its appearance less than two weeks before the fatal result occurred. Mr. Compton was foreman of the carpenter force employed by Col. Jay H. Northup at Whitehouse. He was brought here for medical treatment two days before his death, but it was then too late, as the poison had already saturated his system.
Mr. Compton was an excellent citizen. He leaves a wife and three children. He had $ 1,000 life insurance which he took with F. H. Yates only a few month ago, having paid only one premium. The burial took place near his home on Three Mile.
Mrs. Phereba Ferguson, widow of Thomas Ferguson, died yesterday morning at the home of N. B. Ferguson, on Mill Creek, W. Va., two miles from Louisa. She had been in ill health for quite awhile. The funeral will take place today at two o’clock, and her body will be laid to rest beside that of her husband. She would have been 77 years old on April 22. A. P. Ferguson, of Huntington, L.G. and S.M., of this place, are sons of the deceased.
April 3, 1903
Martha: The funeral of the son of W.M. Lyon will be preached at the old Baptist church the 3rd Sunday in April by Revs. Grimsley, Ferguson and others.
Martha Virginia Muncy, daughter of Rev. George and Sophia Hutchinson, was born August 10th, 1850 next to the youngest of nine children, all of whom are now dead save two brothers, Rev.? B. Hutchinson, of Catlessburg, and Joe, better known as “Uncle Joe, “ of this county. She was married to A. W. Muncy January 9, 1868, which union was blessed with six children, 3 sons and 3 daughters, all of who survive her. She was converted to the christian religion early in her childhood, and became a member of the M.E.Church, which she firmly held and supported during her entire life. She died Wednesday March 11th, 1903.
Pikeville: Reliable news has just reached here that Mr. Riddle Hatcher, of Grundy, Va., was killed the 28th, by one Miles Charles, Hatcher was one of the leading businessman of Grundy. He was about 40 years of age, loved and respected by all who knew him. He was a son-in-law of Mrs. J. M. Thornbury, of our town. Charles is the sone of Jack Charles, living just below the forks of the river above here. Charles is a young man of bright intellect, considerable business capacity and apparently a bright future before him. He is now confined in jail in Grundy. Report says that both men were drinking and had been drinking together for some time. The exact particulars of the the affair we cannot give at this time.
Pikeville: Mrs. Esther Young, wife of A. J. Young of Bent Brach, and sister of L. J. and Tom Williamson, of this place, died at her home Saturday after a long illness.
Richard Clevinger, Jr., age 26, suicided at Cannonsburg, by blowing the top off his head with a shotgun. Cause not known.
Mrs. L. C. Wilson, who, it is charged, was poisoned by Mrs Mattie Ferguson at Olive Hill died last Wednesday. Feeling is bitter against Mrs. Ferguson, owing to the prominence of the Wilson’s, and a strong guard is being kept to protect her.
Charley: On last Sunday night John Perry, who had been suffering with rheumatism for a few days, passed away to try the realities of the invisible world. His body was taken to Brushy for burial.
Yatesville: Died on the 27th, Lee Crank, at the age of 40 years old. His remains were interred at the Fallsburg cemetery, where his father and mother preceded him. Lee was a good and upright citizen and was greatly liked by all who knew him. His home looks desolate indeed, his wife and only child Osie, having abandoned the place and moved to the home of her father J.J. Mann, of near Fallsburg.
Miss Berta Fuller, age 25, died Wednesday of consumption near Round Bottom, W. Va. and will be buried today at Round Bottom.
Dave Hall killed Wm. Goodwin at Whitehouse Wednesday by shooting him through both lungs. The fatal end was a result of a bad feeling growing out of a lawsuit in which Mrs. Hall was a witness agains Goodwin. It is said the latter made some uncomplimentary remarks about Mrs. Hall’s testimony. As soon as Hall heard of this he went after Goodwin with a 44, and sent a bullet through is body, causing instant death.
Goodwin leaves a wife, but no children. Hall was a proprietor of a restaurant at Whitehouse up to a recent time.
2nd article: 4/10/1903:
Whitehouse: Last Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. Dave Hall shot and instantly killed Will Goodwin at this place. Hall was a cook on the steamer Douca and Goodwin rouster on the Cando, both boats owned by the Cando Packet Co. After a hot chase Hall was captured in an old barn and held there until the Sheriff came and they took him ot Paintsville on the Str. Big Sandy. He will have his examining trial the 15th. Hall’s sister came up from Catlessburg Saturday.
Lizzie: The infant child of W. M. Taylor died Monday and was laid to rest in the Glenwood grave yard. The bereaved ones have our deepest sympathies.
Harrison Smith, a son of Judge W. J. Smith, of Seney, Carter county, was killed in a mine explosion at some point in Arizona a few days ago. The remains were to arrive her, enroute to Seney, this evening. Young Smith went to AZ about a year ago where two of his brothers were located and engaged in mining, one of them being a mining superintendent.
News has reached Grayson of the death of S.R. Hubbard, of St Francis, Ark. He was a brother of J. N. Hubbard, a proprietor of the Grayson hotel. Mr. Hubbard, before going to Arkansas, was a resident of Carter county.
April 10, 1903
Whitehouse: Mrs. Etch Preston ( wife of A. T. Preston) died last name of consumption. She had been confined to her bed for a long time. Mr. Preston is blacksmith for L&R contractors here.
A. Garrigan, the well known railroad passenger agent, died in Cincinnati after a brief illness of pneumonia.
John Russell was killed at Nigger Hill, Greenup county, during Friday’s windstorm, by a tree falling on him. He was a thirty-one years of age and was a Spanish war soldier.
Mrs. Stratton of John’s Creek, wife of Tom Stratton, died last Tuesday at her home. Mr Stratton was down the river on business when his wife died.
Buren Garred, an aged negro, died yesterday morning at this place. It is said his death was the result of poison.
Ellisha Wellman, an aged citizen of this county, died last Saturday evening at the home of his son Lafe Wellman, a few miles from Louisa. The burial took place Sunday afternoon. Blood poison caused his death. He was 77 years old.
The three year old child of Jake Workman was drowned in a spring near his home a few miles up Tug river last Monday. The father went some distance from the house to work and the child tried to follow. The supposition is that the child wandered to the spring and fell in. It was some time before the body was found.
Martin V. Chapman, of Central City, W. Va., died in a Cincinnati hospital, last week, age 62.
Mrs. Charles Newman, of the South End, died Sunday of a paralytic stroke, having a large family. The attack came suddenly Friday; she had gone to her daughter’s to spend an hour or two and while there was seized with a stroke of paralysis but was taken to her own home where she died Sunday.
The remains were taken to Hubbardstown on the O.& B.S. train for burial.
Mattie: Mrs. W. H. C. McKinster died April 3rd at 3 a.m. from consumption. She leaves a husband, two small children and a host of friends to mourn their loss. She was buried in the family grave.
Mattie: Jerry Jordan, better known as “Uncle Jerry”, died April 3rd at 4 a.m.. He leaves a wife and 6 children and a host of friends to weep and mourn. He was like sister McKinster a devoted christian, always doing all he could for the cause of Christ. He was buried at B.F. Moore’s graveyard.
April 17. 1903
Peach Orchard: Clark Mead died on the 10th, after a very short illness. He was buried Sunday with Masonic honors, Odd Fellows and Mutual Protection taking part in the service.
Col. Wm. Smith Dead: Col. Wm. S. Smith better known as “Rebel Bill,” died at Huntington, W. Va., last Sunday night after a brief illness, of pneumonia. He was here only a week previous, enjoying good health for one of his age, and news came as a shock to his friends.
He came here a few weeks ago from the Confederate Home, to remain until after the primary election May 9th. He died at the home of his sister, Mrs. N. B. Prichard, whom he was visiting. the burial took place at Huntington, in the beautiful Confederate burial grounds. The confederate organizations at that place took charge of the remains immediately after death and gave them an honorable burial by the side of General Jenkins. Col. Smith daughter, Mrs. J. W. Jones, of this place, went down with the intention of bringing the body here for interment, but the arrangements already made there were allowed to be carried out.
Col. Smith was 73 years old. He was a noted character, and a man of more that average intelligence. As a daring soldier he won fame throughout the country during the Civil War. Most os his service was with the Eighth Virginia. He was shot seven times during the war. At the Kentucky Confederate Home, he was a conspicuous character, and a general favorite with the inmates.
J. B. Powell, ex postmaster of Ashland, died in Florida a few days ago at the age of 67.
Mrs. Ira Pendleton, died at her home last Monday evening at 4 o’clock, on Paint creek. She had been sick for some time and her death was not unexpected.
2nd article: Mrs. Arminta Pendleton, died at her home on Flanery, this county, Monday. Mrs. Pendleton had been an invalid for years.
Killing at Warfield: James Star a bad character living in Martin County, shot and killed an Italian near Warfield Sunday. The murdered man was foreman of a force of laborers on the new N.& W. line, near that place. We did not learn his name. The trouble started from a friendly scuffle. These two men with a number of others were drinking at a place where Star was selling liquor, on the West Virginia side of the river.
Star killed Dagger Chaffin a few years ago and was sent to the penitentiary for the crime. Some time ago he secured his liberty through a parole.
Thomas: The death angel visited the home of Henry Parson last Thursday and took there from his son, Willard.
April 24, 1903
Winifred: The infant child of Enoch Green, of Laurel Hill, died the 10th inst.
Blaine: Died on the 20th, Miss Susie Ferguson of consumption.
Banner: Death has taken away one of our most respected woman- Miss Susan Cecil, aged sixty years. Miss Cecil was always ready to help the needy, and was a consistent member of the M.E. Church.
William H. Waldeck died at three o’clock last Monday morning, April 20th, at his home in Louisa. His death was caused by heart disease. He had been in poor health for more than a year, but was able to walk around up to the moment of his death. The end came suddenly. He awoke a short time before with a feeling of intense nausea and got out of bed. Failing to get relief he requested his wife to call their daughter Mrs. T. S. Thompson, but before the she could reach the door to comply with the request, Mr. Waldeck fell across the bed and expired instantly.
The funeral occurred from the residence on Tuesday morning at 11 o’clock. Dr. J. M. Boland, pastor of the M.E. Church South, conducted the service. The Masonic fraternity took charge of the remains and conveyed the body to Pine Hill Cemetery. Mr. Waldeck was 60 years of age. Nearly all of these three-score years where spend in Louisa. Until the last few years he conducted a tannery, very successfully. Besides the widow, the deceased is survived by a son and two daughters.
May 1, 1903
Thomas: Mrs. Laura Cline, who had been on a visit to friends in Indiana, was brought home dead last Wednesday. Her family knew nothing of her illness until they received the news of her death. She leaves a husband and five children to mourn their loss. They have our deepest sympathy.
Vessie: It is reported that the infant child of Emery McKinnie died Sunday.
Cecil McClintock, age 30 died at a Cincinnati hospital last Thursday.
West Liberty, Ky, April 22- After drinking twelve bottles of Lightening Hot Drops, and other extracts, Nelson Whitt of North Fork, this county, died yesterday afternoon. He had been drinking the day before and had run out of supply of whiskey. Yesterday before breakfast he drank twelve bottles and ate a hearty breakfast, but died just after dinner.
Greenup, Ky., April 25- Alexander Fultz, a prominent farmer of Coal Branch, has just received the sad intelligence of the death by drowning of his two daughters, Misses Maggie and Mary Fultz, near Kalkaskla, Mich. They were out boat fishing when it upset and they were drowned before any one could reach them. They left home just three weeks ago to obtain employment in the lumber camps. Their bodies will be brought home for burial. This is three grown children Mr. Fultz has lost in the last year. A son Alexander Fultz Jr., a Spanish- American soldier, died last summer.
Keturah: Mrs. John Ekers, mother of Prof. Ekers, of Fallsburg, died a few days ago. All of her children were with her when she died. She admonished them to meet her in heaven. It was a sad and impressive time. It is hard to give up the mother. Rev. Cassady conducted the burial service.
Harmon Lewis, formerly a resident of Louisa, died at Catlettsburg Tuesday from lockjaw, caused by running a nail in his foot.
Mrs. James Fitzpatrick died just across the river on “the point” last Saturday. She was a daughter of Samuel Damron, of Fort Gay. A daughter of the deceased is also very ill. On account of her serious condition she has not been informed of her mother’s death. A number of relatives from Catlessburg attended the funeral.
Wm. Hiltbruner Drowned: The report that Wm. Hiltbruner was probably drowned has been confirmed as true. While no one saw him go overboard, there is no doubt that he fell off the steamer Thealka on Wednesday night of last week and was drowned. He boarded the boat in an intoxicated condition at Catlettsburg but could not be found when the boat reached Louisa. His brother, Steve, of this place, has used all reasonable means to find the missing man, but has not yet succeeded. The last place he was seen was when the boat had reached Nigger Head.
2nd article: A telegram received by the brother Stephen Hiltbruner confirms the body was found six miles of Catlettsburg. The burial took place at Catlettsburg Thursday.
Charles Griffith, who escaped from the Elliott county jail, a few weeks ago, and captured near Olive Hill last week, died suddenly as he was being taken back to Elliott county.
George’s Creek: Aunt Haley Davis, formerly of this place, died at the home of her son at Prestonsburg on the 17th inst. The remains were brought here and laid to rest in the family graveyard by the side of her husband, who had preceded her to the heavenly land. She was 90 years of age and her death was not unexpected, as her health had been bad for years. She leaves two sons and two daughters among her many friends to mourn their loss. Aunt Haley was loved by all who knew her.
May 8, 1903
James B. Marcum, a prominent lawyer and United States Commissioner, was assassinated Monday while standing in the door of the Jackson courthouse conversing with a friend. Two shots were fired from a corridor of the courthouse, one striking Marcum in the back and the other passing through the top of his head. He had gone to the courthouse to file papers for the re-opening of the Breathitt county contest cases.
For several months, according to his own statements, he had been virtually a prisoner in his home and his movements were carefully guarded. Recently the feud feeling apparently had abated and Marcum ventured into the courthouse Monday despite the warnings of his friends. No arrests have been made. Assassination is one of the foulest crimes known to the human race, and the death penalty is the only punishment that will appease the demands of justice.
Mr. Marcum was identified with the Cockrell faction of the feud which has costs many Breathitt county lives in the last few years.
Article: May 15, 1903: A warrant has been issued charging Curtis Jett with the assassination of J.B. Marcum at Jackson, Ky.
Later article and note articles in papers till August 21, 1903 with final sentencing information: Curtis Jett was arrested yesterday at the home of his mother, Mrs. Lenville Higgins, in Madison county, on the charge of assassinating James. B. Marcum last Monday at Jackson, Ky. The arresting officer were Sheriff Woodwon McChord and a posse who accompanied him from Winchester. On arriving at his mother’s home Jett threatened to shoot his stepfather, who did not want him to remain at the house. Sheriff McChord and his posse found Jett in bed. The arrest was accomplished without incident.
NOTE there are numerous articles the rest of the year on the trial etc..
Morgan Creek: The funeral of M.F. Carter will be preached here Sunday.
The little son of Reuben Vanhoose was fatally burned last week. He was carrying fire out to play with, and his clothing caught fire. The mothers hands were severely burned in her attempt to save the child
Mrs. Fletcher Stewart died on Durban, Boyd county, a few days ago of consumption.
Monday afternoon Sam Richardson, a brakeman on the N.&.W. yards, at Kenova, was struck and cut in half in lengthwise by a train.
Florence, Wis., May 4- Workmen engaged in the Grigon & Parker logging campe found in the wilderness north of here the body of Stewart Bowling. Examination disclosed the fact that death had resulted from exposure. Bowling’s home was in Greenup, Ky., but he had been working in this part of the country for two years. He was a member of Company L. First Kentucky Volunteers, and served in the Spanish-American war.
Glenwood: Died, on May 3rd, Mrs. Florence Belcher, from consumption. She was the wife of Jean Belcher who returned from Colorado two or three weeks ago.
Col. Jack May Dead: Col. A. J. May, age 75, a well-known attorney, of Tazewell, Va., died Tuesday night. He was born in Kentucky, and was among those who went to California during the excitement of ’49. When the Civil War broke out he enlisted in the Confederate army, and became the Colonel of the Fifth Kentucky Infantry.
Col. May married Miss Nell Davidson of Prestonsburg, about a year ago. He was a brother of the late Mrs. R. F. Vinson of this place and had frequently visited here.
The wife of Dr. O. P. Wilson, of Wayne county, died in Ashland, from the effect of an abscess. She was a daughter of Rev. G. W. McGlung.
Death of Mrs. Hogg: The angel of death entered the home of Henry Hogg Saturday morning, May 2, 1903, and called the wife and mother, Mary Hogg, to live with her God and the angels. She leaves a husband and seven children to mourn their loss. She was laid to rest in the old graveyard near her home.
May 15, 1903
Thomas: Uncle Allen Blackburn died Tuesday morning with fever. He was buried in the grave yard near his home.
Irad: Mrs. Betsy Jordan, wife of William Jordan, departed this life May 5th, She had been sick for some time and the past weeks her suffering had been intense. She had been a devoted christian for many years and a great lover of the Bible. She leaves a husband, eleven children and many mourn to mourn her loss.
Catlettsburg: A telegram by Mr. John Vinson announced the sad news of the death of his aunt, Mrs. Will Ray at her home in Altoona, Pa.. She had been quite ill for several days of appendicitis and taking worse last Friday her relatives here were notified when Mrs. Tom Marcum, Mrs. Welch, and Mrs. A. Mims, responding to the call left immediately to watch at her bedside, but though everything possible was done for her, the sad end came yesterday and her spirit passed away. Mrs. Ray was the youngest daughter of Mrs. Z. C. Vinson and Mrs. Tom Marcum and will be lovingly remembered her as Miss Lizzie Bromley. A husband and two children survive her.
Mrs. Ray was a sister of Dr. A. W. and Sam Bromley, of this place, and Mrs. W. J. Frazier, of Fort Gay. She was a beautiful young and had many admirers. The interment took place in Altoona and was attended by some of the relatives from this section.
May 22, 1903
East Point: Aunt Emily Burchett, one of the brightest light of Methodism in the this community throughout her long and devoted life, has passed to a higher life. There are but few left of the old cousins who constituted the second generation of the Auxier family-the earliest settlers here. Aunt Emily was eighty-one years of age.
East Point: Mr. Samuel Greer, another venerable christian was buried last Sunday. He was a member of the of the M. E. Church and was buried by the Masons. He was but a few days of eighty when he died. Funeral sermon by Rev. John Walker of Flat Gap. Prominent among his numerous family is Hon. Wm. Greer of this place.
Inez: Mr. Sammons, the painter, died at his home on the 16th.
The six-years old daughter of Louis M. Ferguson died at Paintsville of blood poisoning resulting from a splinter of the foot.
Ashland: George Tincher, aged 36, was found on the C. &. O. tracks in the suburbs of the city today with the left side of his head crushed. He lived two hours. He was struck by an early morning train.
Andy Canterberry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lev… ( can’t read whole first name) Canterberry of Grayson, was killed Saturday between Ironton and Coal Grove on an electric car. He with some others was on top of the car doing some repair work and taking hold of one of the wires that was heavily charged with electricity, was killed instantly.
Kinner: Death has claimed Mrs. Ida Hensley, the wife of Sidney J. Hensley. She departed this life May 10th, after an illness of about nine weeks with heart trouble.
John Combs died at his home near Olioville on May 9th.
Paintsville: W. W. Stafford, Paintsville’s most successful merchant, died Wednesday morning of paralysis. He was stricken Saturday morning and never conscious afterward. He had a stroke several weeks ago, but had apparently almost entirely recovered from it. Dr. W.W. Morton of Catlettsburg, and Dr. P.C. Layne of Ashland, were called in to consultation with the local physician Sunday, going as far as Whitehouse by special train. No relief could be given to the stricken man, as the paralysis was to complete and deep seated.
Mr. Stafford was 45 years of age. Wife and two children survive him.
May 29, 1903
East Point: Mrs. Ben Smith died since our last letter.
Earl, the nine year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Thomas, of Hunter, W.Va., whole out hunting his cow was instantly killed by the train. He was taken to Russell chapel, just above E. K. Junction for internment.
Clifton Branham, who recently served fifteen years in the penitentiary for murder, shot and killed his wife, at their home in Knott county, yesterday and fired two shots at his brother, Landa. One took effect in the abdomen and will prove fatal. Branham.
Thomas: Miss Mary Morrison, died on the 19th in her 22nd year. It looks very hard to give up on one so young but God knows best.
Thomas: Uncle John McCoy died at his home on Brushy Wednesday night. He was 74 years of age and leaves a wife and several children to mourn their loss.
Davisville: Died, on the 23rd Jack Salyers of dropsy.
Ulysses: A few days ago and infant child of Henry and Effie David died, and was interred in the family graveyard near S.B. Davis’, Rev. L. F. Smith conducting the burial service. This is the fourth child the angel of death has called away from their home.
David Strait, a prominent Boyd county citizen, and for the past two years a resident of Hampton City, died Friday at 1:30 o’clock from pneumonia.
Ashland: May 23, Walter Edwards, aged seventeen, of this city was drowned today while bathing in the Ohio river. One year ago today his stepfather, W. H. Shute was buried.
E.M. Sparks, of Ferris Post Office, Lewis county, Ky., stepped on a loose board at Gravel Bank, near Marrietta on the Little Kanawha road, and fell in front of an express train running forty miles an hour. He was thrown from the track and received injuries which resulted in his death a few hours later. He was traveling for a mail order company.
June 5, 1903
Charley: The grim messenger, death, visited the home of John Waldon, taking his twelve- months old son from this dreary world of ours.
Red Bush: E.E. Williams our neighbor and friend departed this life May 3rd, 1903, and was buried at his home by the Masons.
Red Bush: The angel of death visited the home of James. L. Franklin and took from it a darling son, June 1, 1903.
Death visited the home of H. B. Hewlett again and took from them their loving son Elbert. He died May 29, 1903. His death was not expected so soon.
2nd article: Elbert, son of Hardin Hewlett, died Thursday of last week, after a short illness of consumption, at his home a few miles from Louisa. He was about twenty years of age, and was a nephew of Rev. H. B. Hewlett of this place. Rev. Hewlett and family attended the funeral which occurred Saturday.
Dr. Perres M. Randall Dead: Was born in Louisa, Ky., 55 years ago and died at his home in this village Tuesday, May 19th, at 6:30 o’clock. he came to Wisconsin with his mother shortly after the Civil War and settled at Viroqua, where he resided for several years, going from there to Sugar Grove where he lived until about three years ago when he came to La Farge.
He leaves to mourn is loss a wife, three sons, Randolph of Sugar Grove, James and Sam of this place, and five daughters, Mrs. Frank Drake of Vermillion, S.D., Mrs Jasper Newton of Sugar Grove, Mrs. Bessie Buroker of Soldier’s Grove, Mrs. L. C. McCarty of Praire Du Chien and Miss Dolly of La Farge.
Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon, May 21, in the M. E. Church, conducted by Rev. Deniston. The remains were laid to rest in the Chapel Hill cemetery.
The above is taken from La Farge ( Wis) and refers to the only brother of the late R.F. Vinson.
Mrs. T. H. Baker, wife of school superintendent Baker of Boyd county, died Saturday of consumption.
At six o’clock Saturday evening just above Hampton City, John Reh, of Kenova was drowned while seining. He is company with four others, was seining in the Big Sandy when he was taken with a cramp and before help could reach him he had sank beneath the waters of the river. Mr. Reh was the proprietor of a pump factory in Kenova and was also a member of the firm of Reh and Smith, cigar manufactures. His body was recovered and taken to his home at Kenova. He leaves a wife and four children.
The funeral of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Burchett, Jr., was held from their residence Tuesday afternoon. Dr. Boland conducted the service and burial was in Pine Hill Cemetery.
James Jackson Loses His Life in Rescuing His Son: Last Saturday evening just after dark, considerable excitement was caused by a report that a boy had been drowned in the river, near the wharf. Parents began a search for their boys and some of them grew considerably excited before it was learned that the unfortunate victim was a man. His name was James Jackson, a citizen who lived on Three Mile. He had been at work in Louisa that day and was crossing the river to go home. His little son was with him and fell out of the boat. The father jumped in the water to rescue the child, but unable to get to shore with him. Mr. Jackson was forced to give up the struggle and go down before help reached him, but the boy was saved. The damn was up and the pool full and the water therefore about fourteen feet deep where the drowning occurred.
The body was recovered within a short time and every effect was made to resuscitate the man. The body was taken to the home of James Davis, who wife was a sister to Mr. Jackson. From there the funeral took place Monday, conducted by Rev. L. M Copley. The burial followed in a cemetery across the river.
A wife and three children are left to mourn the loss of a good husband and kind father.
The many friends of Wm. Hewlett are pained to learn of his death, which occurred on Thursday evening of last week at his home seven miles below Louisa. His death resulted from the accident reported in the “News” which occurred while cutting a bee tree on his farm. The injuries to his vertebrae and brain were more serious nature than they first thought to be. The burial took place Saturday. Mr. Hewlett was a prosperous farmer and a good citizen. He was 63 years of age. A large family survives him.
The remains of Mrs. C. C. Kirby, which were brought here from Knoxville, Tenn., yesterday and kept at the Vinson House this morning, were taken on to Wayne, W.Va., on the early train. Mrs. Kirby was from Wayne, and is a niece of Mrs. Jas. Vinson’s. Miss Lou Vinson accompanied the remains to Wayne where they will be interred. Mrs. Kirby, who was formerly Miss Belle Vinson, visited Louisa a number of time.
George Wooten for many years citizen of this county but for some time a resident of Ohio, died in Ironton last Sunday of cancer of the stomach. The body was brought to Louisa Tuesday and interred in the old Chapman burying ground near this place.
J.W. Mayo Dead: A message has been received announcing the death of John Wesley Mayo of Flat Gap. No particulars have been received up to the time we go to press. He was a brother of Cynthia F. Stewart, and was a good citizen.
Gulnare: We regret to report the death of Rev. John McCoy, who lived a devoted christian life, always true to his Primitive Baptist belief.
June 12, 1903
Georges Creek: The death angel visited the home of uncle Arthur Fitch on last Thursday night and took away his loving companion Aunt Betsey. Her death was unexpected. She ate supper and went to bed enjoying as good health as usual, although she was helpless and had been for some time. At one o’clock her kind and patient husband awoke and placed over her and she was sleeping soundly. At the break of the day he gave her attention again and found her dead. Aunt Betty was 79 years old. She will be badly missed in our neighborhood, as she was kind and loving old mother. She leaves a kind and aged husband 11 children and may friends to mourn their loss. The body was taken to Martin county for burial.
Blaine: Our little community was painfully shocked Saturday afternoon by the sad news that Tivis Pack had shot himself. The parents and friends hastened to the spot on the hill back of town and found it only true. He was out hunting with two companions and accidentally discharged his gun, the shot taking effect in his head, killing him instantly. The boy who only a few hours before had left his home happy and gay was borne back a corpse. Tivis was about fourteen years old, a kind-hearted boy, always ready to do a favor. He was laid to rest in the little graveyard on the hill back of his home Sunday afternoon.
Inez: G. W. Hale died Tuesday after a long illness. Rev. H. B. Hewlett was called to Inez Wednesday to assist in the funeral services of G. W. Hale. He was a brother of Henderson Hale, of this place, and a prominent citizen of Martin county.
2nd article from July 17:
Obituary: The M. E. Church, South, at this place, as well as Free Masonry, Odd Fellowship and the county at large, has sustained a loss that will be long be felt in the death of the late Geo. W. Hale, who died at his home here June 9, 1903, age 61 years. He passed away as he lived, happy and strong in the faith of Jesus Christ.
He was born June 23, 1842 in Floyd county, Ky. His father, John Wesley Hale, died a few days before his birth, and he was bound when an infant to Thomas Burchett, a wealthy planter and christian gentlemen of Floyd county. Through the influence of Burchett and wife he was converted and in 1856 he joined the northern branch of the M. E. Church and for 27 years lived a devoted christian life in the church of his choice.
In 1861 when the Civil War broke out, he went to Prestonsburg and volunteered under Captain D. J. Burchett, Captain of Co. K., 14th Ky. volunteers. He served the entire period of the war, and was almost worshipped by the officers and privates of his Company because of his kindness, hospitality and christian character. He was called by members of his Company “the man without a fault”.
When the war was over he came to Martin county, and on Feb. 17, 1870 was married to Miss Sallie Parsley, daughter of Mose Parsley, who stands among the most prominent families in the valley. He began life as a farmer with nothing save round christian character and a brave wife to stand by him in facing the battles of life.
In 1882 he was urged to make the race for Clerk of the County Court and was elected by an overwhelming majority. He filled the office with honor to himself and his constituents. In 1885 he was reelected to County Clerk’s office, and in 1886 was elected as Clerk of the Circuit Court filling both offices without dissatisfaction from any person. He was again urged to make the race for the clerkship but declined on account of his health, and from that time until his pure soul took its flight to that city whose builder and maker is God, he was an incessant sufferer from liver disease and nasal catarrh. He leaves a widow and five sons to mourn their loss.
Lafayette Webb, aged 30, died Saturday at Denton after a protracted illness of consumption. The deceased was married and is survived by his wife. He was engaged in the mercantile business here for awhile as manager of the Preston & Company dry-goods store. He was up to a few months ago, traveling salesman for Bush Watson & Co. of this city. ( Ashland Independent).
Debris Thrown by a Blast: This community was shocked last Friday morning by a telephone message from Torchlight which told of an accident that caused the instant death of Dan Shannon, a highly respected young man of Gallup, this county. A piece of the stump of a beech tree, thrown high into the air by a blast, struck him on the head and breast.
He had been working near Torchlight for a few days for Langhorn & Langhorn, who have the contract for filling the trestles. A short distance away was being done by this force, and William Shannon, a brother of the unfortunate man, was putting in and exploding the charges of dynamite and powder. Dan was sent to borrow an implement from the section men and reached them just as a shot was ready and the men were moving out of the way. He turned and walked back down the track with the men and they all stopped 360 feet from the location of the blast, as shown by subsequent measurement. When the explosion occurred Dan’s attention seemed to be attracted by debris thrown in the direction of the house and he evidently did not see the large piece of beech stump coming toward him until the instant it struck on the railroad track about twenty feet in front of him. It bounded toward him at lightening speed, his hand went up as if to ward off the blow, and the missile struck him on the forehead with such terrific force that his body was lifted off the ground and carried several feet. The skull was fractured and death was instantaneous. The body was brought to Louisa on a handcar and prepared for burial, and was then taken by train to the home of his stricken parents, Mr. and Mrs. Shannon, of Gallup.
The funeral took place Saturday and was more largely attended than any ever held in that neighborhood. The Odd Fellow’s Lodge of Louisa attended the body, the deceased having been a member. Rev. John R. Chapman conducted the services.
Deceased was 24 years of age, and unmarried. He had taken $1000 life insurance about a month before his death, made payable to his mother. He was a young man of excellent character and unquestioned integrity, the third of four such sons raised by as good parents as we have in our valley. This was the first death in the family, and the surviving members have our deepest sympathies.
The father of Mrs. Alice Frasher of this place, died in Jewel county, Kansas, May 25th, in his 76th year. His name was Robert D. Elam. The funeral was conducted from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. James Gillilan, by Rev. J. A. Rousey and the interment took place in Rosemound cemetery.
Deceased was first married to Miss Sarah E. Hill, who died leaving one child, Mrs. Alice Frasher. He then married Miss Arta Pelphrey, of Johnson county, Ky. To them were born three sons and three daughters, all of whom are living except the oldest son. Deceased joined the Baptist church 37 years ago and remained a faithful follower to the end. He was a brother of Mrs. Mary E. Lemaster, of Barnett’s Creek, Wm. L. Elam, of Blairs Mills, Morgan county, Matthew Elam, Ashland Mrs. Elizabeth Roberts and Esther Frasher, of Madge.
Miss Lora, sixteen-year old daughter of “Dutch” Williams ( Mr. J. M. Williamson), of old Peach Orchard, this county, suicided by drowning herself in the river Wednesday evening. The body was recovered and was buried yesterday. She was quite a pretty girl. The rash deed was committed in a fit of despondency, thought to have been caused by the connection of her name with an unsavory case which was soon to come up in the courts. The girl left the house to go to a spring on the river bank for water for her grandmother, and failing to return, search was made which resulted in finding her body in the river.
Mrs. Emma Wellman, of Buchanan, departed this life May 26, 1903. She leaves a husband and two children to mourn their loss. Her body was laid to rest int he Buchanan Chapel cemetery.
June 19, 1903
Inez: The wife of Dr. J. M. Johnson, of Eden, Martin county died Sunday of consumption.
Samuel Ferguson, of Ferguson Post Office, Wayne County, died at his home on Monday morning from the effects of a paralytic stroke, which he received some days ago. Mr. Ferguson was about 70 years old and well known to Louisa. He was a prominent citizen and the news of his death will be received with general regret.
The five year old son of Amos Thompson died on Vinson Branch a few days ago.
Mattie: A small child of Mary McComis died on the 7th and was buried on the 8th.
June 26, 1903
Monday morning about ten o’clock, Mr. Houchens, aged about 50 years, and who made his home at Credo, was killed in the upper end of the yards at Kenova, by a train. He was run over and his body cut in two. He was married and leaves a wife to mourn the loss.
A peculiarly sad and tragic death occurred on Keyes creek, near Normal, the victim being Bertha Fairchild, the 11-years old step-daughter of Samuel Meade, a coal miner. The little girl and a companion were playing together and were using green grapes, putting them in their mouths and spitting them at each other. The Fairchild girl had several grapes in her mouth, and was running after the other little girl, when she suddenly threw up her arms and feel backwards crying, “I’m gone.”
A physician was hurriedly summoned but the the child was dead, she having expired almost instantly. It had been found one of the grapes had been sucked down her windpipe and lodged there, choking her to death in a very brief space of time.
Died on the Train: A very pathetic and unusual occurrence took place on the Big Sandy train coming up yesterday morning. It was the death of J.F. Frye, which occurred just as the train reached Lockwood station. Not long ago the poor woman was attacked by a quick consumption and her decline was rapid. Giving up all hope of recovery she expressed a desire a few days ago to be removed from her home in West Virginia to that of her father, S.W.Porter, who lives in Rockcastle. The trip was accordingly taken, but the desire of the unfortunate woman to die at her old home was not realized. Her death was painless and peaceful. Sh was on a cot in the baggage care. With her were her husband, a sister and brother-in-law. The women’s age was about 30. Mr. F.T.D. Wallace telegraphed to Louisa for a casket and it was delivered at the train, causing a delay of only a few minutes. The body was taken to Peach Orchard to Rockcastle.
Vessie: Mrs. Emery McKinney who was reported sick some time ago, died last week and was laid to rest in McDaniel graveyard to wait the resurrection morn. She leaves a husband and nine small children to mourn their loss.
Buchanan: Benj. F. Black, of Durbin creek, Boyd county died suddenly and unexpectedly of angina pectoris on Thursday evening of last week at the home of his son Frank, on Bush creek, near Buchanan. He had suffered some the day previous from a smothering sensation and neuralgia in his chest, but felt as well as usual on Thursday and went to Buchanan on Thursday. Just after noon he started home and had not gone far when he was attacked in the same manner as the day previous and was compelled to stop at his son’s. His suffering became intense. Dr. Banfield was called to give him some relief but at about six o’clock while he was sitting up in bed and in the act of taking some soup the neuralgia reached the heart and death was instantaneous. The funeral took place at Kavanaugh Sunday. Mr. Black was in his 70th year, but a well preserved man.
Buchanan: James Clay, aged about 30, died Saturday and was buried in the Ogle burial grounds on Sunday. Consumption caused his death and also that of his wife, which occurred last spring. Several children are left.
Samuel J. Ferguson, of Ferguson, who was recently stricken with paralysis died Monday at 3:30 p.m. Mr. Ferguson was born January 27, 1832, hence had recently passed his 71 year. His grandfather came from Virginia to Wayne just one year ago and the Fergusons and their connections are numerous in the county as well as Pike County, Ky. Mr. Ferguson married a Miss Ratcliffe of Pike county, and the father of twelve children, all but four of whom are living. During the war he was a gallant Confederate soldier in Co K. 8th cavalry. After the war he served as a justice of the peace many years. His daughter Mrs Robert Wright and son Wayne B. Ferguson of Ceredo, with other relatives did not reach his bedside before death but left Tuesday to attend the funeral services which were held in Wayne, where the remains will be interred in the family burial ground.
July 3, 1903
While trying to arrest Everett Beatty, a barber, at Olive Hill, Deputy Gus Hall was shot and killed by Beatty and Marshall Lonis White then shot and killed Beatty. The Coroner’s jury exonerated White.
2nd article: ( Note names spelled different than first article) Everett Bailey, a barber at Olive Hill, killed deputy marshal Gus Hall while he was trying to serve a warrant for stealing some barber tools. Marshal Lewis White heard the fatal shots and ran to the scene, shooting Bailey to death.
Paintsville: Johnson county: On Sunday evening about six o’clock at Whitehouse, Bill Osborn killed Lee Dollarhide and it is alleged that Alex. Allen killed George Green. The best information we have is that Can Cheek, Alex. Allen and Bill Osborn were operting a push boat between Prestonsburg and Whitehouse and John McKee was with them. They all lived in Floyd county. They had Cheek’s push boat tied up at Whitehouse and loaded, but did not start out, and Sunday they all got drunk with Lee Dollarhide. The latter was on Con Cheek’s boat and got into a quarrel with Bill Osborn and drew his knife. Osborn grabbed a shotgun and shot Dollarhide’s left-arm nearly off. Dollarhide pursued him with his knife till he was knocked down twice with the shotgun, the last lick being struck on top of his head, breaking his skull. Osborn then went on to the boat and Alex. Allen and George Green followed him. Cheek at the time was on the boat. Cheek and Green had a slight controversy, but quit quarreling. Then Osborn and Green had a dispute and Cheek tried to quiet them, but Green became enraged and struck Cheek in the face, whereupon Alex. Allen shot Green dead. It is claimed by some that Lee Dollarhid had more than two hundred dollars on his person immediately before being killed and had no money after being killed. There seems to be a great mystery about the whole matter, but the above is is generally credited now. Osborn has not been arrested.
Mrs. Meriba Hereford, aged 88, widow of Dr. Hereford, died near Prestonsburg recently. She was grandmother of James C. Johns, of Louisa.
2nd article: Was born February 18.1816 in Pike County, Ky. Her father was General William Ratliff, in his day a prominent man in Eastern Kentucky. She was married June 16, 1840 to Dr. James. H. Hereford. Almost all of her married life,m except a short residence at Covington, was spent at or near Prestonsburg. One daughter, Mrs. James.H. Hatcher survives her, two sisters are still living, Mrs. Ann Dils of Pikeville and Mrs. Kate Cecil of Catlettsburg, and a brother Joseph Ratliff, of Empire City, Ark.
Sunday at his resident on Durbin’s creek, John Lester, one of Boyd’s well known farmers, was called by the death angel. Mr. Lester had been suffering for the past two years with cancer of the bowels, which finally caused his death.
Davisville: We are sorry to hear of the death of Elizabeth Craft, wife of Wiley Craft and a daughter of Rev. John B. Wheeler. She was a christian, belonging to the United Baptist church. She leaves a husband and five children to mourn their loss.
Eugene Blanton was killed by falling slate in Merrimac mines frour miles from Williamson. The bank boss standing near was injured seriously.
Chas. J. Armstrong, traveling representative for Bradtstreet, Cincinnati was killed in a collision between a street car and freight train in Huntington last week. He was to have married soon. 15 0r 20 other people were injured.
News reached here of a fatal fight between the Barnetts and the Hackers just over the county line in Magoffin county Sunday in which Hiram Barnett was killed and John Henry Hacker and Joe Hacker were wounded. The trouble is said to have arisen over the talk of the Hackers regarding Burns Fitzpatrick, one of the jurors in the Jett and White cases who after he had hung the jury, returned home with a new Winchester rifle. Barnett was in love with a Miss Burns, a niece of Fitzpatrick, and accused John Henry Hacker of having started the story. The fought with revolvers. Several other young men were present and participated in the shooting.
2nd article: ( also has more details on shooting as described above) Dollarhide was a resident of Whitehouse and was under an indictment in U.S. Court for illicit liquor dealing. He leaves a family.
Greene was unmarried and his home was on Blaine, in this county. He was employed as a teamster by Thos. Burchett, the blacksmith at Whitehouse.
Osborn is said to be the son of “Bad Bill” Osborn of Beaver, Floyd county who has a long list of death ones to his credit- or discredit. The old man is said to have reformed some years ago, however, and became a preacher.
On Sunday afternoon near the Falls of Tub, ten miles southeast of Louisa, Ulysses Fitzpatrick, Jr., fatally shot Jack Gilkerson. The affair occurred on the West Virginia side of the river, near a “blind tiger” where a number had congregated and were drinking. Gilkerson lived until ten o’clock that night. It is probably a case of self-defense, as it is alleged that Gilkerson was attempting to shoot Fitzpatrick. The latter got in his work first, firing twice and hitting the victims both times. The ball that caused the death entered the abdomen and passed out through the lower part of the back. The other bullet took effect in his shouler. A 44 revolver was used.
There had been no previous trouble between the men, so far we can learn. Gilkerson was drunk. When in that condition he was inclined to be quarrelsome, but when sober was good citizen. Fitzpatrick is reported to have been sober when the trouble occurred. He was left soon afterward, saying he was going to Wayne to surrender to the authorities.
Fitzpatrick is about 23 years old and married, and is a son of James Fitzpatrick. he and his brother have a small store in that neighborhood. Gilkerson was a farmer about 55 years old. He leaves a family and all his children are grown. Both the men were residents of this county.
July 10, 1903
At Soldier, Carter county, Saturday, Constable Clayborn Hicks shot and killed Tom Fonche, who was resisting arrest.
At a picnic on Shultz creek former Town Marshal W.H. Cremeans of Greenup, was killed by Charles Harmon of Lewis County.
Peach Orchard: Wm. Quesenbury died last Thursday morning. He had been low for some time and his death was not unexpected. He was a member of the Freewill Baptist church, always faithful to his religous work and was prepared for the awful change that must come to all soon or late.
He belonged to Peach Orchard Lodge No. 280, I.O.O.F., and was buried by said order in the Warnick graveyard at Richardson Friday. He leaves a wife and three children, one boy and two girls, all grown. ( another mention had name spelled Quisenbury)
Inez: Clay Williamson’s wife died Sunday evening of cholera morbus.
L.C. Boyd and his wife arrived last Saturday with their infant child to lay to rest in the family graveyard at the home of his mother.
West Liberty, Ky., Dave Purcell who shot and killed Mack Nickell and Gordon Wells last week, was seen yesterday evening by a posse on Red River. Purcell opened fire and wounded one of the posse and there were several shots fired. Purcell made his escape. A large posse is in pursuit.
Grayson, Ky., July 4. A seventeen year old sone of Jesse Triplett of Ironton Ohio accidentally shot and killed himself near Willard, this county. He was on a visit to his uncle, Oscar Triplett, and whole out hunting struck the hammers of the gun against the fence, emptying the contents of the gun into his jaw.
M. Ryan, Chief Clerk C.&.O. office, this city, died after a lingering illness Thursday morning at 11 o’clock. Typhoid fever caused his death. The remains were taken to Whitehouse Thursday evening and placed abroad a special train and taken to Richmond, Va., his home, for burial. Mrs. Ryan and his daughter, mother and sister of the deceased were constantly at his bedside during the illness.
Paintsville: Everett, 18-year old son of Mason Mahan, died of typhoid fever which has been raging in the area for some time and also caused deaths of Ada, 16 year old daughter of Mrs. Rachel Preston died last week as did T.M. Ryan and Mrs Julia McKenzie.
Farris Arnett brought information of the killing of his stepson Reb Keeton, in Morgan County, near Caney. Keeton was shot and killed by Sam Brown without provocation and it is believed a mob will take Brown from the sheriff and hang him. Brown who is only twenty four years old, bears a bad reputation and has been in a number of scrapes.
Glenwood: Died on the 26th inst., Willis Kibby, after a long illness of consumption. He leaves a wife and six children to mourn their loss. He was a member of the Christian Church and was ready when the summons came. His remains were laid to rest in the Coburn graveyard beside his son who died about two years ago from the same disease.
Madge: Died last Sunday the wife of Marion Carter of fever. She leaves a husband and three small children to mourn their loss.
July 17. 1903
Blaine: The wife of Marion Carter died some days ago as a result of fever, having only been sick eleven days. She leaves a husband, two children, and a host of friends to mourn her loss. She was a daughter of Uncle Kiah Whitt, of Dry Ridge. Was about twenty eight years old, a pleasant companion, a tender mother, an excellent woman and a splendid neighbor. Funeral rites were conducted by Rev. Fraley, and burial near her home, where she had lived during her short but happy married life. The husband and two children have the sympathy of all.
Davisville: Since our last letter, the following deaths have taken place our neighborhood: Robt Sone and the little infant of Charley and Nervie Ross. Weep not, dear friends, they are just over on the other shore waiting for you.
Vessie: Mrs. Belle Houser, of near Matew, died Monday of consumption.
June, the little child of C.T. Miller, died last week and was laid to rest in the Rifle graveyard to wait the resurrection morn. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Leslie.
Salyersville: At Bloomington, two boys, sons of Farish Arnett and Lacey Brown, were fighting a few days ago, and Brown was badly cut with a knife. Afterwards, Sam Brown, an older brother, shot Reb Arnett, an older brother, through the head and killed him. Brown ran and Joe Arnett, shot at him several times. Its is said Brown is resisting arrest, but that his father says he will bring him in soon. Sheriff has gone after him.
Premature discharge of dynamite killed Jim Jackson and dangerously wounded foreman John Burk, who has been sent to the hospital at Ashland.
2nd article: Jim Jackson was instantly killed and John Burke seriously injured at East Point Wednesday afternoon. The were working on a railroad grading. After putting in a light charge to spring a hole, the commenced to put in a heavy charge of dynamite and powder when the explosion took place. Jackson is a so of Will Jackson, living in Pigeon creek near Oil Springs. Burkes lives at East Point.
3rd article: July 24- John Burk ( spelled both ways- Burke and Burk) died this morning. The body will be taken to his home on East Point for burial.
The nine-year old son of Wm. Stapleton of Rush, met death this morning in a peculiar manner. While playing near the railroad track he found tow railroad torpedos and hit one with a hammer, when it exploded lacerating his throat so badly he bled to death in a few minutes.
William Vose, aged twenty years, a prominent young man of Ashland, was drowned near the wharf at Ashland Friday evening. He, with another young man, was bathing. Vose suddently threw up his hands and sank. He is supposed to have been seized with cramps. His body was recovered a few hours later and the funeral took place Sunday, from his father’s residence.
Inez: Miss Saloma Davis, the eighteen year old daughter of Henry Davis, died at her home on Wolf Creek from wounds inflicted with a knife by Nathan Evans several days ago. An inquest was held by Coroner Hale and the verdict of the jury charges Mrs. Evans with the crime. The cutting took place and was the outcome of the jealousy on the part of Mrs. Evans.
Three men were drowned in Tug River just above this place on Sunday last. A colored man was watering mules and by some means fell into the river, and called for help. Two Italians went to the rescue and in the attempt to save the colored man, all three men were drowned. The Wallace Contracting Co., for whom the men were working, purchased coffins and had the men interred.
Killing by Lightening: Lark Whittaker, a prominent and wealthy young farmer residing near Whitehouse, Johnson county, was struck by lightening late Saturday evening and killed instantly.
Mr. Whittaker was sitting under a tree in his front year reading a newspaper. A small black cloud approached in the heavens, but it did not look serious, so Mr. Whittaker continued his reading.
Suddenly there was blinding flash of lightening, a fearful crash of thunder, and ’twas all over. The bolt struck and shattered the tree, under which the unfortunate man was sitting and, as stated above, instantly killing Mr. Whittaker.
He had only resided near Whitehouse a short time. He and his father recently sold their farm near Prestonsburg to the C.& O. R.R. Company for a fancy figure, and later purchased a fine farm near Whitehouse. He was well known and highly respected in the Big Sandy Valley.
July 24, 1903
Inez: Mrs. Bascon Wiiliams, of Catlessburg, died Thursday at his home of her father, Jack Cassidy, of consumption. H.B. Hewlett, of Louisa, was called to conduct the funeral.
Inez: “High” Jarrel died Saturday morning and was buried Sunday.
Mattie: An infant child of D. M. Moore (later article named infant as Myrtle)died on the 12 inst. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of all.
Also see 9-11-1903 for death of Arthur Moore
Ratcliff: Died on the 17th inst., the little son of J.T. Horton. The bereaved parents have our sympathy.
Gulnare: Your correspondent has to report the death of Benjamin Scott, the 18 year old son of Henderson Scott. Death was caused by falling out of a wagon and the heavily loaded wagon rolling over him. He lived from 20 to 26 hours after the accident.
Thomas: Minta Burchett died Thursday at her home on Johns creek. She had been confined to her bed for several months with consumption. She leaves a husband and several children to mourn their loss.
Wm. Thompson died at his home on Hurricane over in West Virginia last Sunday after an illness of several days. The burial took place Monday.
Death of Mr. O. S. Horton: Died, in Pikeville, Kentucky, Saturday, July 18th, after an illness of three weeks, Orlando Salsbury Horton, aged 34 years. He was well known in Louisa. He was interred in Pine Hill Cemetery.
Death of Rev. S. H. Snead:
S.H. Snead died Saturday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Zeb Heston. He had been ill health for several weeks and his death was not unexpected. He was eighty-one years of age, and was a preacher in the Methodist Church. The funeral took place from the M.E.Church, Sunday afternoon and was conducted by Rev. J. Cheap, Burial in Pine Hill Cemetery.
Friday, July 3, 1903, Mrs. Bertie Large died at her home in Cat, aged 15 years, 8 months and 11 days. Though she had been ill for some time, her death was a great shock. She was the daughter of David Foster, and wife of Gean Large.
Emma Wellman, wife of Frank Wellman, after a brief stay of 30 years on earth, left her husband, two bright lovely little girls, one of which has just reached the years of accountability and has been a devoted christian for over a year.
July 31, 1903
Col. John Paul Jones, one of the oldest citizens in Ashland, died Tuesday in his 80th year. One of his daugthers, Miss Hattie, went down from Louisa that afternoon.
Georges Creek: Aunt Julia Boyd departed this life on the 25th at the age of 75 years. She was laid to rest in the family graveyard beside her husband. Andy Boyd, who was drowned in the Big Sandy at the mouth of George’s Creek 37 years ago. She lives nine children, and a host of grandchildren and many friends to mourn her loss. The burial services were conducted by Rev. Tom Jeff Collins on the 27th.
Death Claims a Number of Victims this Week:
Benjamin F. Kise dropped dead Wednesday afternoon in his store near the mouth of Georges Creek. The fatal summons came just as a violent storm reached that point. Heart disease was the cause of death. Mr. Kise was apparently in perfect health at the time. He had complained for some time that morning of a smothering sensation, but the trouble seemed to pass away. He was about 55 years of age. A wife and two children survive him. The burial took place yesterday in the family grounds.
George, son of Sank Hall, died of Brights disease at his home a few miles from Louisa. He was about thirty years of age, and leaves a wife and three small children.
Mrs. Thos. Shannon died of typhoid fever at her home on Lick Creek, four miles from Louisa, Tuesday morning, and it was necessary to bury the body that afternoon. Her age was about thirty years of age. Besides a husband, four children are left. Deceased was a daughter of Mordecai Wilson.
Killed by a Train:
James Fraley, age about 24 was killed by a train at 3 a.m. Monday, just above the first trestle in lower Louisa, known as the Lackey trestle, The body was cut into many pieces and scattered along the track from some distance. Some difficulty was experienced in identifying the man. The verdict of the jury at the inquest was that he came to death in an unknown manner.
Drew Thompson says he was with locally until 2 a.m. and his theory is that Fraley went to sleep on the track. He was employed by a push boat operated by David France and was to go to work that morning.The accidents occurred in front of France’s house. Fraley boarded there, but probably did not want to disturb the family at that hour. The train that killed him had a number of cars loaded with stone for the work going on above here. None of the crew saw the man and did not stop the train.
Joseph Rayburn, died at his home on Queen’s Creek near Hubbardstown in Wayne County W. Va., at the age of 65 years, July 17, 1903. He had not been in good health fro some three or four years. He had been visiting his son Henry Rayburn on Big Hurricane and was apparently in good health as he had been for some for some past weeks. He returned to his home July the 15th. He leaves three sons to mourn his loss.
August 7, 1903- some pages damaged
We regret very much to note the death of Sheriff W. B. Smiths child. After several weeks of illness with whooping cough and other complications, it died last Tuesday and was taken to Mr. Smith’s old home place, Mouth Pond, for burial.
Charley: Died on the 22nd, Frank Austin. who has been suffering for some time with the infirmities of old age. He was almost 70 years of age. His body was interred in the Lige Judd graveyard.
Also on the 20th, the little child of Marion Bevins died.
West Virginia: Juanita, the little 5 year old daughter of Mrs. Ida Watts, died of cerebro spinal meningitis, Saturday July 25, 1903 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Page, where the child was staying. Funeral services were held at Mr. Page’s residence Sunday, conducted by Rev. J. W. Johnson, after which the remains were taken to the Wilson cemetery, about two miles from town.
Ransom Marcum, formerly a resident of Louisa, died Sunday at the home of his son-in-law, Dr Jay Bartram, near Fort Gay. He had been disabled by paralysis for two years.
Matt Clay, who lived on Lick Creek, a few miles from Louisa, died last Friday of typhoid fever. He was a father of the young man who was killed in a coal mine last fall. He leaves a family.
Dutch Harris died Monday morning at the home of his parents in Fort Gay, W. Va., of smallpox with complications. The body was buried at midnight on top of the hill back of the home.
August 14, 1903
Thomas: Jack Morrison died July 22. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Allie Ward.
Tuscola: Death visited the home of Emery McKinney and took from them their little son Andrew, aged 8 years. We extend our sympathy the bereaved sympathy.
Vessie: The people here attended the funeral and burial of Mrs. Belle House last Saturday. Her home was in Ohio, but she had been at her father’s, J.C. Riffe, for several weeks. Her infant child died three days before she did. The bereaved family have our sympathy.
Killed in a Mine: A telegram received here late Thursday, evening of last week from War Eagle, W. Va., brought sad news of the sudden death of A.H. See, second son of John B. See, of Lick Creek, four miles from Louisa. He had been employed in the coal mines at that place for nearly three years, and at the time of his death was foreman of the slate gang. He was killed by a fall of slate, which broke his neck and caused instant death. The body was brought her by H. Doyle, formerly of this vicinity. The burial took place Saturday. This young man was in his 21st year. He was an industrious young man and his death is a very sad event to all his events.
We have just learned of the death of Mrs. Stonebraker, which occurred a few weeks ago as Jacksonville, Texas where she and her daughter had been living. Miss Gertrude is teaching music in a college at that place. The death was sudden and was caused by heart disease. The body was taken to Manchester, Ohio for burial. Mrs. Stonebraker formerly lived here and was highly respected.
A married daughter of John Riffe, of Upper Boltsfork, died at her home at Zanesville, O. The remains were brought back here for burial. Just two years ago this month Mr. Riffe lost children of typhoid fever.
Will Shafer, the bright and efficient shipping clerk for Ben Williamson and Co, of Catlettsburg, died at his home in South Point, Ohio, from smallpox.
One man killed and one badly bruised is the result of an accident that occurred at the railroad bridge at Buffalo Shoals Tuesday evening. While shifting pier stone, the main guy line supporting the mast of a heavy derrick to fall. Joseph Gothard and A.A. Dillon, employees were standing under the derrick and both were struck by the fall. Gothard, bedsided having a leg broken in several places, sustained internal injuries, while Dillon escaped with a few bruises. Gotthard died at 4:15 Wednesday morning. His remains were shipped to his home at Barbousville, W. Va., where the funeral will take place. He was 32 years of age and single.
August 21, 1903-some pages damaged.
Inez: Mrs. Garfield Maynard, died of consumption the first of the week. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Andre.
Miss Sallie Williams, departed this life on the second day of August, 1903
Mrs. Buck Elkins, died at Fallsburg Tuesday of consumption. She was one of the best women in the locality. Rev. H. B. Hewlett was called out there to conduct the funeral services.
We learned this morning that Mrs. Helen A. Barrett, wife of the late Col. James A. Barrett, of Warfield, whose illness was noted previously, died at the Seton Hospital Cincinnati, on Monday last, and was buried at Indianapolis Tuesday. She was the stepmother of Doug Barrett of this city- Catlettsburg News.
August 28, 1903-page 3, 4 and 5 damaged
Inez: W.T. Wiles died Friday of last week and was buried Sunday. A large crowd attended the funeral.
Glenwood: Milton Butler, a citizen of this place, shot and killed Ben Sellard, of John’s creek, about six miles from town on the 13th.
R.J. Prichard Dead: Typhoid Fever Carries Away One of our Good Citizens
Mr. R. J. Prichard last Friday died at his home in this place, of typhoid fever. He had been ill for about four weeks. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon from the M.E. Church South. Dr. J. M. Boland and Rev. John T. Johnson conducted the services. The Masonic fraternity of which the deceased was active and honored member, laid the remains away in Pine Hill Cemetery. The attendance both at church and the cemetery were large.
Mr. Prichard was 53 years old. He married the oldest daughter of Judge R. F. Vinson. Only the wife and a little grand-daughter survive, his two daughters having died, one in infancy and the other Mrs. E.B. Hager in her youthful womanhood. Mrs. Prichard was a genial and popular man, of kind and considerate disposition. He had been a resident of Louisa for more than twenty years and as a merchant and traveling salesman had formed a wide acquaintance. He had no enemies. The news of his death comes as a message of sorrow to all his acquaintances. He was of large, portly physique such as would give promise of a much longer life than was spared him; but there is none so strong that the terrible disease of typhoid may not end his earthly existence. Three brothers of the deceased were present at the funeral- Dr. Louis Prichard, of Charleston, W.Va., C.C. Prichard of Catlessburg, and James Prichard and wife of Round Bottom, W. Va.,. Also other relatives and friend from around the surrounding country attended the funeral. Among the members were Dr. A. P Banfield.
Geo. F. Johnson: Falls a Victim to the Ravages of the Grim Reaper.
At 9:30 p.m., on Wednesday night of this week, George R. Johnson breathed his last and passed to the Great Beyond. He had been in ill health for some time, but was not confined to bed until about two weeks ago, when he realized death was near. It was a general breakdown in health. He grew gradually weaker and weaker until the last and died without a struggle. During the last few days he was not conscious of his surroundings.
With the passing our community loses one of the most popular men that lived in this county. He had both the offices of County and Circuit Clerk of Lawrence for twelve years, and was County clerk for sixteen years. He was Sheriff one term, and had been a Master Commissioner. He was a man of superior intellect.
His age was 65 years. He is survived by his wife and four sons- Capt. Wm. O., of the U.S.Army; Senator John J., Prof. J.R., of the State College, and Frank, book-keeper for Dixon, Moore and Co. The only daughter died a few years ago.
Mr. Johnson was a first Lieutenant in the Ky., U.S. Army in the civil war. He married Miss. Zara Vinson.
The funeral will take place today ( Friday) at 10 a.m. standard time, from the residence. The interment will follow in Pine Hill Cemetery. Dr. Boland, of the M. E. Church South, will conduct the services and the Masonic fraternity will have charge of the burial.
A brother of the deceased who lives near Point Pleasant, W. Va., arrived Wednesday evening.
Zelda: Mrs. Floyd Robinson who had been a sufferer from consumption for quite a number of months, departed this life August 4. She was laid to rest in the Hicks graveyard. She leaves a husband and four children to mourn her loss. She was a happy mother and a good wife, loved by all who knew her. Her age was twenty-three years six months and twelve days. She was very happy when she died.
Ulysses: Uncle John Lowe, who was about 70 years old, died August 16. .He was buried in the Hannah graveyard near his home on Nelson Branch. He leaves a widow, one son and two daughters. Uncle John was a good citizen and kind husband and father. The bereaved have our sympathy.
Suicide at Whitehouse
John Cooper, aged 21, suicided at Whitehouse by shooting himself in the abdomen. The deed was committed Saturday night and he lived until Sunday night. He was in the employ of a steamboat company. There are two stories as to the cause of the rash act. One is that he was deserter from the U.S…. ( can’t read d/t damage). The other is unpleasant family relations. He was unmarried and lived with his mother.
Paintsville: Milton Music murdered W.H. Gose last Friday.
September 4, 1903- all pages damaged
Mattie: Lula, a small daughter of At and Mary Ball, died on the 27th of August. She suffered severely for a few days until God called her spirit home to dwell with him.
In Memory: Claudia the infant daughter of Dunlap Bradley and wife, was born January 1, 1903, departed this life June 26th. Aged 5 months and 26 days.
Patrick: Several of the folks at this place attended the funeral of Aunt Katie Brown Sunday. Aunt Katie was widely known as the oldest woman of the county at her death, and her relatives can be counted by the score.
Pikeville: We are all mourning here because of the death of Charles F. Mays, who died of typhoid fever. Mr. Mays was undertaker here.
Mrs. C. Spradlin, mother of Jim H. and Mrs. H. D. Fitzpatrick, died at Prestonsburg last week.
Mrs.Chas. Wallace was killed by a train at Ashland Wednesday,. She leaves a husband and one child.
The body of J. C. French, who was murdered in a box car at Paint Creek, W. Va., was buried at Zelda this county.
Edward Wireman was shot and instantly killed by Wm. Stacy, on the edge of Knott county, near the Breathitt county line, last week.
We learn of the death of the wife of Thos. Gentry of Bloomington, which occurred August 26.
Miss Lillian Stafford died at Catlettsburg last Monday of typhoid fever. She was the oldest daughter of Frank Stafford, and was deputy postmaster at Catlettsburg. She was a pretty and popular young lady.
Mrs. W. B. Allen, died at her home at White Oak, Morgan county, after a prolonged illness. She was fifty-two years old. Her first husband was the late Congressman W.B. Taulbee. She was a daughter of Mr. Oney, living on White Oak.
Jemima Auxier was born in the county of Floyd, August 16, 1818 and died August 25, 1903, age 85 years and 9 days. She was the daughter Samuel Auxier, of … of John’s rek. She was married to John Prater Nov. 29, 1838. This union was blessed with nine children, all living but the oldest, a daughter, who died several years ago.
She is survived by eight children, 66 grandchildren, and 93 great-grand-children. She lived at her home on Burning Fork 65 years. She was a devoted christian and a great admirer of her church. She had been a member of the M.E. Church for 72 years.
Peggy Webb, an aged woman living across the river, died Wednesday. She wa s site of Julia Copley of this place.
The wife of Thomas Short, of Morgan’s creek, died last Monday. leaving a husband and several children and a host of friends and relatives to mourn their loss.
September 11, 1903
Busseyville: An infant child of Charley Webb and wife was buried in the Hutchinson graveyard last Sunday.
Ulysses: After a brief illness little Maggie, daughter of Samuel Murray and wife of Lowmansville, died August 28th. Maggie certainly was too sweet a child to remain long on this storm -beaten earth.
Glenwood: Died the 3rd, Mrs. Ella. Queen, wife of John D. Queen, of consumption. She had been confined to her bed for a long time. She leaves a husband and five small children to mourn their loss. The remains were taken to her father’s Wm. Taylor and laid to rest in the family graveyard.
It is reported that Mrs. J. G. Talbert died of typhoid fever at Paintsville last Saturday.
Abe Cyrus, one of the pioneer famers of the Big Sandy Valley, and a highly respected citizen, died of cancer, at the age of 88 years, at his home near Round Bottom last week. The burial took place in the family burying ground.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Copley … aged eight days, died ( unable to read all of article).
Wm. F. Davenport, aged 47 died at Ashland last Saturday, after an illness of two or three weeks. He was foreman in the Independent office for several years and was one of the most skillful and artistic printers to be found. Having been one of his employers for nearly 3 years, while connected with the Independent, we were deeply pinned by the news of his death. He was the son of Steven Davenport and was born at Louisa. A wife and five children survive him.
Elisha Wellman died of smallpox at Catlettsburg Monday. He was formerly of Cassville, W. Va., and was about forty years of age. A few years ago he married the widow of Wm. Burchett, Jr., of this county, and moved to Catlettsburg, where for a time they conducted the Central Hotel.
Red Bush: The funeral of E. E. Williams will be attended to.
September 18,1903
Overda: Died, Mrs. Louisa Holbrook, an aged woman, on September 12. The burial took took place in the Hays graveyard on the 13th.
Also the funeral of baby T. H. Large will be preached at his home near Overda on second Sunday in October.
Inez: Died Saturday, at Inez, the infant child of Mr. West. It had been sick for some time and its death was not unexpected. The parents have our sympathy in this their sad hour of bereavement.
2nd article: The infant child of Mr. West, the slave man died Saturday night. The funeral was conducted Sunday.
The funerals of Thomas Carter and his two daughters, Mrs. Lauvina Rose and Mrs. Janette Curnutte will be preached at Elm Grove the first Sunday in October by Revs. R. F. Rice, W. H. C. McKinster and W. M. Copley.
Mrs. George. O. Barnes wife the well known Kentucky evangelist, died suddenly at her home in Sanibel, FL. Rev. Barnes has been preaching in the Kentucky mountains for several months, one week in each county.
Mattie: Died, on the 9th inst., Arthur Moore of consumption. Age 17 years. He was always a good moral body and was converted about one week before his death. He died shouting and praising God. He told his father while dying that he saw angels and a host of friends and relatives who had come after him; that his mother and one sister and two little brothers had come and that all is well.
Inez; Deleno, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Miller, died on the 7th at Warfield and was buried at this place on the next day.
Report of Double Murder in Floyd County: The murder of “Little Ab” Lyttle and his brother, which is said to have occurred on the left fork of Beaver, on Otter creek, in Floyd County, a few days ago. The shooting was done in ambush with a 38 caliber Winchester. One of the men were killed instantly and the other died three days later. Suspicion is said to rest upon one John Hall.
Not able to read article except for death of Chas. Foster Mays and leaves a wife and children and a brother traveled from Va. to be with him in his last hours.
Dwale: J. A. Begley’s baby died Saturday last.
Miss Susan Buchanan was born in Lawrence county. Her mother and father died when she was quite young and she was brought up under the religous influence of her grandfather William Buchanan, one of the finest men of the county. Susan never married. She joined the M. E. South church when young and lived the life of a consistent christian. For several years she made her home with her Uncle Oliver Buchanan, where the preacher always found a welcome. The family was broken up with the death of Uncle Oliver and Sudan was thrown without a home. she went to her brother George in IL, for there to her sister, Mrs. Merrle in Colorado, where she was at the time of her death on August 16th, 1903.
September 25, 1903
Ulysses: On Sept. 13th., the angel of death visited the home of Jeff Davis and took away his wife. She leaves six small children and one grown daughter.
Also the funeral of Ermie Borders and Lorenzo Borders were preached the 2nd Sunday by Revs. Deboard Pack, Williams and McKinster.
Rev. Harrison Smith, a worthy veteran of Wayne County, died at his his home in Wayne, W. V. He was eighty three years old, and had been suffering some time from cancer. He was the father of Rev. Bud Smith.
John Hays, son of Jailer of Lawrence county, died at his home at Little Blaine Wednesday, of typhoid fever. He leaves a wife and ? small children. ( can’t read all of article)
Theron Wilson Killed by a Rock Falling on Him:
Theron Wilson, oldest son of the late A.J. Wilson, ex-Sheriff of Lawrence county, met death in an unusual manner last Friday afternoon near his home four miles south of Louisa.
He was at work on the side of a hill making crossties . In attempting to dislodge one and send it down the hill, a large rock above him was started from where it had been insecurely lodged. Theron was knocked over a cliff and a piece of rock weighing about 300 pounds pinned him to the earth. Only a small boy was with him and seeing he could not remove the rock the boy called for help. Three men heard him and responded as quickly as possible. With some difficultly the rock was removed and the unfortunate man was carried home, where he expired about five minutes afterward. He never spoke about the accident and it is doubtful where he was conscious. One foot was mashed off, and a thigh, hip and the lower abdomen badly crushed.
Deceased was 33 years old. He leaves one child and a widow, for whom much sympathy is felt.
Soloman Thompson died at his home across the river near Fort Gay Tuesday evening and was buried at Crabtree Cemetery on Hurricane yesterday. A brother of his died in July. Both were Masons and were buried with the honor of the order.
2nd article: Brother Soloman Thompson was born in Russell Co., Va., Jan 7, 1842 died at his home near Echo, W.Va., Sept. 22nd, 1903. He was made a Master Mason in Vinson Lodge No 66, Dec 11, 1880.
October 2, 1903
Aunt Louisa wife of Caleb Holbrook, departed this life Sept. 12th, 1903, aged 72 years old. She was a member of the Baptist Church. She was the mother of eleven children, all living.
Chestnut: Mrs. Robt. Atkinson, of Old Peach Orchard, who has had typhoid fever, for some time, died last Friday morning at her parents place in Richardson and was buried in the Borders graveyard Saturday afternoon. She was the youngest daughter of James and Miranda Preston. Ethel was a good religous girl. She leaves a young husband is a son of Dr. W. T. Atkinson- was a bride of only a month, and a host of friends to mourn their loss. Born July 27th, 1886, was married to Robert L. Atkinson August 26th, 1903 and died September 25th, 1903.
Olive Hill, Ky.,- G.W. HIlman, aged 44, a merchant in Fultz, was killed by a fast passenger train
“Doc” Wooten, aged about 38, died at his home five miles south of here Tuesday. he had been suffering from typhoid fever for some time. He leaves a wife and seven children. He was a son of Frank Wooten.
Mrs. Mary Jordan departed this live Sept. 21, 1903. She leaves a husband and nice children to mourn her loss.
October 9,1903
Thacker W.Va.,
Oct 5- Everett Thompson late this afternoon was shot and killed by William McCoy, an eighteen year old boy. The tragedy was the direct result of an old feud which has for so long existed between the Hatfields and McCoys of this region, McCoy being a relative of “Old Ran” White Thompson, who was a relative by marriage of “Devil Anse” Hatfield. McCoy escaped to his native hills in Kentucky.
Ulysses: There were three deaths on Georges creek to report this week and one at Borders Chapel.
Miss Amanda Smith died Oct. 1st, she was the daughter of Rev. Leander Smith and wife of Walnut Grove.
Mrs. Win Preston of Lowmansville, fell asleep in Jesus Sept. 27th. She leaves six small children, most of whom are small and a husband to mourn her loss.
2nd article: The wife of Winfield Preston died Sept 26, of typhoid fever. She leaves a husband and several small children.
Aunt Silvira Hatfield died Sept. 28. She was about 75 years of age, had been a member of the M.E.South Church and a Christian for many years. ( 2nd article states age of 71 years of age
Aunt Lizzie Brown of, of Borders Chapel died, Oct 3rd. She was about 85 years of age and from her youth had been a member of the M.E. Church and a devoted Christian.
Hezekiah Hale, colored murdered a colored man by the name of Price in Prestonsburg. He was caught at Thurmond W.Va.
The remains of the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson, of Ashland, were brought to their old home, near Louisa, for interment.
Death of Judge Savage:
The entire community was greatly shocked last Monday evening when it was announced that Judge S. S. Savage, of Ashland, had died in a hospital in Cincinnati. Very few here knew he was sick and the news of his death was a sorrowful surprise to all who heard it. Many remembered the splendid looking man who stood in the band stand in the public square last July and spoke to feelingly and eloquently to hundreds, many of who had known him his entire life, and to these the shock and surprise were even greater. At the time Judge Savage was in the prime of his life, a magnificent specimen of physical manhood, looking like one who never knew an ache or pain.
The Judge was born, reared and educated in Louisa, and in his address at the time mentioned he spoke feelingly with touches of rare humor, of his boyhood days and of his kindred and friends in Lawrence county. He was born here on April 9th, 1877, being the son of Pleasant M. and Sarah. A. Savage, the latter a daughter of Fredrick Moore, one of the pioneers of this region. Some time in 187- Judge Savage moved to Catlettsburg where he studied law with his uncle Laban T. Moore. He become Police Judge of Catlessburg and was elected County Judge after his removal to Ashland. He married Miss Fannie Dow, of Memphis who, together with six children survive their husband and father. The children are Harlow, one of the most prominent young men of Ashland, and Patty, Virginia, Elizabeth, Sarah and Frances. The surviving brothers and sisters are Albert H. Of Ashland, Frank of Chicago, Mrs Margaret Martin of Salem, IL., and Mrs. J. S.- “Birdie” Stephens of Ashland, and Mrs Eliza Gartell.
The cause of death of this useful citizen was a stomach trouble of some kind, and he was sick only a few days. His wife, son and Frank Savage were present when he died.
Marvin Mayo, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Mayo, of Paintsville, died at Williamson, W. Va., last Monday of pneumonia. His illness was of short duration. John C. C. Mayo, his brother, arrived at the bedside just twenty minutes before the end came. The body was taken to Whitehouse that night and to Paintsville in the morning. Marvin was a bright and well educated young man, quiet in manner, liberal and popular. His sudden death was a great shock to his family and friends. He was only 23 years of age. He had been in the employ of the Northern Coal and Coke company for quite a while. Miss Fannie Mayo passed through Louisa Tuesday on her way from school at Lexington to Paintsville, to attend the burial of her brother.
October 16, 1903
The funeral of Thos. Large’s bay was preached by Rev. Wm. Copley Rev. John Moore to a large crowd.
It has pleased the great God to call from us our beloved sister, mother and grand-mother, Louise Holbrook. She lived to a ripe old age being up in the eighties, she was a Christian woman. She was a sister to Judge John J. Jordan.
Dr. Allen T. Roberts of Blaine, Ky., died of brights disease, at his home on Oct 5, 1903. He was one of the best men in this end of the State. he was born on Blaine in Lawrence county, August 25, 1847, being 56 years old when he died. Dr. Roberts began his career in life as a teacher in the public schools of his native county. He was considered one of the most cultured and scholarly teachers in this county. In fact, the Doctor always excelled in everything he undertook.
From teaching he went into politics and was twice elected sheriff of Lawrence county. As a candidate he was exceedingly popular, being elected Sheriff by a majority of about 400 when the county was at least 300 against him politically.
Dr. Roberts attended the Ohio Medical College three sessions and began his life work-the practice of medicine-in 1879. He graduated from Louisville Medical College in 1886 taking high rank in his class. He had been eminently successful in his profession. He was regarded by the members of his profession as one of the most learned and skillful physicians in North Eastern Kentucky. He was on the board of pension examiners eight years at Paintsville, and served in that capacity for six years at Blaine.
He is survived by a wife, who was Miss Laura Arrington, a daughter of Jacob Arrington, a well-to-do farmer and highly respected citizen of Lawrence county. He is survived by two sons- one sixteen, the other eighteen. The oldest son is a teacher of this county, holding a high grade first class certificate, and is probably the best scholar in the county for his age.
He was a member of the Masonic fraternity. He joined Apperson Lodge No. 195, Louis about the year 1874; and was admitted to Jake Rice Lodge No. 606, Blaine in 1884. He was buried with masonic honors at the “old Roberts farm” four miles below here Oct. 7, 1903.
Busseyville: The angel of death came to the home of John Workman last Monday morning and relieved Roxie his only daughter from her intense suffering. She was a victim of typhoid fever and had been suffering only about 20 days. She was 14 years old. She was buried in the graveyard here on the hill overlooking the church building.
Busseyville: The angel of death also came to the home of J. B. Thompson last week and took from them an infant eight days old.
The 8 year-old son of Allen Cherington was killed by the explosion of a small torpedo at Ceredo. He struck it with a rock and a piece hit him just over the heart, causing his almost instant death.
Wm. Hutchison died at his home at Savage Branch, Ky. , one day last week of smallpox.
Dr. T. Mulligan, an old resident of this county, who has long been a sufferer died at his home on Big Sandy river Sept. 30, 1903, aged about 85 years. He leaves a host a relatives to friends to mourn his death. ( Ceredo Advance)
Dr. Warner of Catlettsburg was using every precaution against the spreading of smallpox and was putting lime in the grave of Mrs. Alex Chaffins, who died on Catletts creek on that dreaded disease, when the husband of the dead woman came up behind him; and had not outside parties interfered,
Carrie Ewing, colored, age size years, died a few days of consumption.
Twin Branch: Died at her home in W.Va. the wife of Glover Adkins ( Martha), and daughter of Chris and Sarah Diamond.
Nolan, W. Va., Everett Thompson who formally lived near Wheelersburg, Scioto County, Ohio was shot and killed by Will McCoy, less than 20 years old and who is a grand son of “Old Man” McCoy, the feudist of Pike County, Ky.
East Point: Mr. Robert George, and olde soldier and Mrs. James Osborn were buried Thursday.
October 23, 1903
Mrs Columbus Price
Mintie Trent was born June 30th, 1859, died Sept. 28th, 1903. She was united in marriage to Columbus Price Oct. 29, 1880. She was the mother of seven children-five living and two dead. She was converted at the age of eighteen and united with the Baptist church.
Paintsville: At Delong Ford, this county a free-for-all fight occurred in which Jason Hall and Jeff Stevens were instantly killed and Tom Musie fatally shot. The trouble began in church during the sermon. A commotion was heard in the back of the house, and when the congregation turned to ascertain the cause the gleam of revolvers and knives meet their eyes.
James Stevens, it is alleged, fired the ball which killed his brother Jeff. While covered with Tom Music’s pistol, James Hall fell dead from heart failure. An instant before, a ball fired from an unknown source struck Music in the side, fatally wounding him.
Alfred Ferguson, of Olioville, this county, died at a hospital in Ashland Wednesday from a wound received while acting as peace-maker in a fight near Roncevert, W. Va. He was employed by the Horrocks Desk Co., and was an excellent citizen. Particulars of the shooting not received.
Thomas: We are sorry to say that the eight month old baby of Mrs. Emma Morrison ( who is the widow of Jackson Morrison) died yesterday. Death caused by croup.
Thomas: Little Edgar, son of Turner Burchett, died Monday with fever.
Overda: The people in general greatly sympathize with Jesse Young on account of his typhoid fever trouble and death.
Our little daughter Mona departed this life Oct 9th, 1903, aged 3 months and 9 days. Robt Hatfield and wife.
October 30,1903
Kinner: Death visited the home of Eugene Poil and his wife October 21st and toll from them their little daughter Lula, aged about 14 months.
Irad: Tommy, little son of George and Mary Carter died at their home on Irish Creek Tuesday night and was brought here for burial.
Overda: We are sorry of the sickness and death of Roscoe C. Young, as he was one of Lawrence county’s best young men.
Mrs. John Arnett, sister of J. H. Cooper, of this place, died of consumption at her home in Magoffin county last week.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Pierce last Friday and on Sunday night it died. This was the first son and they were very proud fo the little fellow. The body was taken to Salt Lick, Bath county for interment in the family burial grounds.
Ashland Independent on Death of Lawrence county man:
Alfred Ferguson, who was brought here from Ronceverte, W. Va., yesterday morning, and taken to the King’s Daughters Hospital suffering from a bullet wound in his knee, took a turn for the worse last evening and died.
Ferguson was shot accidentally. Two men near him were having a quarrel, at Ronceverte, Sunday night, and when one of them fired at the other, the bullet struck Ferguson, inflicting a bad wound to his knee. He did not receive proper medical attention for several hours, with the result that blood-poisoning rapidly developed and proved fatal.
The deceased was 30 years of age, and single and his only relative in this section is a half-brother, John Campbell, of Olioville, Lawrence county, with whom the deceased made his home.
Inez: Because he refused him a drink of whiskey, Trimble Sparks, aged eighteen bartender for Capt. Huddleson, was shot thru the head last night in his saloon, just above Warfield, by a negro whose name has not been ascertained.
November 6, 1903
H. Large held burial services at the Adams graveyard. The baby of Leander and Parmelia Adams was born June 4th, 1903, died October 24th, 1903, aged 4 months and 20 days. Little Romaine is with Jesus.
Mrs. Floyd Anderson and her little daughter, Nellie, 3 died within 5 minutes of each other at Quincy, Ky., today as a result of burns. The mother was attracted by cries and found the child lying face downward, enveloped in flames. In trying to save her, she set fire to herself.
Inez: The two year old son of Ed Small was burned to death near here today. Its clothes caught fire from the grate in the absence of his parents.
November 13, 1903
Charley: Died, on the 8th, the wife of Harvey Williams. She was sitting in a chair when she passed away. Consumption was the cause. The family has our deepest sympathy.
Busseyville: Garfield Berry, the twenty-year-old son of Rube Berry, of Adams, died last Saturday. He was a victim of typhoid fever, being the fourth member of the family to take the disease. His agony lasted about twenty-three days, when death relieved him. The other three parties are slowly improving.
Chestnut: Mrs. John Ward died last week due to consumption.
Mrs. T. J. Roberts died at Paintsville last week after a long illness.
Laurel Hill: The death angel has visited the home of A.A. and Dilla Diles and taken little Elma, their three-year old son. It was brought from Elliott to this place for burial. The little one suffered for two weeks with scarlet fever.
November 20, 1903
Inez: Miss Polly Jarrell, died at the home of her sister, Mrs. T. J. Coffee, on last Thursday evening.
Inez: Mr. D. D. SImpson, died at his home on Salt Well, one mile from Eden, on last Thursday morning. Mr. Simpson came from Virginia to this country about five years ago, and married a daughter of Mr. Wells Ward. He was a young man of many good qualities, and one of our best citizens.
Meta, Ky.: Green Trimble Sparks, son of Silas Sparks, was born Feb. 13, 1882, died, Nov. 9. 1903, aged 21 years, 8 months, 26 days. He was shot by a negro at Fairfax, W. Va., it is said because he refused him a drink of liquor. The shooting was done October 18, and he lingered until Nov. 9th.
Orin Hazlett, Mrs. John Rife, and Will Jackson died last week at Ceredo of smallpox. Hazlett was the son of the Ceredo merchant, and was one of the most popular young men in town. Mrs. Rife was the wife of Contractor John Rife, while Jackson was a railroad man.
Bonanza: On the 8th of Nov. 1903, Henry Hackworth passed away. He was in poor health for about eight years. He leaves a wife and has several children, one very small, and two or three most grown and able and willing to help support those that are not able to work. His father Jerry Hackworth was by his bedside almost constantly. He wedded the daughter of Wm. Baldridge, who died on Little Paint Creek, some years ago. He was of Baptist persuasion. John Hackworth of Louis, William Hackworth of Ashland, Mrs. R. T. Burns of Louisa, Mrs. T. W. Elliott of Prestonsburg, and a host of others are his relatives.
Mrs. Francis Becklehamer of smallpox in Kenova a few days
Monroe Banks, died at Willard Monday, with what they are calling smallpox.
Warran Callahn was called to his home at Prestonsburg, Saturday form the Louisville Medical College, his father Dr. Callahan, having died suddenly on Friday.
2nd article: 12/4 ( note name spelled different than first article):
Prestonsburg: Death of Dr. Callihan: A few days ago our dear Dr. C.S. Callihan of this place, after a brief illness, passed into the Great Beyond. He has two sones, one is in service of the C.& O.R.R. The other Darwin, has not completed his medical course yet and was at Cincinnati at the time of his father’s death. He could only get home in time to see his father’s body laid to rest. His daughter Miss Birdie was his youngest and was keeping house for her father. The writer was at the house several times since the death of Mrs. Callihan and Birdie was always courteous and kind. One sister is married to Dr. Garnder a well-to-do merchant of our town. Another married Mr. Buck Martin of Beaver, a partner of Hi Fitzpatrick store in Prestonsburg. Ballard Carter, who married the other daughter is one of our best citizens.
Workers at the Sand Lick Coal and Coke works in McDowell county discovered the charred remains of Robert Payne, a missing employee. Many believed he was murdered and authorities are investigating.
Caton Howard, is is charged, shot and instantly killed Sam Brown, son of Lucy Brown. The killing was done near Bloomington, Magoffin county. Brown was under bond for $ 500 charged with killing Reb Keaton at Bloomington some time ago.
Glenwood: Died, the 12th, Mrs. Willis Kibby, of consumption. Her remains were laid to rest in the Coburn graveyard with her husband, who died a few months ago with the same disease
Also the sad news reached her last week of the death of Elishu Webb, who died at Denton, Thursday, Nov. 12 of pneumonia. Mr, Webb was born and raised her and lived here until he moved twelve years ago to Denton and went into the mercantile business, and had been doing well ever since.
Little Richard Glen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Glen of Caines creek, bade adieu to mortal life Saturday, Nov. 14, a piece of rolling timber striking him and killing him instantly.
Lick Creek: The funeral of Doc Wooten will be preached at Miller Chapel on Lick Creek December 29, 1903 by Rev. A. H. Miller and Rev. J. R. Chapman.
The five-year-old son of Hiram Blankenship died at Olioville last week.
Mrs. Farmer, a proprietor of one of the hotels at Whitehouse, died Tuesday evening of typhoid fever. she was a hard- working and deserving woman. The body was taken to Ashland for burial.
Mrs. Mahan, who was a Miss Billups, sister of the late Sampson Billups of this place died at Ceredo last week of smallpox.
Alvin Pack died Tuesday at Torchlight after an illness of several days of typhoid fever.
A fall of rock in the new Norfolk & Western tunnel 18 miles above here caught and killed two men Monday- a negro and a white man. The latter was an Irishmen whose name we could not learn. He was known as Tom and “Shorty”. The negro’s name was Hayes Thomas. This occurred on P.J. Millett’s work.
We are sorry to learn of the death of Miss Martha, daughter of Prof. G.M. Elam, of Blaine, which occurred last Sunday morning. She had been a sufferer of consumption for quite a while.
2nd article 12/4: Miss Martha born Jan. 13, 1885, departed this life Nov. 15, 1903, aged eighteen years, ten months and two days. She had been suffering for some time of consumption.
In Memory: Addie Hawes Webb, beloved wife of Charles Webb, and daughter of John and Elizabeth Hawes, was born Nov. 15, 1868, was married to Charles Jan. 22. 1891. This union was blessed with five children, two of who preceded their mother to death. On October 31st, 1903 the death angel released her from her long suffering from consumption. She was laid to rest in the Hutchinson cemetery at Pleasant Ridge.
Catlettsburg: Mrs. George N. Brown departed this life the meet in the next the spirit of her good husband, the late Judge Brown. Mrs. Brown had not been in the best of health for some time and last spring she sustained a fall on the ice, from she often suffered slight attacks of paralysis, but nothing serious.
She passed her seventy-fourth birthday on the sixth of November, and leaves three children, namely Sallie, Lucy and Ben, all of who have cared for her tenderly during her decline. The funeral took place from the residence Saturday afternoon at 1:30, the interment followed in the Catlessburg cemetery.
November 27, 1903
Joseph Kasee the well known Norfolk and Western Engineer who died this week at Ceredo of smallpox contracted the disease from a letter sent to him.
Mrs. James W. Preston, of Old Peach Orchard, died at her home near Richardson last Saturday of typhoid fever. Her daughter, Mrs. Robert Atkinson (Ethel), died only a few weeks ago and another is very low with the same disease. The burial took place on Sunday and she was laid to rest next to her daughter. Mr. Preston now lives at the A.P. Border place below Richardson, where he moved several months ago.
East Point: Dewitt, the bright and promising son of R. E. Robinson passed since our last writing. He was but sixteen.
Wm. West a young man of Ashland, committed suicide Monday by shooting himself with a shotgun. His head was almost severed. Separation from his wife was the cause.
Grayson: Col. John T. Ratcliff, aged eight-three, a noted and eccentric character died at the home of his son, M. K. Ratcliff, near Carter, this county.
Obituary: Samuel T. Dean, son of C. Dean, of Zelda, was born January 16, 1876 and one Feb. 10, 1897 was joined in matrimony to Alice, daughter of George Cooksey, by J.T. Johnson and to this union three children were added. Brother Dean about 1883 joined the M.E. Church South. On October 2nd, 1903 died from relapse of typhoid fever. The remains were deposited in the Buchanan cemetery by the I.O.O.F. lodge.
December 4, 1903
Out at Durbin, Sunday, Gypsy Adams, aged 6, was probably fatally wounded by the accidental discharge of a shotgun in the hands of her brother Kibby, aged 16. He was cleaning the gun when it went off, the charge striking the little girl on the the side of the head.
Glenwood: We were sorry to hear of the death of Crit Childers who died at Garn… ( cant’ read the rest) on the 22nd. He was killed by a tree falling on him. Him and his brother were cutting saw logs. His remains were laid to rest in the Coburn graveyard beside his father and mother, who died a year of so ago.
Inez: L.D. Hinkle died of smallpox at Alma, W. Va., last Sunday. He was formerly of this place and was one of our best citizens. His remains were laid to rest in the Nolan Cemetery. The deceased has two brothers at this place, P.P. and Colbert Hinkle, who have our deepest sympathies.
Catlettsburg: Latest victim of smallpox was Miss Rose Blackburn, a young lady 20 years of age.
Mrs. Juliet Chambers died a few days ago at the home of her son, Williams Chambers, one mile from Louisa. Had she lived until Christmas day she would have been 99 years old. She died on Wednesday and the burial took place in the Bartram graveyard on Friday. Mrs. Chambers was the oldest person in Lawrence county, and doubtless one of the oldest Methodists in the entire county, having joined the church at the age of sixteen. She was born in Logan county, W. Va., Dec.25, 1804 and was the first female child born in that county. In 1820 she joined the Methodist Church and when it divided she went with the Southern branch. She was married to Robert Chambers in 1825. Nine children were born to them, five of whom are still living. Rev. B.S. Chamber, a very able and effective preacher, who died about three years ago was her son.
December 11, 1903
Ulysses: An infant child of Wm. Cordial and wife died recently.
Mrs. Wallace Rule died at her home a short distance above Paintsville last week. She was 77 years of age and known throughout the entire county. Burial took place Wednesday. She was the mother of Mrs. Dan Davis, who is her only living child.
December 18.1903
Summit: Died, Dec. 3rd, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Porter Hensley.
December 25, 1903
Dr. W. L. Banflied, a cousin of Dr. A. P. Banfield, died at Olive Hill a few days ago from the effects of a stroke of paralysis.
Mrs. Mary McKinzie, wife of Esq. Lafayette McKenzie, died at her home near Faugett, Sunday night. She was eighty six years of age and leaves a large number of children surviving her. ( Paintsville Herald)
Blaine Spaudling was instantly killed and his two brothers fatally injured in an accident that occurred yesterday at Sand Bar Bend on Big Sandy river, where they were at work on the extension of the Norfolk & Western Railroad.The three Spaulding brothers were working with a dinky engine, transporting drift from a cut to a fill on the roadbed of the new extension. The engineer who was operating the dinky had deserted it for a time, leaving it to be ran by a small boy. When the dinky cars had run out to the end of the fill, the boy was unable to stop the engine and it plunged over an embankment one hundred feet high. The Spauldings were caught by it, and one of them was killed, while the others were fatally injured. A tragic feature is the father Thomas of the Spaulding boys had only died the day before.
Mrs. Watson Pickeral, nee Fannie Ulen ( not sure of last name-hard to read) died at Tempe Arizona, a few days ago of consumption.
This is a sad Christmas for Mr. J. H. Preston and family, of Louisa. Youngest daughter Lizzie spirit took flight on the 23rd. Several months ago it became evident that consumption had fastened it deadly fangs upon little Lizzie, though she was only twelve years old. The body will be laid to rest in Pine Hill Cemetery today immediately after the funeral, which will take place from the M.E.Church South.