1907 Big Sandy News
AM BURGY, Elijah
Morehead, KY, Jan 2—Elijah Amburgy, a Confederate veteran, 70 years of age and a prominent citizen of this county, is dead of Bright’s disease at his home, 2 miles south. He leaves a wife and 8 children. Big Sandy News, Jan 11, 1907
Hindman, KY, Jan 15—News reached here from Brinkley today of the finding of the dead body of a woman supposed to be that of Mrs. Sallie Amburgy, a widow, who owns extensive lands in Knott and Letcher Counties. The body was concealed in a clump of underbrush and the clothing was badly torn. Marks on the throat indicate that she may have been strangled to death. She was supposed to keep about her house a large sum of money. She lived with an unintelligent son, who could make no explanation of the affair. Big Sandy news, Jan 18, 1907
A most shocking suicide occurred late Saturday afternoon in the big department store of Valentine and Newcomb at Huntington when Bessie Bennett, a saleslady employed at the fur counter, took her own life by drinking carbolic acid. Miss Bennett was engaged in waiting upon a customer, when she asked to be excused for a moment, and going to the third floor swallowed the contents of a small vial containing the deadly drug. Shortly afterward Mr. Valentine’s attention was attracted by struggles on the upper floor as if some one were in awful distress, and going hurriedly to the scene found the girl suffering untold agonies. Medical aid was summoned, but before anything could be done to relieve her, the girl died. No cause is known for the rash act, but it is supposed that disappointment in a love affair upset her reason. Miss Bennett was the daughter and almost the sole support of a widowed mother. Big Sandy news, Jan 11, 1907
Henrietta—Tobe Borders, son of Uncle John Borders, died Dec 27, at the home of N. A. Borders, and was buried in the family graveyard near Borders Chapel. He was 45 years of age and leaves a number of friends. Big Sandy News, Jan 4, 1907
Otto Stapleton, 14 years old, stabbed Roy Bunyard, aged 15. A number of boys living on Jo’s Creek, a small creek emptying into Big Mud Lick, just below Hendrix Salyer’s, met at Jay Salyer’s a few days since, for a little social pastime enlivened by banjo music. A quarrel arose between the Bunyard boy and the Stapleton boy, presumable over some previous rackets that they had had, and by mutual agreement the boys went out of the house to settle the trouble. The Bunyard boy will die as the result of the “settlement”. Big Sandy News, Jan 11, 1907
One killed and another fatally wounded formed a Christmas tragedy on Boone’s Fork 8 miles above Sergent. Will Elswick, aged 21, and Clark Vanover, age 24, were the participants. Elswick struck Vanover 3 times across the forehead with a shotgun, knocking him to the ground. Regaining his feet Vanover fired 2 shots from a 45 caliber Colt revolver, one of which entered Elswick’s right side, ranging up past the heart, killing him instantly. Flourishing his revolver in midair, Vanover walked into the hotel of William Warrick, near where the tragedy occurred and, with an oath declared “there is more blood in my gun”, and attempted to take the life of Warrick. Vanover then swooned from loss of blood, and at this hour is still unconscious. He has 3 desperate wounds on the forehead, and the doctors say he will die, though Ben Porter, a police officer guarding him, reported the wounded man somewhat improved. Big Sandy News, Jan 4, 1907
Last Thursday night at Naugatuck, mouth of Pigeon, Calt Evans, track worker, was run down and killed by passenger train No. 3. Owing to the fact that the tracks in the Naugatuck yards were blocked No. 3 left Naugatuck station on the east track. Evans had started out on an inspection of the track and not knowing the train had been switched from the right track he paid no attention to the approach of the train. He was struck in the back an caught under the pilot of the engine, being instantly crushed to death. Big Sandy News, Jan 25, 1907
HALL, Mrs. Buddy
Sarah, KY—The death angel again visited our friends, H. H. Evans and Sarah Evans, and took their daughter, the loving wife of Buddy Hall, Jan 2, 1907. She was 27 years old, and leaves a husband and 2 children, father and mother, brothers and sisters to weep and mourn their loss. Big Sandy News, Jan 11,1907
Milo Hatten, an aged citizen of Wayne County, WV, died at his home on Elijah’s Creek last Saturday. He was 81 years old. Big Sandy News, Jan 11, 1907
Mart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Hayes, died at Busseyville, Dec 9th. He was born and raised on Little Blaine and was about 19 years of age. Typhoid fever with complications following caused his death. He was converted and baptized sometime before he died. A father, mother, 4 brothers and 4 sisters are left to mourn their loss. Mart was a good boy, faithful at Sunday school and respected by everybody. Big Sandy News, Jan 25, 1907
David Jarrell, son of William Jarrel, who lives near Wayne, died of consumption after a long illness Friday morning, Dec 28th. The young man was about 25 years old. He was an exemplary young gentleman and leaves a host of relatives and friends to mourn his death. He was buried in the Harvey Perdue cemetery. Big Sandy News, Jan 18, 1907
MARCUM, Mrs. Stephen
The aged widow of the late Stephen Marcum, formerly of Fort Gay, died last Monday at the advanced age of 96 years. After the death of her husband, Mrs. Marcum resided in Fort Gay until a daughter, Mrs. John Dotson moved to Devon, up the N & W railway, and here she died on the day mentioned. The body was brought to Fort Gay and was buried near that place on Wednesday, with funeral services conducted by the Rev. Burrell Akers of the Baptist Church. This was in compliance with her expressed desire. She was buried by the side of her husband, who has been dead about 13 years. Mrs. Marcum was a very strong character. She was intelligent and took of much interest in the happenings the country. She was deeply attached to her large family, 6 boys and 4 girls, all of whom grew to manhood and womanhood under her motherly care. These are the children: Mrs. John Dotson, Mrs. Robert Simpkins, of War Eagle, WV, Mrs. P. J. Cahill of New York City, Mrs. Baker, wife of Dr. M. Baker, Central City, Capt. T. D. Marcum and Capt. P. S. Marcum, of Catlettsburg, J. H., Lace and J. S. Marcum of Huntington, and W. W. Marcum of Ceredo. They and many friends and relatives from Catlettsburg, Huntington and other cities attended the funeral. Big Sandy News, Jan 4, 1907
Mrs. Lucy Booth, formerly Lucy Star, of Little Elk Creek, shot and instantly killed Esau Mathews. Mrs. Booth was arrested and is now in Inez jail awaiting her trial. The shooting occurred just before day. All the family were at breakfast except Mrs. Booth and 2 or 3 small children. Mr. Mathews, being at the same place, left the dining room saying, “Watch me scare Lucy.” Going to her room he made a noise at the door. She being easily frightened thought it was burglars and seeing a gun nearby, her first thought was to shoot. The load went in his mouth. Mrs. Booth is held under $5,000 bail. Big Sandy News, Jan 4, 1907
MOORE, Mrs. Andy
The death angel has again visited our neighborhood and taken from the home of Uncle Andy Moore his loving wife. She passed to the great beyond Christmas morning. She was 73 years old, leaves a husband, one son, who is married, 2 sisters, 3 brothers and a host of friends to mourn their loss but we feel sure that their loss is Heaven’s gain. She was sick for some time. All was done that loving hands could do to restore her. She will be missed at home but thank God we do not mourn for her as those that have no hope. Big Sandy News, Jan 4, 1907
O’ROARK, Mrs. Edward
Mrs. Edward O’Roark, daughter of Hon. John York, of Kenova, died at her home in Grayson, KY, last Friday. Mrs. O’Roark was sick only one week, her ailment being pronounced by her physician to be peritonitis. The body was brought to Kenova Saturday where it was reshipped to Yorkville, Wayne County, for burial. The deceased was a very estimable woman and had scores of warm friends in this city, whose sympathy go out to the 3 small children who are now motherless and to the bereaved husband. Mr. O’Roark is a native of this county and well known in Louisa, where he has many relatives and friends. Big Sandy News, Jan 4, 1907
PORTER, Millard
At Fielden, in Elliott, Christmas was celebrated in the usual way. Joe Field shot and killed Millard Porter. A woman and liquor were the causes of the racket. Big Sandy News, Jan 11, 1907
SHANNON, Emily Elizabeth
Emily Elizabeth Shannon was born Dec 12, 1906 and departed this life Jan 11, 1907. She was the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Shannon of Trace Branch. She was sick 2 days. A mother, father, 2 sisters and 2 brothers are left to mourn their loss. She was laid to rest on the point overlooking their home. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. A. H. Miller. Big Sandy News, Jan 18, 1907
Mrs. Ida McCoy Shumate, wife of Bert Shumate, of Williamson, died at her home on First Avenue Monday afternoon after an illness of some weeks, caused by measles and complications. She was formerly of Pike County. Big Sandy News, Jan 18, 1907
The little 10 year old daughter of Elijah Smith, of Jattie, died last week of pneumonia. She had been sick only a few days and was thought to be convalescing when the summons came. Big Sandy News, Jan 18, 1907
John P. Staley died at his home on Peter Cave Creek last Thursday and was buried Friday by the Wayne lodge of Odd Fellows, of which he was a member. Mr. Staley was a man of about 50 years of age and leaves a family. Big Sandy News, Jan 11, 1907
The little 3 year old daughter of George Stump was buried in the Stump cemetery here Monday—Wayne items. Big Sandy News, Jan 25, 1907
Gateway, MT., Jan 5, to Editor of Big Sandy News, Louisa, KY
Dear Sir—Thinking this will be of interest to many of your readers, as he has relatives and friends still living in that part of the country I send you notice of the death of Neri F. Swetnam. Neri F. Swetnam was born on the old Swetnam homestead near Blaine, Lawrence County, KY, 59 years ago, and resided in that vicinity until 1900, when he moved to North Dakota and came to Montana in August 1906, and died of heart6 disease Jan 1, 1907. Mr. Swetnam leaves a wife and 8 children, M. G. Swetnam, the oldest son, is in Louisiana and of ?? daughters, Mrs. Sidney Cornfred, Mrs. Cynthia Hall, and Maggie Swetnam are at Lansford, ND, Mrs. Ida Harris is at Claresholm, Alberta, Canada, and Mrs. Elsie Merril is at Gateway, MT. Mrs. Swetnam and the 3 youngest children, Pauline, Birdie and Elza, also reside at Gateway. Mr. Swetnam’s death was very unexpected, as he was stricken while in the yard and was dead before we reached him, although we saw him fall and ran to him at once. Yours Respectfully, Arthur Merritt. Big Sandy News, Jan 25, 1907
Little Ben Vanhorn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Vanhorn, was burned Monday. After being out in the cold came in to warm by an open grate, and his clothing caught fire and he only lived 2 days He was 2 years and 5 months old and was laid to rest in the family graveyard to wait the resurrection morn. He leaves a father, mother, brother and 2 sisters to mourn their loss. He was a sweet little boy, and was loved by all who knew him. He made their home happy and bright, but it’s lonely and dreary now. Big Sandy News, Jan 4, 1907
WALKER, Bassel
One of the saddest accidents in the history of Williamson was the death of Bassel Walker, a 11 year old son of Contractor Landon Walker, who was shot on New Year’s Eve. A number of young fellows and small boys and congregated on “Reservation Hill” sometime after dark for the purpose of discharging fire works. Some 3 or 4 of them had revolvers and they discharged them at frequent intervals. While shots were being fired about 10 o’clock, little Bassel Walker grabbed his side and as he sank to the ground told his near companions that he was shot. Virgil Hobson was the first lad to reach the wounded boy and try to hold him up, and there is no question in the minds of those who heard the statements in regard to the affair , but that he fired the shot that ended the little fellow’s life. Mr. Walker was notified and carried the boy home, who was dead by the time the house was reached. Big Sandy news, Jan 11,1907
The body of Sam Watson, a switchman, was found in the railroad yards at Paris completely severed at the hips, and the trainmen believe that he was murdered. An investigation will be made. Big Sandy News, Jan 11, 1907
Chap Willliamson, of Inez, KY, was killed by a freight train on the East Williamson yards Friday afternoon. He was walking along the track when he stepped from one track to another to avoid an approaching train and was struck by a train going in the opposite direction. He was knocked a considerable distance and death was instantaneous. Big Sandy News, Jan 11, 1907
BARRET, J. D. (Doug)
D. (Doug) Barret, who died in Catlettsburg last Wednesday, was well known in this city where in the past he was a frequent visitor. He was the youngest son of Col. And Mrs. James Barret, who lived so long in Warfield, and a brother of the Rev. A. Lee Barret, of the M. E. Church, South. He was a very intelligent and well educated man, possessed of fine business qualifications. He was a graduate of the Virginia Military Institute, possessing the degrees of B. S. and C. E. His wife has been dead some years and he leaves 2 children, a boy and a girl. The body was taken to Warfield today for interment. Doug Barrett was a man of kindly impulses, generous to a fault and loyal to his friends. Big Sandy News, Feb 8, 1907
Last Saturday a little boy, aged about 3 years, son of Harvey Belcher was playing with some grains of coffee. He put one in his mouth and it got into his windpipe. Every possible effort was made to dislodge it, but before surgical aid could be obtained the little fellow died. Mr. Belcher lives near Donithon this county. Big Sandy News, Feb 1, 1907
Dr. Boland died suddenly this afternoon, funeral here Tuesday. Dr. Boland was sick one hour.Friends are very kind. First the sad and totally unexpected and unlooked for intelligence of the death and then the announcement of the short, sharp struggle and the time and place of interment. The dead man had no kinsmen in Louisa, but it is safe to say that no citizen in Louisa who knew Dr. Boland failed to feel a pang of sorrow and regret when he heard that the good man, the eloquent preacher and faithful, sympathetic pastor had gone from human sight forever. Dr. Boland came to us a little more than 6 years ago. By his cordial manner, his wonderful eloquence, his unaffected piety and his kindly sympathy he soon found a place in the hearts of our people, which would be difficult to ???. For 4 pleasant, happy years, pleasant and happy to preacher and people alike, Dr. Boland was the pastor of the Southern Methodist Church. If there were no declared limit to the length of a pastor at this church, Dr. Boland and she who now sits in the
Ashes of a desolate widowhood, the wife and helpmate beyond compare—this noble pair might have been spared the exacting labor of a circuit and the brave old preacher still lived to do the Master’s work. The Rev. Dr. J. M. Boland was, this paper thinks, a native of Alabama, born there nearly 70 years ago. Some 15 or 16 years since he joined the Kentucky Conference of the Southern Methodist Church, his first charge being the church at Paris, where he remained 4 years. Transfer was then made to the Western Virginia Conference where he remained until death removed him to the scenes of ??? eternity. The beloved woman who is left, lonely in her sorrow weeps not as those who have no hope, and if words can comfort the words of her Louisa friends surely lighten the burden of her grief. Big Sandy News, Feb 8, 1907
On Sunday, Feb 10, John Borders, of Borders Chapel, quietly passed over the divide into the spirit world. Mr. Borders was one of the best known men in the Big Sandy Valley, and belonged to one of the oldest and most prominent families in Eastern Kentucky. From his youth he was perhaps the most religious man in the valley and he was known by all the older people as “Shouting John Borders” by which title he was distinguished from others of the same name. He raised a large family of children, all of whom are among the best citizens of this section. He was 88 years old, and was comparatively active until a very short time ago. His funeral took place last Monday, and he was laid to rest by the side of his wife and kindred who had preceded him. Big Sandy News, Feb 15, 1907
BOTNER, Mrs. O. D.
After many weeks of patient suffering Mrs. O. D. Botner, of this city, died early last Wednesday morning. Typhoid fever, with complications, not the least of which was her advanced age, was the cause of her death. Interment was made today at the M. F. S??? place, Wilbur, KY. Mrs. Botner was Miss Nacc??? Wellman. She was born Sep 20?, 18??. And was married to Capt. Botner Dec 7, 1887 She was a good woman and lived a Christian life. She was a member of the Christian Church, and it was her special request that her funeral should be conducted by a minister of that faith. Big Sandy News, Feb 8, 1907
Lowmansville—Died at this place on the 9 inst.,, Martha, the daughter of Peter Chandler of la grippe. She was 27 years of age. Big Sandy News, Feb 22, 1907
CONLEY, James Jr.
James Conley, Jr., son of Matison Conley, died at his home at Bonanza, after a lingering illness of several months. He was a most excellent young man, and his untimely death is deeply deplored by relatives and friends. Big Sandy news, Feb 1, 1907
DIAMOND, Emmeline (Bradley)
Mrs. Emmeline Diamond, widow of David Diamond, of Deephole branch, died of general debility. She had been an invalid for many years, but almost to the last she was a tireless worker, mostly for others. She was the mother of 15 children, 13 of them living to man and womanhood. If Mrs. Diamond had done nothing more than bear and rear these children she richly deserved the crown which without doubt she will receive from the Just Judge. But she was also a most excellent neighbor, an devoted Christian and a friend to those who needed friendship. She was a sister of Sylvester Bradley and by birth and marriage related to some of our best people. Mrs. Diamond was buried near the home where she had lived and died. Big Sandy News, Feb 22, 1907
GIBSON, Harvey
A Huntington paper says:
Harvey Gideon, one of the most prominent merchants of Pike County, was found dead at the underground crossing at Eighth Avenue and Sixteenth Street, in Huntington, early Sunday morning. Mr. Gibson had gone to Huntington, Saturday morning, to purchase goods for his large general store, and had purchased a large bill of goods from Hagen, Ratcliff and Co., the wholesale grocers of that city. After buying the goods he proceeded to tank up on whisky, and became drunk and was arrested and placed in the city prison there in the afternoon, but towards evening he had sobered up and was released from jail, but proceeded to tank up again on whisky, and it is thought he had wandered out on the C & O railroad, and in walking along the track, had fallen over the underground crossing a distance of about 25 feet.
The following dispatch to a Cincinnati paper puts a different face on the matter.
Huntington, WV, Feb 10—With his head crushed to a pulp, the dead body of W. H. Gibson, a Pikeville, KY man was found lying over a step embankment on Eighth Street at 8 o’clock this morning. That Gibson was the victim of foul play is the opinion of local authorities and Chief of Police Dawson has taken the case in hand. Arrest of local men who were with Gibson not many hours before his death, may follow. The murdered man is known to participated in a poker game until early Sunday morning. Though he won, nothing of any value was found in the dead man’s pockets. Big Sandy news, Feb 15, 1907
HALL, Perry
Prestonsburg, Jan 25—Dr. Perry Hall died this morning, after several months illness of consumption. He had been at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hall, at East Point, ever since his return last summer from Hindman, Knott County, where he had practiced medicine for over a year, having built up a good practice. Big Sandy News, Feb 1, 1907
HAWS, Opal
Opal Haws, little daughter of L. A. and Mary Haws, and granddaughter of U G. Haws, was born Jan 17, 1900 and departed this life Jan ??, 1907, aged 6 years 11 months and 18 days. She met death by her clothes taking fire from an open grate, and before the mother could put the fire out the dear little girl was so badly burned that death resulted in 12 hours. Little Opal was a sweet little child, and being warned of her death about 3 weeks before she was burned, she said to her mamma, “Mamma, I am not going to be here long. I am going to Heaven. Say, mamma have they many good things to eat up in Heaven?” After she was burned, she said, “Mamma do not cry I am going to Heaven.” For the consolation of the bereaved parents and grandparents, friends and relatives of little Opal, we say “Weep not as those that have no hope, for this moment little Opal is safe at home where there is no open grates or firey blasts to destroy her life. She is Home at last.” Big Sandy News, Feb 8, 1907
News of the death of Mrs. Helen T. Headley of Morristown, NJ has been received by her friends in Louisa. She died very suddenly last Saturday. She was stricken with paralysis last fall and was thought to be improving lately, but the sudden death of a sister a few weeks ago may have had much to do with her own demise. Mrs. Headley was a woman of much intelligence and character and of marked business ability. She leaves 2 children, W. T. Headley, of Philadelphia, and Miss Nellie Headley of Morristown. Big Sandy News, Feb 15, 1907
HENSLEY, Raymond
Death visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hensley and took from them their darling little boy, aged 4 years 7 months and 2 days. His death was due to membranous croup. He was a bright and thoughtful little fellow in every way, and always ready to help his mother and papa. Listen father and mother, hear your little Raymond’s voice, “I am safe in the arms of Jesus and with angels. I rejoice that my hours of pain are over and from earthly cares. I am free though I may not come to but you may come to me. Big Sandy News, Feb 1, 1907
Mrs. Johnson, wife of J. J. Johnson, ex-member of the Wayne County Court, and mother of G. M. Johnson, deputy sheriff of the county for 2 terms, died at her home on Buffalo Creek on last Saturday. Big Sandy News, Feb 15, 1907
KIRK, Mrs. Ed
The NEWS regrets to chronicle the death of Mrs. Ed Kirk, wife of Ed. Kirk of the Louisa gas office. Some weeks ago Mrs. Kirk and the children went to Martin County, she then not being in robust health. She continued to decline until the 13th of this months, when death relieved her of her suffering. Mrs. Kirk was a Cassady. She was 30 years of age. A husband and 3 little children, one only 22 months old, survive the wife and mother. Quick consumption was the cause of her death. Big Sandy News, Feb 22, 1907
MAYNARD, William
William Maynard, son of Moses Maynard, and his brother Milt were out hunting late Saturday evening. Startling a rabbit on a point near Mrs. Chapman’s barn William went rushing down the hill in order, presumably, to head the game off and in his hurry to get over a steep ledge of rocks he had thrown the breech of his gun forward and the hammer striking on the solid rock caused the gun to go off. He received the entire charge just above the heard. I heard the shot, also heard his brother calling for help and made my way to the spot quickly as possible only to find on reaching his side that he was dead. The funeral was held at the Patrick graveyard. H. W. Lambert. Big Sandy News, Feb 15, 1907
NEVITT, George
George Nevitt, familiarly known as “Shorty” and an expert plumber employed by the Union Plumbing Co., of Ashland, is dead under most peculiar circumstances. He left the shop about 4 o’clock last Thursday afternoon, well and in good spirits Nothing was seen or heard of him all day Friday, and on Saturday morning some of his fellow workmen went to his home to make inquiries. They had to break open the door to get in ,and in a front room, sitting in a chair in front of a red hot gas stove, was Nevitt, dead, and swollen from the heat and decomposition until the buttons had burst off his clothes. In some places the clothes were torn by the great swelling. In his hand was a letter from his wife, who was visiting in Ohio, telling him to take care of himself and the cat. On the floor was the cat, dead, also swelled enormously. The stove had no pipe whereby the products of combustion could be carried off, and the Coroner’s jury found that Nevitt had died from suffocation. Big Sandy News, Feb 15, 1907
Webbville—Mrs. Lee Nickols’ body arrived Monday evening. The baby died on the train and was put in the mother’s casket. A little 3 year old girl is also at the point of death. Big Sandy News, Feb 22, 1907
Inez, KY, Feb 4—Jesse Patrick, a miner, was killed at Borderland, 20 miles east of here, by the explosion of an electric machine. Big Sandy News, Feb 8, 1907
RIFFE, Mrs. John C.
John C. Riffe and wife, of East Point, recently went to Nelsonville, OH to visit relatives. They arrived thee late in the afternoon, and one hour thereafter Mrs. Riffe died of apoplexy. Big Sandy news, Feb 15, 1907
The following is taken from the Ohio State Journal:
Delaware, Jan 27—Overcome with remorse and with tears streaming down his face, a stranger giving the name of Mont Runyon, who has been held on suspicion by the Delaware police for the past 4 days, today confessed to Chief of Police Matthews, it is claimed, that he murdered his father at Williamson, WV 2 weeks ago. The man, who is 40 years old, says he and his father were at work in a logging camp and a quarrel arose over the son’s excessive drinking, whereupon he pulled a revolver, shooting his father twice. Runyon fled, leaving the dead body in the woods where, he says, it probably still remains undiscovered, as there was no one within 6 miles of the scene of the alleged murder. Runyon came to Delaware last Monday and his actions led to his being taken in charge by the police. The local authorities have not received any word from Williamson. The man’s story is believed by the officers. Big Sandy News, Feb 1, 1907
SAMMONS, William
William Sammons, of Little Sinking, Carter County, who had been in bad health for some time, committed suicide Friday by blowing his brains out with a pistol. He was a son of the late Commodore Sammons. Big Sandy News, Feb 15, 1907
The body of Okey Sansom, the drowning of whom was chronicled in these columns some 2 weeks ago, was found Monday in a corn field about a mile from the place of the sad accident. It is supposed that the body was washed out of a drift by the recent high waters. The Odd Fellows lodge at Wayne, of which he was a member, was notified and they took charge of and buried the body on Millers Fork Creek near the home of his father, on Tuesday. Big Sandy News, Feb 1, 1907
A little child of Labe Simpson’s died last Tuesday of membraneous croup. It was sick a very short time. The Simpson home is on Deephole Branch, 5 or 6 miles from Louisa. Big Sandy News, Feb 1, 1907
Greenup, KY, Jan 21—Charles Sweargin, aged 12, son of Clayton Sweargin, of Maloneton, was drowned while attempting to cross Tygart Creek on a small raft. The body was found almost immediately, but life could not be restored. Big Sandy News, Feb 1, 1907
THOMPSON, Elizabeth (Moore)
Elizabeth, wife of Rev. J. S. Thompson was called to her reward last Saturday. This sad event occurred at her home near the mouth of Georges Creek, after an illness of only a few days. Pneumonia, one of the most fatal of diseases, was the cause of the taking off of this estimable woman. She was the daughter rof the late William Moore, was 67 years of age and was the mother of 7 children. She was a good woman and was buried at her former home on Little Blaine. Big Sandy News, Feb 22, 1907
WELSH, Cecil
Little Cecil Welsh, whose illness was noted last week, died last Saturday. His disease was typhoid, followed by inflammation of the brain. He was the youngest child of Pete Welsh and wife and was 3 and a half years old. Big Sandy News, Feb 8, 1907
The remains of Rev. Thomas Williams were brought from Georges Creek to be put into his long resting place. Mr. Williams had been a minister of the gospel for 35 years and was one of the best men in Johnson County. Big Sandy News, Feb 1, 1907
Ulysses—On last Thursday Uncle Tom Williams, of Lowmansville, died at the home of his son James. Uncle Tom as he was familiarly called, had long been an invalid and was suffering from the infirmities of old age. His death, however, was very unexpected, and was quite a shock, to his friends, having, as I am informed, taken suddenly worse and expired a few hours later. The deceased was a minister of the Free Will Baptist Church, of whose piety no one entertains a doubt. In his death the church has lost an efficient and devoted worker, the neighborhood a good citizen, the widow a true and devoted husband, and the children a kind and loving father. He was taken by his son to Paintsville for burial Saturday week. He is survived by his widow, several sons and 2 daughters, all of whom have families of their own. The age of the deceased was about 7 years. Big Sandy News, Feb 15, 1907
MARCH 1907
On last Sunday morning Dennie Adkins, a C & O brakeman, fell from a work train on the Marrowbone branch of the C & O railway, a few miles above Pikeville, and received injures which caused his death a few hours thereafter. The train was in motion and Adkins, who had been at work for the Company only a short time, was sitting on the side of a gondola. By some means he fell, falling under the car, and the train passed over him. As soon as possible the unfortunate man was taken to Pikeville where the Company’s surgeon, Dr. Z. A. Thompson, rendered all possible aid. A special train was hastily made up and Adkins, attended by the surgeon and another physician, was placed on board. The train then started for the C & O hospital at Huntington, but the injured man died a short distance above Richardson. On the arrival of the body at Louisa it was turned over to undertaken Snyder and prepared for burial. When the accident occurred the relatives of Adkins in the vicinity of Fallsburg were notified by telephone. Some of them came to Louisa Monday morning and took charge of the body, carrying it to Morgan’s Creek for interment. Denny Adkins was a son of William Adkins, single and about 26 or 28 years of age. Big Sandy news, Mar 15, 1907
“Uncle Jimmy” Belcher died near Gallup, this county, few days ago. He was over 100 years old, ?? youngest son, now about 50 years old, says his father was born in 1800, making his age more than 106 years. He was undoubtedly the oldest man in Kentucky and possibly the United States. For several months he had been practically helpless, but previous to that time was remarkably active. He was born in Virginia. His oldest daughter died 3 years ago at the age of 78. Five children are now living. Mr. Belcher was a quiet, good citizen. The remarkable span covered by his life has been the greatest development ever witnessed in any other period of the world’s history. When we remember that he was born the next year after the death of George Washington, we realize that he was nearly as old as the United States government. He was born before the steamboat was invented and before railways were in use. Candles were used where electric lights now dazzle the eye. It would be interesting to follow these reflections along the various lines of progress if we had space. Big Sandy somehow managed to break records along in all lines. Big Sandy News, Mar 15, 1907
DAMRON, Nancy (Wellman)
Mrs. Nancy Damron died at Fort Gay Wednesday and the body was taken to Catlettsburg yesterday for interment. She was the widow of M. J. Damron, and before her marriage was Miss Nancy Wellman. Big Sandy News, Mar 8, 1907
A double tragedy at Hellier, Pike County, occurred last Sunday. The beginning of this affair was in Virginia when one Frank Dutton eloped with a girl named Aleene Rose. They came to Pike County, followed by Sam Rose, a brother of the girl. Rose met Dutton a short distance from the Greenough Coal and Coke Company’s plant and shot him dead. Continuing his way to the house where he supposed his sister was living he met Elias Dutton, a brother of the man he had just killed. A pistol duel followed the meeting, and Rose fell, dying in a few moments. Dutton though seriously wounded escaped. Big Sandy News, Mar 22, 1907
This excellent young man died in Ashland last Thursday after a lingering illness. Consumption was the disease which robbed a large circle of relatives and friends of one who was highly esteemed by all who knew him. After funeral services in Ashland the body was brought to Louisa and thence taken to Mattie for burial in the family burying ground, to rest beside the mother, 2 sisters, and a brother, who had preceded him to the spirit world. Big Sandy News, Mar 22, 1907
Martha—George Fyffe’s family have measles. His wife died Wednesday and a child Thursday. Other of the family are not expected to recover. Mrs. Fyffe was a Christian woman. She leaves a husband and 10 children to mourn their loss. Big Sandy News, Mar 15, 1907
The funeral of Andrew Hatcher, of Pikeville, occurred Thursday afternoon from the M. E. Church, South, in the presence of hundreds of persons. The funeral was preached by the Rev. P. E. Thornburg, of the M. E. Church, South, assisted by the Rev. M. D. McClelland, of the Presbyterian Church and the Rev. M. C. Reynolds of the M. E. Church. Big Sandy News, Mar 22, 1907
Mrs. Eliza Hatton, widow of the late Wiley Hatton, died Friday morning Mar 8, 1907, at her home 3 miles south of Kenova, at the age of 92 years. She was for many years a consistent member of the Baptist Church and was of a kind and lovable disposition. Her husband has been dead 14 years but 7 children are left to mourn the loss. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at the old Hatton homestead by Rev. B. S. Akers. The body was interred in the family graveyard. Big Sandy news, Mar 15, 1907
The infant daughter of Mont Holt and wife died Wednesday of convulsions. It was 7 days old. The funeral took place from the residence Thursday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Elsie. Interment in Pine Hill Cemetery. Big Sandy News, Mar 15, 1907
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Huff’s baby, age 2 months, died Tuesday and was buried in Pine Hill Cemetery Wednesday. Rev. Elsie, of the M. E. Church, conducted the services from the residence on Maple Street. Big Sandy news, Mar 8,1907
With impressive ceremonies befitting the close of life of a splendid young woman, all that is mortal of Miss Lissa Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Johnson, of Front Avenue will be consigned to the grave on the old home place of the Johnson family, in Lawrence County, Thursday. The death of the young woman occurred in her 19th year, Tuesday morning after a protracted illness with pneumonia. The body, owing to its condition was embalmed and shipped at once to Lawrence County, accompanied by the relatives. The sympathy of all their friends is extended to the bereaved family. Ashland Independent. Big Sandy News, Mar 1, 1907
Martha--Miss Lessie Johnson, formerly a resident of this place, who died at Ashland, the 26th of last month, was brought to this place for burial at her own request. Her funeral will be preached at the Elizabeth Church the 4th Sunday in July. She was a member of the Baptist Church for some years and died in the triumph of a living faith. She leaves a host of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. Big Sandy News, Mar 15, 1908
PERRY, Allie
Sunday, Feb 17, 1907, death reached forth its icy hand and touched the form of Allie Perry aged 18 years 10 months and 3 days and took her from her many friends and relatives. Allie was a bright beloved girl just budding into womanhood too known her was to love her she had been sick for several months. When on that bright Sabbath evening the Lord knew she was too pure a flower to bloom amid the thorns of this world and he called her to live with him. She was laid to rest on the point overlooking their home burial services conducted by Rev. R. H. Billups. Big Sandy News, Mar 15, 1907
PRINCE, Jennie (Large)
It has pleased the great Ruler of the Universe to call from us Jennie Prince, the beloved wife of John F. Prince. She died Jan 12, 1907 at the age of nearly 40 years. She was a daughter of William G. and Malissa Large, her aged mother still survives. She was a member of the M. E. Church, for 11 years and was a good Christian woman. She leaves a large family to mourn their loss. She told the doctor J. C. Ball, she was ready to die, and she left bright hopes for the future. The funeral was preached by Rev. W. M. Copley. The body was laid to rest in the family graveyard. Big Sandy News, Mar 22, 1907
Lonnie, the 14 year old son of John Eli Ratcliff, of Regina, is dead. His death occurred at Bowling Green, KY, where he was a student at college, Lonnie was formerly a student of the Pikeville Collegiate Institute. Big Sandy news, Mar 22, 1907
James Richardson, Jr., the 22 years old son of James Richardson, Sr., of Catlettsburg, committed suicide at his home Monday night by shooting himself through the head. Once, about 3 weeks ago, in Ironton, Richardson made an unsuccessful attempt to put an end to his existence by drinking carbolic acid. The determination to commit suicide remained with him, however, until the act was finally done. Big Sandy News, Mar 1, 1907
A double tragedy at Hellier, Pike County, occurred last Sunday. The beginning of this affair was in Virginia when one Frank Dutton eloped with a girl named Aleene Rose. They came to Pike County, followed by Sam Rose, a brother of the girl. Rose met Dutton a short distance from the Greenough Coal and Coke Company’s plant and shot him dead. Continuing his way to the house where he supposed his sister was living he met Elias Dutton, a brother of the man he had just killed. A pistol duel followed the meeting, and Rose fell, dying in a few moments. Dutton though seriously wounded escaped. Big Sandy News, Mar 22, 1907
SHORT, Mrs. Will (Gertrude Dilley)
We were very sorry to learn of the death of Mrs. Will Short, of East Liverpool, OH. Mrs. Short was well known here and was liked by everyone who knew her. Miss Allie Dilley, a sister of Mrs. Short, went to East Liverpool to attend the burial. Big Sandy news, Mar 15, 1907
East Liverpool, OH, Mar 11—After an illness of 3 weeks, Mrs. Gertrude Short, wife of William S. Short, formerly of Fallsburg, KY, died at her home in East Liverpool Friday morning Mar 8, from cancer of the stomach, of which she had been a sufferer for several years. She was born in Huntersville, Pocahontas County, WV, Dec 28, 1874. She was married to Mr. Short about 14 years ago. They moved to East Liverpool in 1903 where they have since resided. Besides her parents, who live in Kentucky, Mrs. Short is survived by her husband and one son, Everett S. Short, age 13, and 3 sisters, Miss Allie Dilley, of Kentucky, Miss Sallie Dilley and Mrs. Lula D. Salyers of this place. Also, 2 brothers, Cam Dilley of this place and Clarence Dilley of the United States Army. Mrs. Short was a member of the M. E. Church where she was converted over one year ago. Her request that she be buried here. Funeral services was conducted at the home. She was buried in Riverview Cemetery. Big Sandy News, Mar 22, 1907
East Point—On last Thursday, Mar 7, the death angel visited the home of Sherd Spradlin on Miller’s Creek and took away the sweet little 14 months old babe that was such a treasure to the home. The body was brought to the Spradlin graveyard for interment. Big Sandy News, Mar 15, 1907
Alvin Stewart is dead. He was 81 years old and was sick only 2 weeks. He was born and raised in Lawrence County, KY on the banks of the Big Sandy and doubtless this news will come as a surprise to his many friends and relatives. During his illness everything possible was done by physicians and friends, but the Good Master said come unto me, and he obeyed. He leaves a wife, 3 children and a host of grandchildren to mourn their loss. The funeral service was conducted by the Rev. Mr. Pickle of Hunnewell, after which the interment took place in the Kirby Flat graveyard. Big Sandy News, Mar 22, 1907
??? Strother, aged 88 years and 23 days died in Grayson last Sunday at the home of his son in law, near town, of infirmities of age. The decedent was a pioneer of Carter County and had been prominent in public affairs for many years. He at tone time was judge for the county court. Big Sandy News, Mar 22, 1907
TERRY, James
On last Sunday an affray which may cause the death of one young man occurred on Long Branch, not far from Fallsburg. Leonard Barrett, son of Mrs. John Barrett and James Terry met and took up a quarrel which the two had had some time ago. It is said that Terry knocked young Barrett down, and rising on all fours Barrett made at his antagonist and stabbed him, the knife penetrating to the cavity of the chest. The affray occurred at or near the house of Freeland Moore. Big Sandy News, Mar 29,1907
THORNBURY, “Uncle Jack”
“Uncle Jack” Thornbury, aged 69 years, died at his home at the Mouth of Card, Thursday and was buried Saturday. His death occurred from the grip. He had been an earnest Christian for many years. He had always enjoyed excellent health. Big Sandy News, Mar 22, 1907
The death angel visited the home of Bro. Thornhilll Monday night, Feb 18, and took from the home little Robert, the 8 months old boy. The interment took place Wednesday in Union Cemetery, 2 miles below Dingess, conducted by Revs. Herald and White, of Canterbury. Bro. and Sister Thornbury have the sympathy of the community. Big Sandy News, Mar 1, 1907
One boy was killed and 4 men, one of them fatally, were injured by an explosion of gasoline in the ???? of the steamship St. Denn?? Of the Lower California Development Company at the Sante Fe wharf, San Diego, CA on the afternoon of Saturday, Mar 16. It is believed that one of the crew at work fumigating the forecastle stepped on a match or struck one to light a match. All of the injured were badly burned by the fire following the explosion. The dead boy was horribly mangled. The face and neck were burned almost beyond recognition and his skull was crushed and his right arm broken. He was thrown ten feet on the deck. The explosion occurred within a hundred years of where the U. S. S. Bennington blew up 2 years ago with a loss of 65 men. The Wellman boy was just coming out of the forecastle when the explosion occurred. His body was thrown against the steel side of the companion way leading to the deck. This fractured his skull and the fall broke his arm.
Wellman was only 18 years old. He had been employed on the ship about 6 weeks. His mother was informed of the accident and hurried to the ship. She reached there after the body had been removed. She was frantic with grief. Claude Wellman was the son of K. F. “Keene” Wellman and a grandson of Al Wellman, of Louisa. His mother was Mrs. Susie Wellman, a daughter of John Peters, who lives about 3 miles up Tug, on the Virginia side. Wellman and his wife separated some time ago, he going to Huntington, where he now lives, and the wife and Claude going to San Diego, CA, where her married sister, Mrs. A??? Ferguson lives. At the time he met his untimely and horrible death Claude was employed as engineer of the hoisting engine of the steamer on which the explosion occurred. He had numerous relatives in this section. Big Sandy News, Mar 29, 1907
About 9 o’clock last Monday morning one of those didn’t know it was loaded accidents occurred which may result in the death of the innocent victim. At the hour named John Bartram, Jr., Ernest Wellman, aged 17 and some others were in Bartram’s store on the Louisa and Ft. Gay Bridge. Bartram was “fooling” with a pistol, not believing it to be loaded. He very foolishly pointed the weapon at Wellman, who was only a few feet away, and snapped it. The pistol was discharged, sending a bullet through the boy’s side and into his lungs. Wellman was carried to Bartram’s home and medical aid summoned. The lad is in a serious condition and the final result of the wounding will not be known for several days. Wellman is a son of Maneleus Wellman of Fort Gay. The pointing of a gun or pistol at anyone is punished severely in Kentucky and when the pointing is attended by wounding the penalty is still greater. Big Sandy News, Mar 29, 1907
WELLMAN, William
William Wellman was born Oct the 13th, 1856, died Oct 20, 1906, aged 50 years and 7 days. He died of consumption. For several years he had been very sick and at last death relieved him of suffering. He went to dwell with the angels, as a short time before his departure Rev. Martin Berry and the writer held services and took him to the water and baptized him. His body was laid to rest in the Large graveyard to await the resurrection morning. Rev. T. H. Large. Big Sandy News, Mar 8, 1907
Hulette—Friends and relatives here were shocked to hear of the death of Mrs. Ella Wooten, which occurred at Ashland Monday. Her body was brought to this place Wednesday and was laid to rest in the Harmon graveyard. She leaves a husband and little daughter just 3 weeks old and a host of friends and relatives to mourn their loss. Big Sandy News, Mar 8, 1907
APRIL 1907
Week of April 19 issue is in bad shape, parts not readable.
Cherokee—Death has visited the home of Addie Adams and taken away her darling little girl, aged 3 years. Big Sandy News, Apr 6, 1907
It is with sincere sympathy and sorrow that we record the death of our niece, Winnie Billups, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Billups. She died March the ?1, 1908, aged 4 years and 3 months. Her suffering was great, but ???? is gone where there is no suffering. She was laid to rest in the family burying ground to await the resurrection morn. Big Sandy News, Apr 19, 1907
BOYD, Mrs. Albert
Mrs. Albert Boyd, formerly of this place, died very recently at Henrietta, this county. She was the wife of Albert Boyd, section foreman on the C & O who was himself almost a victim of the scourge last fall. Mrs. Boyd had been to Henrietta for a visit and while there contracted her fatal illness. Big Sandy News, Arp 6, 1907
BREWER, Wallace
It is reasonably presumed that Wallace Brewer, of Warfield, met death by drowning near that place last Sunday while attempting to swim Tug River. The young man was intoxicated, it is said, and had been over on the West Virginia side. Returning to the river opposite his home he called out for a boat to be sent over to him, which was done as soon as possible but when the boat reached the spot from where he had called out he was not there. Tracks were seen leading down into the water and it is thought he became tired waiting for the boat and started to swim across and was drowned. The river is being dragged, but no trace has yet been found of the body. Big Sandy News, Apr 19, 1907
Wetzel Brumfield, son of Postle Brumfield, died at the home of his father a short distance above Wayne on last Thursday and was buried Friday in the family burying ground on lower Lynn Creek. The young man had been afflicted for some time with that dread disease, tuberculosis or consumption, and had just returned some few weeks ago from a sojourn in Colorado and Arizona, where he had gone in the hope that the climate in those states would effect a cure of his disease. Big Sandy news, Apr 6, 1907
BRYANT, Mrs. Anderson
Charley—Death has again visited our neighborhood and taken from the home of Anderson Bryant his loving wife. She died with that fatal disease consumption. Big Sandy News, Apr 19, 1907
CAUDLIE, Col. David Jesse
Grayson, KY, Apr 8—Col., David Jesse Caudle aged 67 years, a farmer living one mile north of town, was found by his wife this morning hanging by a plow lien in the smokehouse. He had been dead about one hour. He had suffered with insomnia and lately said he feared he was losing his mind. He was a Confederate soldier, and was severely wounded several times. He was an active worker in the Baptist Church and a highly respected citizen. Big Sandy News, Apr 12, 1907
CLICK, William Felix
William Felix Click, of Star Furnace, in Ashland, was fatally crushed in a fall of slate at the miens of the Adkins Coal Company last Friday. Big Sandy News, Apr 12, 1907
DEAN, Adeline
Buchanan—Mrs. Adeline Dean died at her home at Round Bottom Tuesday of last week at the age of 77, after a brief illness due to the infirmities of old age. “Aunt” Adeline, as she was familiarly known, had a host of friends who mourn her demise. She leaves a daughter and 4 sons, besides a number of grandchildren to whom much sympathy is extended. Interment took place at Round Bottom Chapel Thursday conducted by Rev. Pangburn. Big Sandy News, Apr 26, 1907
Mrs. Dean, the widow of the late Jake Dean, of Round Bottom, is dead. She was a very aged lady, having attained very near 80 years upon the lease of life. Big Sandy News, Apr 26, 1907
FANNIN, Virgil
Virgil Fannin, 19 years old, was shot to death late last Thursday night at Normal. His slayer, Marion McPeak, timber guard for the ??ich Lumber Company of Ironton, chased Fannin and a companion from the company’s property boat, where he says they were stealing chain cogs. Fannin drew a pistol on McPeak and the latter blew the top of his head off with a shotgun. The Coroner’s jury rendered a verdict of self-defense. Big Sandy News, Apr 19, 1907
Hulette—The death angel has again visited the home of Charley and Anna Frasher and took from them their darling babe, Anna, age 8 months and 20 days. The body was brought to his mother’s home for interment. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Cassady Sunday morning, Mar 31. Big Sandy News, Apr 12, 1907
FUGATE, John W??
West Liberty, KY, Mar 29—John W?? Fugate was killed by a saw log rolling over him yesterday. He lived 4 miles from this place. He leaves a wife and a large family. Big Sandy News, Apr 6, 1907
Martha—The infant child of M. A. Hay died Tuesday morning of last week of whooping cough. Big Sandy News, Apr 12, 1907
HAYES, Nancy
Nancy Hayes, aged 77 years, for 10 years a helpless invalid from the effects of a fall, died of measles, after 3 days illness. She was one of Letcher County’s best loved women, being a life-long member of the old regular Baptist Church. Big Sandy News, Apr 6, 1907
KEENE, Shade
Shade Keene, of Pike, the unfortunate man who was recently hurt by the saw mill boiler explosion on Dry Fork, took a turn for the worse Sunday and died Tuesday night at Hotel Seelbach. Drs. Thompson, Campbell and Vicars did everything in their power to save him, but he had received some internal injury which could not be reached by medicine and was necessarily fatal. Big Sandy News, Apr 12, 1907
KIRK, Mrs. F. C.
Ashland, KY, Apr 3—Mrs. F. C. Kirk while feeding a suckling calf 3 weeks ago from a bucket was butted in the stomach by the animal. Peritonitis set in from the effects of the blow and she died today. Big Sandy News, Apr 12, 1907
MANN, Dora
In loving remembrance of Dora Mann, who died Apr 15, 1907, aged 16 years and about 7 months. She was a good girl and everyone who knew her loved her. She told her mother a few days before she departed this life that she was ready to die and was not afraid to die. Her disease was consumption. Dora was just budding into womanhood, but God saw fit to call her home where there is no more sorrow and pain. She bore her suffering without a murmur. She leaves a father, mother, 4 sisters, 2 brothers to mourn her departure. The funeral was conducted by the Rev. Cassady, after which they laid her in the family graveyard. Big Sandy News, Apr 26, 1907
NORRIS, Ellsworth
Friends of Ellsworth Norris ??? ined to hear that he had ??? Monday last at this home in Huntington. He had been sick nearly ?? year, but it was only 3 ?? before his decease that the ?? to his physical weakness and ??? to the bed which proved his ???. He had been in business as ??? in Huntington about 10 years, ?? by his fine business ability his knowledge of the trade, his personality and integrity and courteous manner ??? very successful, leaving so it is said a fortune of at least $25, ???. It was more than likely, this attention to his affairs, seldom went on a vacation, that caused his death. Before going to Huntington, Mr. Norris was in the grocery business with his nephew, J. M. York, and ??? as at Huntington, he won and ??? a large and lucrative trade. He ??? his business career in Louisa as a clerk for Freese and Norris. ?? time afterward branching out for himself on Main-Cross Street, opposite the Court House. He was liked by everybody and thrived, but ??was not the busy town it ?? and Ellsworth went out into the world of trade, to win success, ?? at the early age of 41. The NEWS has called his death as untimely. And it was. With abstemious habits and temperate ??? should, ordinarily, have lived to a ripe old age, but it was not to be. A wasting disease fast?? Upon him, and today, instead of ??? among men of affairs in the ?? haunts of trade, respected by all who knew him he sleeps the long sleep in the cemetery in Huntington ??? to his ashes. ??? Norris, who always spoke in ??? of affection of Louisa and its people, leaves 2 sisters and ??? brothers, Mrs. A. York of Catlettsburg, Mrs. Ella Crank of Williamson, WV, G. W. Norris of Fallsburg, Frank Norris of Catlettsburg and ?? Norris of Huntington and ??? Norris of Wayne County, WV. Big Sandy News, Apr 26, 1907
PACK, Maggie (Price)
Death has again visited the home of Merrida Pack and taken from him his loving wife, Maggie Pack, aged 35 years and 7 months. She was born Sep 3, 1871 and was the daughter of Jeff Price. She died Apr 12, 1907. She lived a devoted Christian until death. She leaves 2 sons and a loving companion and several sisters to mourn her loss. She said in her dying moment that she had no fears. She was conscious until the last. The burial services were conducted by Rev. A. J. Moore and G. V. Pack at the family graveyard on Little Blaine. Big Sandy News, Apr 26, 1907
About 9 o’clock last Monday morning No. 3 the west bound N & W passenger train, ran into a slide about one mile east of Williamson. The engine turned completely upside down, instantly killing Fireman Puckett. Outside of a severe shaking up the remainder of the crew escaped injury. No passengers were hurt. The train reached Fort Gay several hours late. Big Sandy News, Apr 12, 1907
RULE, Mrs. William
Worrying over the high water caused Mrs. William Rule to drop dead at her home in Ashland last Friday. She had been fearful during the recent flood that her home would be submerged and this superinduced an attack of heart failure. She dropped dead while preparing supper. Big Sandy News, Apr 6, 1907
SLOAN, Michael
Michael Sloan, an aged and honored citizen living near Millard, after having lived beyond 4 score yeas, passed away. He was beloved by all who knew him and had many local positions of honor and trust. He had been a Baptist preacher for 52 years. Big Sandy News, Apr 6, 1907
Will Stewart, son of Amos Stewart, who was formerly a citizen of Grayson, was killed by a train at Burnside, KY Sunday evening. It has been impossible to secure particulars of the sad accident. Deceased had friends in Grayson and Carter county who will be saddened by the news of his death. Big Sandy News, Apr 12, 1907
John Thompson, aged 30, was accidentally killed near Warfield by No. 16, last Friday. It is said that he was asleep on the track and was not discovered until it was too late to stop the train. Big Sandy News, Apr 12, 1907
VANHOOSE, Mrs. Jesse
Mrs. Jesse Vanhoose fell dead at her home, near the Paintsville depot, last Saturday. She had just recovered from a severe attack of measles. Big Sandy News, Apr 6, 1907
WEBB, Sallie
Ulysses—On last Wednesday night Mrs. Sallie Webb, wife of John Webb, departed this life. She leaves 5 small children, one a young baby, only 2 weeks old. Burial services were attended to Friday by Rev. Bige Wiley. Isadore Webb and wife will move to Mr. Webb’s to keep house for him. Big Sandy News. Apr 12, 1907
ADAMS, George
George Adams, a former resident of Paintsville, is dead at Salyersville. His death was due to yellow jaundice. He has relatives and friends who will be sorry to hear this news. Big Sandy News, May 3, 1907
BEVINS, Cassius
A probably fatal accident occurred near the home of Hibbard Lockhardt on Burning Fork Thursday. A large wagon load of goods, accompanied by young man named Blackburn, a driver for J. Mont Bevins, and Cassius, the 12 year old son of Mr. Bevins, had just left the Lockhardt home, bound for Bevins’ big general delivery store. While going down a steep hill the boy fell off the wagon, landing in front of the wheels, which passed over him, crushing his head horribly. Big Sandy News, May 3, 1907
BOWEN, William
The following appeared in several daily papers last week and has been extensively copied. Such telegrams have been the cause of much misapprehension concerning this section and its people, and something ought to be done to suppress them and punish the senders:
Inez, KY, Apr 25—Called to his doorway as he was conducting his evening devotions, William Bowen, of Warfield, his Bible in hand, responded. The greeting was a bullet, which pierced through his heart. Today William Jordan, son of a prosperous planter, was arrested on the charge of complicity in the murder. It is alleged that Thomas Jordan, a brother of the prisoner, did the shooting. He swam the Tug River and escaped. The crime was the result of an argument over a line fence. When Jordans invited Bowen to attend church with them following the dispute, it was believed that the trouble was over, but following the services, in which all took active part, especially in prayer, when Bowen was asked to join them in a drink he refused. That night he met his death.
A well known and entirely reliable citizen of Martin County informs the NEWS that the only thing true in the above story is that a man named Jordan killed Bill Bowen. It was a family quarrel. Bowen and the Jordans met in the road, when Bowen began to throw stones at the Jordans. One of them was struck and Bowen was killed by a pistol shot from a Jordan. The “evening devotions” business, and “Bible in hand” part of the story existed only in the “mind” of the correspondent. The fact is, says the gentleman who gave the NEWS the facts, that Bibles and devotions were entirely out of Bowen’s line. The killing occurred over a month ago. Big Sandy News, May 3, 1907
BREWER. Wallace
News of Apr 19 contained an account of the drowning of Wallace Brewer, of Warfield, at that place on the night of Sunday, ????. He had been in West Virginia and was returning to a point opposite his home he called for a boat to carry him across. It is thought that he became impatient and attempted to swim over and was drowned. Wide and prolonged ?? was made for him, but nothing was heard of him until last Wednesday morning when Crit See came ??? place and reported that he ??? brother, while working about ??? early that morning, found a floating body of a man. They ??? it and Crit came to Louisa and reported his find. It was thought that the body might be that of Brewer, and Isaac Brewer, his ??? was immediately informed by ??? His brother Floyd and ??? other relatives came down to ??? place in the afternoon and ??? Judge O’Brien went up and ??? inquest on the body. The ??? was fairly well preserved and ?? was no doubt that it was that of Wallace Brewer, and the Coroner’s jury so said, and that ?? had been accidentally drowned. The remains were placed in a coffin and taken to Warfield for interment. Brewers paid See the reward of ?? which had been offered for the ?? of the body. Wallace Brewer was in the 30th year of his age and left a widow but ??? children. Big Sandy News, May 10, 1907
CASTLE, William
William Castle died at Peach Orchard last Sunday and was buried near Richardson on Tuesday. He was the father of Mrs. D. C. Spencer and Mrs. J. B. Crutcher, both of whom attended the funeral. Mr. Castle was a quiet, good citizen. He had reached a ripe old age and his death was not wholly unexpected, as his health had been bad for quite a while. Big Sandy News, May 31, 1907
Overda—Died Apr 27, Jack Crabtree. He was laid to rest in the Crabtree graveyard. He leaves a wife and ? children to mourn their loss. Big Sandy News, May 10, 1907
Dam Damron, a prominent citizen of Wayne County, died suddenly on Thursday at his home near Dunlow. His death was due to heart failure. He was a man of about 40 years of age and leaves a wife and 4 children. He was a son of Mose Damron and a cousin of County Clerk James Damron. The funeral services took place at the home Friday. Big Sandy News, May 31, 1907
On Wednesday evening, May 1st, 1907, just as the sun was sinking in the Golden West the pale horse and its rider came forth and reached its icy hand and touched the form of Martha Deegens and said well done, thy good and faithful servant. Martha was born Dec 7, 1838, died May 1, 1907. To meet her was to love her. She was a good Christian woman and has been for years, and today she is safe in the arm of Jesus and her hours of pain are over and from earthly cares she is free. She suffered greatly from heart trouble and an abscess in her side. All that loving hands could do was done, but Martha could not stay, she was too pure to stay her any longer, so Jesus wanted her in Heaven. She was a good Sunday school and church worker here on earth. She leaves a husband and several grandchildren to mourn their loss. Big Sandy News, May 24, 1907
E. B. Fitch, a well-known and highly respected citizen of Louisa, died at his residence here at an early hour last Saturday morning. He was buried Sunday afternoon in Pine Hill Cemetery after funeral services at the M. E. Church South, conducted by the pastor, the Rev. G. F. Williams. The Independent Order of Odd Fellows in large numbers accompanied the body to the grave and buried it with the beautiful ceremonies of that fraternity. Mr. Fitch was known well and favorably in the county as well as in Louisa, he having been in his earlier residence a county merchant, and latterly a traveling salesman. He was a native of Sullivan County, Tennessee, having been born there in 1842. He joined his fortunes with those of the Southern Confederacy and served until the end of the Civil War. Some time ago Mr. Fitch’s health began to fail, and he was confined to his bed. After some weeks of suffering he recovered sufficiently to go out upon the streets. About this time a meeting was in progress at the M. E. Church, South, and Mr. Fitch united with that church, receiving, with an old companion-in-arms, the rite of baptism. Not long afterwards he failed rapidly and death ensued on the day mentioned. The respect with which he was regarded by our people was shown by the very large number who attended his funeral. And the mellowing influence of time was touching demonstrated by the presence of many Union veterans. A former Confederate and a former Federal soldier were among the pallbearers, and the Commander of the Grand Army Post at Fort Gay was there to honor the memory of a former foe. Several children are left to mourn the loss of a devoted father. Big Sandy News, May 10, 1907
GAULT, Melissa
Mrs. Melissa Gault, for several years a resident of Louisa, died at an early hour at her home on Main Street, Monday. She had been in bad health for some time and the death of her son, Robert, about 2 weeks ago greatly affected her. The immediate cause of her death was acute bronchitis. Her body, accompanied by Paul Gault and 2 of her daughters, Mrs. James Barnes of Owingsville and Mrs. Dora Cook, was taken to Owingsville Monday and was buried there the following day. Mrs. Gault was a woman of much force of character and was related to many prominent families in Central Kentucky. She was 67 years old. Big Sandy News, May 24, 1907
GAULT, Robert
Robert Gault, son of Mrs. Malissa Gault, of Louisa, died in Salt Lick, Bath County, last Friday. His sisters, Mrs. Dora Cook, and Miss Birdie Gault, left here for his bedside Thursday and his brother Paul left Friday night. Mr. Gault was a bachelor and was about 39 years of age. He was for a long time a hotel clerk in Frankfort and was well known and popular. Big Sandy News, May 17, 1907
A little son of Charley Gullett, of Paintsville, died of measles, Friday. The entire family is stricken with measles. Two have died. Big Sandy News, May 10, 1907
HALL, Nellie
The little child of Richard Hall died at Olioville last Wednesday of whooping cough and was buried in the Watson graveyard. Big Sandy News, May 10, 1907
The pale horse and his rider entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hall last Wednesday and took therefrom their 15 months old baby. She had been a sufferer of whooping cough for some time, but the silver cord was loosened and little Nellie was ushered into the presence of our blessed Savior, where pain is unknown and where death can never come. She was laid to rest in the Watson graveyard surrounded by weeping friends. Big Sandy News, May 10, 1907
Fred Newsome shot and killed Burtoc Hamilton on Beaver in Floyd County last Monday evening. One reports says the men were on their way home from a circus at Pikeville and renewed an old grudge that has existed between them. Another report says Newsome waylaid Hamilton. There has been serious trouble between the men before. About a year ago they had a fight in which both were badly wounded. Hamilton was cut by Newsome so badly that it was several months before he recovered. At the same time Newsome was shot by Hamilton, but the wound did not prove to be very serious. The following is from the Ashland Independent: News has just reached here of a murder that occurred Monday on Mud Creek, in Floyd County, in which Jack Newsome, 24 years of age, lost his life at the hand of Bert Hambleton. Hambleton had just been released from the penitentiary, where he had served 7 years for killing a man named Hall. Details of the tragedy have not yet been learned here. Big Sandy News, May 31, 1907
JOBE, Martha Belle (Berry)
Martha Belle Jobe, wife of S. D. Jobe, departed this life Feb 8, 1907, aged 34 years and 3 months. She was a daughter of J. M. Berry, of Mattie. Four years ago they moved to West Virginia and there lived happily until God saw fit in his wisdom to take her from us. Twelve years ago she gave her heart to Jesus and was converted and joined the Freewill Baptist Church. To this union were born 10 children, 5 boys and 5 girls. Eleven years ago one of her boys preceded her to that glory world, leaving 9 to follow. Belle was a loving wife and a kind mother, loved by all who knew her. She leaves many friends and relatives to mourn her loss. Big Sandy News, May 24, 1907
KISE, Mrs. Lys (Dixie)
Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. At 20 minutes past 10 o’clock Apr 12, 1907, the death angel visited the home of Lys Kise and took from him his darling wife. She was 20 years 7 months and 9 days old. She leaves a husband and one babe, only 4 months old, one sister, 2 brothers, father and mother and a host of friends. Big Sandy News, May 17, 1907
The pale horse and his rider visited the home of Lys Kise on the 12th day of April 1907 and took from him his darling wife. She was ?? years 9 months and 29 days old. She leaves a husband and a little babe only 4 months old, father and mother, one sister, 2 brothers and a host of friends to mourn their loss. The death of this precious one ??? has lost a sparkling jewel. ?? do not grieve for Dixie, but ??? to meet her at the great resurrection day. Big Sandy News, May 31, 1907
LYONS, Lizzie
Ulysses—On last Friday, Mrs. Lizzie Lyons, wife of Frank Lyons, died of dropsy. Her infant child died 2 ??? ago. Big Sandy News, May 10, 1907
MANN, Dora Belle
The death angel has again visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mann, Dora Belle, aged 16 years 6 months and 20 days. She had suffered for some time from that dreaded disease, consumption. Dora was a bright, beloved girl, just budding into young womanhood. She was the idol of all who knew her. She was converted to God about 3 weeks before she often talked about that beautiful place how sweet it would be when she got there with her little brother and sister. She dearly loved her baby brother, which God had taken about 6 months before he took her. The services were conducted by Rev. Cassady. Big Sandy News, May 10, 1907
MAY. J. Harlan
Harlan May, of Salyersville, Magoffin County, died Apr 27, at the Good Samaritan hospital in Lexington from hemorrhage of the nose. He was taken to that hospital nearly 2 weeks ago and an operation performed for an obstruction in his nasal passages. The operation was not considered a dangerous one and seemed to be entirely successful. However, it was found that the patient was suffering from the novel condition of the blood known as hemophilia in which the blood refuses to coagulate and it being impossible to stop the flow of blood after the operation the patient slowly bled to death. Mr. May was a prominent farmer of Magoffin County and was 42 years of age. He was the son of ex-judge William May and was a brother in law of Capt. Jeff Prather, who had charge of the cavalry that came down from the mountains during the Spanish-American War. The members of his family who survive him are his wife, Mrs. Mamie May, and 2 daughters, Misses Eva and Tressa May. The body was taken to Salyersville for burial. Big Sandy News, May 10, 1907
Inez, KY, May 3—Enemies from the day 5 years ago when they learned that both loved the same man, Mrs. Laura McCloud and Mrs. Elizabeth Williams, the latter the winner of the adored one’s heart, met today for the first time in that period. Tonight Mrs. McCloud is dying at her home on Buck Creek. Her skull is fractured and Mrs. Williams is accused of having struck the blow with a hammer. When the women met this morning it was in front of the home of Mrs. McCloud. It is said that Mrs. McCloud invited Mrs. Williams into her home to “talk things over and shake hands.” At any rate, after shaking hands, Mrs. McCloud turned to attend to some duty in the room, when she was struck a fearful blow on the back of the head, falling unconscious. She was found some hours later by her husband. Mrs. Williams has not been found, it is said, that she ran 3 miles to the Tug River, leaped into a boat and rowed to the opposite shore. Big Sandy News, May 10, 1907
MCKINLEY, Mrs. William
Mrs. William McKinley, who was stricken by paralysis at her home in Canton, OH last Friday, died Sunday afternoon. The transition from life to death was so peaceful and gradual that it was with difficulty that the vigilant physicians and attendants noted when dissolution came. There was no struggle, no pain. Mrs. McKinley never knew of the efforts made for days to prolong her life, nor of the solicitous hope against hope of her sister and all other relatives and friends, for her recovery. She was buried Wednesday. Big Sandy News, May 31, 1907
A message from Salyersville, stated that in an engagement on Tick Lick Creek in Magoffin County, between a Sheriff’s posse and Henry Montgomery, a life-time prisoner, who escaped from the Paintsville jail, a few weeks ago, two of the posse had been killed and Montgomery shot so full of holes that he was barely able to crawl into a cave, where he was found later on, dead, with 17 bullet wounds in his body. The posse had chased Montgomery for almost 15 miles, coming up with him in a rocky defile on Tick Lick Creek. He opened fire on his pursuers, killing 2, and was mortally wounded himself. Big Sandy News, May 3, 1907
MOORE, Docia
Busseyville—The sad news of the death of Aunt Docia Moore, of Mattie, widow of the late Wesley Moore, came to us last Monday. The death angle arrived at 11 o’clock a.m. and left the family and friends in a bereaved state. She has many relatives and in this neighborhood. Big Sandy News, May 3, 1907
Mrs. Ladocia Moore, the subject of this sketch, was born in Lawrence County, KY, Nov 13, 1840 and departed this life Apr 29, 1907, aged 60 years 5 months and 16 days. Since early girlhood she had been a Christian and for a number of years a devoted and worthy member of the M. E. Church, South. On Feb 16, 1857, she was married to Wesley Moore, to this union were born 7 sons and 7 daughters, 12 of which survive her. The home which Bro. and Sister Moore established in their young life was a home of prayer. The first night they occupied their humble home they erected a family altar, and during all their lives offered daily sacrifice to our God.
Their home was ever the minister’s home and in the early days of Southern Methodist in the Little Blaine Valley their home served as a church. Her hands were ever outstretched to relieve the suffering, uplift the fallen and minister to the poor. A few hours before her departure she called her children about her and spoke to them of the glory that was awaiting her as a faithful servant of God just over the border land, and admonished them to meet her in the beautiful land on high. Her funeral was preached by the writer (Ivy York). After which we laid her body to rest in the family burying ground to await the resurrection of the just. Big Sandy News, May 31, 1907
Carl Newman, of Ashland, and well known in this city, died suddenly Monday. He had been sick several weeks, but was not confined to bed all the time. He had told his physicians where to find some water, when he fell back on the bed and died almost instantly. Big Sandy News, May 10, 1907
OSBORN, Leander
Leander Osborn, one of the oldest and most prominent citizens of Wayne County, died at his home on Wolf Creek Tuesday, and was buried on his farm Wednesday, by the order of Masons. Big Sandy News, May 3, 1907
John Piles, who was well-known to nearly all the residents of Wayne County, died very suddenly at his home near Centerville last Saturday morning about 9 o’clock. Mr. Piles arose early that morning and seemed to be in the best of health. After doing chores about the house he went to the barn to look after the stock. His continued absence caused the family to begin an investigation. Upon entering an out building the prostrate form of Mr. Piles was found, he having succumbed to heart failure a few hours previous to his discovery. Big Sandy News, May 17, 1907
REYNOLDS, Era Lillian
Era Lillian Reynolds was born Jun 17, 1904, died Apr 16, 1907, aged 2 years. Little Lillian was accidentally burned to death, her suffering was of short duration but she bore it all with patience. Within a few short hours, God gently wafted the spirit home. She was an unusually bright child possessed of that rare, sweet lovable disposition, that readily endeared her to the hearts of all. The funeral services were conducted by our pastor, Rev. Pangburn. She was tenderly laid to rest in Buchanan Chapel Cemetery near her home by the side of her little sister. Big Sandy News, May 10, 1907
Early on Thursday morning of this week the home of Rev. Silas Short was destroyed by fire at East Point, Johnson County and 2 of his children were burned to death. The members of the family were all asleep until the flames had almost entirely enveloped the house. The 2 children who were burned to death did not awaken and the room in which they slept was too far gone for other members of the family to rescue them. Rev. Short is a preacher in the Christian Church. He formerly lived in Lawrence County and has a number of relatives here. All will be deeply grieved to hear of his great misfortune. We have learned since writing the above, that Mr. Short’s oldest son was so badly burned that there is but little hope for his recovery. Nothing was saved from the house. Those who escaped did so with only their night clothing. Big Sandy News, May 24, 1907
Further particulars have been received from East Point about the burning of Rev. Silas Shorts residence and children. The fire occurred at 11 o’clock at night. It originated in the kitchen and the only stairway leading to the floor was located in the kitchen. When the flames and smoke awakened Mr. and Mrs. Short, the kitchen and stairway had already been consumed and they barely had time to escape through a window opening over a porch. Their 3 little girls were sleeping in the room with them. These all escaped through the window.
The entrance to the room where the 3 boys were sleeping was cut off and by the time Mr. Short reached the ground he could hear the frantic cries of the little fellows, one of whom was 4 years old, another 8 and the third older. While Mr. Short was trying to climb to a window the oldest boy was breaking out the glass and trying to save his little brothers, whose cries by this time was heart rending. The heat and smoke was stifling and about the time the oldest boy was ready to lift one of the others to the window a blind fell, striking him in the face, adding confusion to his already dazed condition, and causing him to drop his brother. The flames were now upon him and all he could do was to swing himself out through the window, so badly burned that there is but little hope for his recovery. Another sad feature is that Mr. Short had another child burned to death a few years ago, while living in this county. Big Sandy News, May 31, 1907
SIMS, Mr. and Mrs. Jason
Ashland, KY, May 18—With their throats slashed from ear to ear and lying in a great pool of their life blood, the bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Jason Sims, were found in their lonely farm home, 18 miles back of Cannonsburg, early this morning by neighbors, who had seen nothing of them for 3 days, and presumed they had gone away on a visit. The aged couple are supposed to have been the victims of some fiend who, knowing the old people were alone, entered the house for the purpose of robbery, being detected the murder followed. Mr. Sims was one of the most prominent farmers in that section of the country, as well as one of the wealthiest, having cleared up close to $100, 000 through the sale of some coal and timber land in Pike County a few years ago. A reward of $500 will be offered for the arrest of the murderer of the old couple. It had been suggested that possible suicide is at the bottom of the affair, as the health of the old people had been very bad for some time. Big Sandy News, May 24, 1907
Grayson, KY, May 17—This morning the body of K. L. Steele, of Lawrence County, aged 28, single, was found by the side of the C & O railroad track, near Kilgore Station. Marks indicate he had been struck by a train. Big Sandy News, May 24, 1907
At Prichard, WV between 7 and 8 o’clock Sunday morning, the mangled body of a man, who had been crushed to death by the wheels of a train, was found and identified. His form was literally ground to pieces, but bits of the clothing, one whole shoe, and a pocketbook were recognized as belonging to Mack Stewart, a resident of Prichard, who had been employed by the Armstead Contracting Co., at their work on the C & O near Scary, WV. Stewart had come to Catlettsburg on Saturday, and returned over the C & O. However, in crossing from the Kentucky side to West Virginia, he was not seen by anyone, either in Buchanan, or Prichard, nor was it learned where he spent the time from 6 o’clock, when the train arrived at Buchanan, until after night. He must have been killed after night, else his death would have been discovered before morning. His arms and legs were ground up as though run through a mill, while the parts of his face and head were so grimy as to be almost unrecognizable. The friends and relatives of the dead man gathered up the remains, sent to Louisa for a coffin and had conducted a proper funeral and burial, Sunday afternoon. Stewart was 42 years of age, married and leaves a wife and 4 children. He was connected with some of the best families of the Big Sandy Valley, being a nephew of Dr. J. F. Hatten, of Buchanan, a brother of Mrs. Samuel Turman, of Kavanaugh, and a brother o Joseph Stewart, in Ashland. A very strange feature of the sad event is that David Stewart, a brother of the decedent, was killed 4 years ago, in exactly the same manner on the Kentucky side and his body was foundon the C and O tracks. Big Sandy News, May 17, 1907
Death has again visited our neighborhood the 9th and taken from the home of Harmon Vanhoose their darling little baby, age 7 months. Little Julinia cannot come to you, but you can go to her. The body was taken to Blaine for burial. Big Sandy News, May 24, 1907
One of the saddest accidents that has occurred in this county took place on Rove Creek, not far from ???, on Wednesday evening of this week. A 5 month old baby of Sher??? Vanhorn was shot and instantly killed by its little brother, age 8 years. The mother was working in the ??? and had the children with her until she thought the sun was too hot for the baby, when she ?? the little boy into the house ???. it. He put the baby on a ??? and in looking around for something of amusing it , he spied a ??? gun sitting in the corner. Not thinking the gun was loaded ?? the ??? boy laid it on the bed with the muzzle pointing toward the baby and began to snap the lock ?? gun was discharged and the ??? head was blown off. The mother ran to the house and was ???rated by the awful sight. Mr. and Mrs. Vanhorn had a child that burned to death about a year ago. Big Sandy News, May 24,, 1907
WEBB, Wesley
Webbville—Wesley Webb, aged 87 years, died Friday and was buried Sunday. Big Sandy News, May 3, 1907
JUNE 1907
Mike Borders, of Georges Creek died suddenly last Sunday morning at his home. He was a son of Henry Borders and was a good quiet citizen. He leaves a family. He was about 45 years old. Big Sandy News, Jun 7, 1907
The 3 weeks old child of John and Olga Chapman died Wednesday of pneumonia. The burial took place yesterday in Pine Hill Cemetery. Big Sandy News, Jun 14, 1907
On Thursday evening, May 16, 1907, the pale horse and its rider touched the form of Leander Christian. Leander was born Dec 7, 1880. A good man is gone. He was a good Christian and today he is safe in the arms of Jesus. He suffered greatly with lung trouble. He left a widow and ?? children, father, mother, 3 sisters and 5 brothers to mourn their loss. Big Sandy News, Jun 7, 1907
Osie—Mrs. Jake Crabtree was buried Sunday at the old Adams graveyard. Funeral services were conducted by Revs. Hicks and Berry. The deceased was a daughter of John Adams and a good woman. Big Sandy News, Jun 28,1907
Last Sunday night William Crabtree who lived near the “Gap” on ?? Two Mile Road, was run over by a N and W train not far from ??? and instantly killed. It is not known how the accident happened. The body, which was mangled almost beyond recognition, was identified by some letters which were ??? in his pocket. His brother ??? was notified by telegram and ?? Atkins was sent for the remains. The body was taken to his former residence near the Gap on the Two Mile road where funeral service was conducted by the Rev. H. B. Hewlett. Crabtree was the son of Smith Crabtree and was in the 23rd year of his age and unmarried. Big Sandy News, Jun 7, 1907
The burial occurred this week of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Crowell, of Logan. The mother was unable to be present on account of illness, but the other relatives were present to witness the interment of the remains. Catlettsburg Tribune. Mrs. Crowell was Miss Francis McConnell and is well known in Louisa where she had many relatives and friends. Big Sandy News. Jun 21, 1907
Mamie, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Diamond, died Jun 2, age 11 months and 26 days. She was sick only a short time. Little Mamie was loved and caressed by all who knew her. But she was too fair a flower to bloom on this earth, so the Lord transplanted her to his heavenly garden. Big Sandy News, Jun 14, 1907
Mamie, the infant child of Virgil and Nannie Diamond, son of the Rev. C. L. Diamond, departed this life Jun 2, 1907, age 10 months. She died of brain trouble and was laid to rest in the Hewlett graveyard by loving tender hands and sad broken hearts. The pall bearers were Reba Diamond, Georgia and Lillie Diamond, Virgie Cains and Mazie Hewlett. Rev. L. M. Copley preached the funeral. Big Sandy News, Jun 28, 1907
KIRK, Mary Belle
The past 2 days have been taken up with the trial of Mose Evans for the killing of Mary Belle Harman about 2 years ago. Evans made his escape, but was captured about 2 months ago somewhere in Tennessee and brought back for trial. The jury in the Evans case was out until about 10 o’clock Thursday night when a verdict was reached and no recommendation to mercy was made. This will mean that the condemned man will be hanged unless the verdict is set aside. Counsel for the defense has made a motion to that effect.
The above was taken from a Williamson paper and is substantially correct except as to the name of the victim Her name was Mary Belle Kirk and not Mary Belle Harman. As stated above Evans’ crime was the killing of this poor girl, who was a native of Martin County, born on Wolf Creek about 22 years ago. She was a very pretty girl and had always borne an excellent character. Her father was a well-known character, familiarly known as “Claw-Hammer Joe” Kirk. Mose Evans, her slayer, was also a Martin County product, being a son of John Evans, who lived near the mouth of Wolf Creek. Another Evans, Jeff by name, had some time before the murder of the Kirk girl served a sentence in a Virginia penitentiary for murder. The murder for which Evans will probably some day die on the scaffold was particularly shocking. It seems that he and Miss Kirk had once been sweethearts. He was exceedingly jealous, and had threatened to kill her because of some real or fancied ground for his jealousy. One day he met her not far from Warfield, on the West Virginia side, walking with another man. A quarrel ensued and Evans in his rage shot the girl, inflicting wounds from which she died a day or two afterwards. He claims, so it is said, that the shooting was purely accidental, but he fled the country and for about 2 years successfully evaded capture. The authorities gave up the hunt and the Baldwin Detective Agency took it up. He was finally traced to Tennessee and caught in a mining camp and brought back to Mingo County and his trial and conviction followed.
It will be seen that Evans has moved for a new trial. His lawyers will have to make a mighty good showing if they get it from Judge Wilkerson, and as juries across the Tug do not fix the penalty the accused may be said to stand on slippery ground. The NEWS learns that in her early girlhood days Miss Kirk was a pupil in a school taught by Ed. Kirk of the gas office. Big Sandy News, Jun 28, 1907
Death visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cine Lakins and took from their midst a dear little one leaving many relatives to mourn their loss. Susie Lakins died Jun 16th, 1907, aged 4 years 8 months and 15 days. While her father and mother, brother and sisters, and relatives mourn for her, behind the tears is a heart full of joy. It was Jesus who called her away. She has gone to the Lord who gave her from night to the splendor of day. Big Sandy News, Jun 28, 1907
LYONS, Lizzie
Lizzie Lyons born Jul 26, 1873 departed this life Apr 26, 1907, aged 33 years and 9 months. Lizzie joined the church when about 20 years old and remained a faithful Christian until death. She leaves a husband and 2 small children here while she is with her children that had preceded her to the realms of light. I heard her say she was going to her children and begged her husband to join her in glory. And we would say “Frank, remember her pleadings”. I will say to the husband and it will be the greatest honor you can ever acquire to instruct your children in these principles which made the prospect of death agreeable and even welcome to their mother. We love to write about one who was loved by everybody as was Lizzie Lyons. She was a good neighbor, a true and loving wife and kind and devoted mother. R. H. Big Sandy News, Jun 14, 1907
Ulysses—On Jun 22 at the home of his son, Robert Miller, D. C. Miller, better known as Uncle Crawford, departed this life. He had been confined to his room for about a week. All was done for him that could be done. His health had been failing for some time. The deceased was nearly 70 years old. Burial services were attended to Sunday by Rev. Charlie Pennington, of Lomansville and Rev. J. F. Borders of this place. His wife died 9 years ago. Big Sandy News, Jun 28, 1907
MCCOWN, Taulbee
Last Thursday afternoon No. 16 struck and instantly killed Taulbee McCown, 23 years of age, and whose home is at Shelby, KY. for some time the young man had been employed at the plant of the Peerless Brick Company, Williamson and was on his way to the city when hit by the train. No. 16 is due there ag 3:45 and about 10 minutes before that time a west bound freight train pulled out of the yards. The young man was walking on the east bound track and the freight was approaching on the west bound and it is supposed that the noise made by the freight kept him from hearing the approach of No. 16. The body, accompanied by a brother of the unfortunate young man, was taken to Harold last Friday morning. Big Sandy News, Jun 14, 1907
MOUNCE, Charlie
Death visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mounce Jun 7, 1907 and took there from their little son, Charles, who was 9 years 1 month and 27 days old. The funeral service was conducted at the family burial ground by Rev. Miller. Big Sandy News, Jun 21, 1907
Ulysses—An infant child of James Morrison and wife died Sunday. All was done for little Dollie that could be done but all in vain. Funeral services were attended to Monday by ??? Preston of Patrick. Big Sandy News, Jun 14, 1907
O’BRIEN, Jane Gott
Jane Gott O’Brien, was born in Carter County, TN, Jul 5, 1834. She departed this life Jun 20, 1907, aged 72 years 11 months and 15 days. Her father, John O’Brien, moved to Louisa, KY in 1846. There she grew to womanhood and united with the M. C. Church, South. In 1860 she went with relatives on a visit to Tennessee, her old home. She there united with the Presbyterian Church of which she has been a faithful and consistent member. The Civil War breaking out, she remained in Tennessee until Dec 1893. At that time her brother, J. H. O’Brien went to Tennessee and brought her home. Since then she has lived with her loving nephew and niece, L. J. and Fannie Webb, at Webbville, KY. She leaves a brother and sister in law, Judge and Mrs. J. H. O’Brien and sister, Mrs. W. F. Moore, of Louisa, KY, a brother in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Moore of Webbville, KY, and many nephews and nieces to mourn her loss. Aunt Jane was w woman of a broad and generous personality, loving all and beloved by all who knew her. The funeral took place on Saturday Jun 22. The Rev. Ramsey, pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Grayson, conducted a brief but impressive service. The body was then taken to the Webb graveyard on the hill and tenderly lide in its final resting place. Big Sandy News, Jun 28, 1907
PERRY, Walter
A sad accident, which proved fatal to its victim within a few hours after its occurrence was the shooting of Walter Perry by Irving Roberts, a 12 year old boy, at Huntington, Saturday night. The two were en??? In shooting rats with a 32 calibre revolver, taking turn about with the gun. They were hunting the rodents ??? the porch at Sanford Roberts’ home on upper Eighth Avenue. ??? Roberts time to shoot and Mr. Perry was at the opposite end of the porch peering under it for rats, when Roberts fired. The bullet entered the top of his head and came out in the throat. Dr. Vickers was summoned and soon decided there was not hope for Mr. Perry and he died about 11 o’clock that night. Big Sandy News, Jun 7, 1907
RICE. G. Wash
The death of G. Wash Rice occurred at his home in Paintsville Wednesday noon. He had been sick for several months. Big Sandy News, Jun 28, 1907
RIFFE, Barbry
Mrs. Barbry Riffe was born Mar 1, 1860, departed this life Feb 6, 1907, aged 46 years 11 months and 6 days. She lived a devoted Christian from that of almost childhood. She was a member of the Southern Methodist Church and loved it dearly. She leaves a husband and 6 children, 4 sons, and 2 daughters, and a host of friends to mourn her loss. Her last words were, “ Be good to Marrel, and Harry and tell all my children to meet me in heaven.” Big Sandy News, Jun 28, 1907
WELLS, Scott
Prestonsburg, Jun 13—The body of Scott Wells, of Woods, this county, was taken from the river here today. Wells was caught in a line while trying to land a raft of timber above here this morning, received fatal injuries and was pulled into the water. Logmen here went to the raft to remove the line and after pulling it in found the body in the river. A coroner’s inquest failed to develop whether death was due to injury or drowning. Big Sandy News, Jun 21, 1907
JULY 1907
John Adams, a prominent cattle dealer and farmer of Pike County was ambushed by 2 men while passing a clump of bushes on the Esau Moore place and probably fatally shot. His assailants are not positively known by any one save the wounded man, and he refuses to divulge their names, saying he will live to get them both. It is not thought that he can recover from his present wounds, as he was hit 4 times, one bullet passing entirely through the body, one through the muscles of the neck and 2 striking him in the legs. Big Sandy News, Jul 5, 1907
Grayson, KY, Jul 6—The body of John Blair was found yesterday by the side of the C & O track near Limestone with his head split open. Death is believed to have been the result of Blair walking on the track and being struck by a train. Big Sandy News, Jul 12, 1907
On last Sunday evening Jim Boggs, who lives on Blaine Creek about 2 miles from the town of Blaine, was shot and so badly wounded that his death will probably follow. The shooting occurred on Bell’s Trace, Elliott County, not far from the Lawrence County line, and the man who did the shooting is Charles Johnson. The probable murderer fled soon after committing the deed, but a Sheriff’s posse and a determined gang of the Improved Order of Red Men are in hot pursuit and it is thought that he cannot possibly escape. The shooting occurred shortly after dark, and Boggs lay all night without help or care of any kind, as there were no witnesses to the shooting and no one save the wounded man and his assailant knew anything about it. When discovered he was carried to his home near the town of Blaine, and medical aid was summoned. The bullet which had laid him low had entered his neck just under the chin and a little to the right, lodging in the back of the neck near the base of the brain and producing complete paralysis. The ball was extracted and the man was alive when last heard from but there is not the slightest chance for his recovery. Big Sandy News, Jul 5, 1907
Jim Boggs, who was shot in Elliott County a week ago last Sunday, died Sunday morning at 7 o’clock. His remains were taken to Flat Gap, his former home, for burial. The last rites were conducted by the Improved Order of Red Men, of which he was a member. His slayer, Charles Johnson, has not yet been captured. Big Sandy News, Jul 12, 1907
Ulysses—On Jun 26, Mrs. Mary Bowling was brought here from her home near Whitehouse and laid to rest in the Kazee graveyard. She fell a victim to consumption. She is survived by a husband and 3 small children. Big Sandy News, Jul 26, 1907 (In another section of paper News from Boons Camp—Died, recently, Mrs. Will Bowling, of this place, of consumption. She was taken to Georges Creek for burial.)
BROWN, Frank
A few days ago Pharoah Kirk, 13, of Wolf Creek, Martin County, shot to death his playmate, Frank Brown, 18. The boys were returning from a squirrel hunt and had stopped to listen for Brown’s cow which he intended to drive home, when without any warning Kirk stepped behind Brown, cocked his gun and shot him dead. The boys has previously had a quarrel, but Kirk claims that it was an accident. He was sent to the Reform School until he becomes 20 years of age. Big Sandy News, Jul 19,1907
By the death of Mrs. Rebecca Burchett which occurred at her late residence in this city yesterday morning Louisa has lost one of its oldest and most highly respected citizens. She was the widow of Armstead Burchett, and had lived, so far as the News has been able to learn, all her life in Louisa. At the time of her death Mrs. Burchett was 87 years of age. She was the mother of 7 children, ??? of whom save Mrs. Isabel Rigg, survive her. The oldest of these is Major D. J. Burchett, of Mt. Sterling. Mrs. Burchett lived a busy and honored life. So long as health and strength permitted she did what her ??? found to do and did it will. She was a woman of much intelligence, a force of character, and much re??? that the infirmities of age ???. ??? serious bodily afflictions deprived her of an active participation in every day affairs. ??? late Mrs. Burchett was a great ??? , but she retained her strong mental faculties until the last. She recognized the fact that her days on earth were numbered and hailed the approach of death to relieve her of suffering. The funeral and interment of Mrs. Burchett will occur this morning. Funeral services will be at the home. Big Sandy News, Jul 19,1907
COBURN, Andrew
In the court house at Prestonsburg on Wednesday of this week Joe Fitzpatrick shot “Add” or Andrew Coburn 4 times. The tragedy occurred in the court room where Circuit Court was in session and caused almost a panic. A relative of Fitzpatrick’s drew a revolver and ordered the crowd to stand out of the path of Fitzpatrick, so that he might escape. The man who did the shooting walked out of the court house, mounted his horse and rode home. About a year ago Coburn killed William Fitzpatrick, who was closely related to Joe, and his trial for this offense was about to be called when the tragedy took place. Coburn was sitting near the bar listening to F. A. Hopkins argue a case.
Coburn was shot in the back, 3 balls passing through the lungs and one through the body lower down. He is yeat alive, but no hope for his recovery is entertained. It is said Fitzpatrick had been drinking heavily for some time. He had not been arrested at last reports from Prestonsburg. He is about 50 years of age and has a family. Coburn is a member of the Shepherd family and further trouble is thought to be a very probable result of this affair. Big Sandy News, Jul 5, 1907
Boons Camp—Died Mrs. Laura Collins, wife of John Collins, of Williamsport, died of consumption. Big Sandy News, Jul 26, 1907
Fallsburg—Frank Cooksey, who had been sick so long, died last Friday, and a great many of his relatives came to attend the funeral. Services were conducted by J. M. Riffe and French Rice in the Eagle’s Hall. A large audience assembled to hear the funeral sermon. His remains were laid to rest in the graveyard on the hill. Big Sandy News, Jul 5, 1907
Mr. Frank Cooksey was born Aug 10, 1843, and departed this life Jun 29, 1907. He was a member of the Christian Church in which he had been a faithful worker for several years. He had been confined to his room for about 4 months previous to his death and during that time he was deeply interested in his soul’s welfare. He told his friends he was ready to go any time the lord was willing to take him and in his last hours he praised his name. Mr. Cooksey had only a wife and a nephew whom he had raided from infancy to survive him. He was a well known citizen and highly respected. He leaves one sister, one brother and many relatives and a host of friends to mourn his loss. The funeral services were held at the Eagle Hall in the church department, conducted by Rev. Jerry Riffe and Rev. R. F. Rice. There was a large crowd out to hear the discourse and many followed him to his last resting place which was in the Fallsburg cemetery. Big Sandy News, Jul 12,1907
Polly’s Chapel—Died, Jun 20th, the wife of Jake Crabtree. She was laid to rest in the Adams’ cemetery. Funeral services were conducted by Revs. Berry, Hicks and Large. She leaves a husband and a host of relatives and friends to mourn her loss. Big Sandy News, Jul 12, 1907
News has reached Louisa that Latt Damron, formerly of Fort Gay, but for several years a resident of Catlettsburg, died in that city Thursday. It is said that he was to be taken away soon for treatment. Big Sandy News, Jul 19, 1907
FUGATE, Zachariah
Morehead, KY, Jul 15—Zachariah Fugate, a well-known citizen, died suddenly of heart trouble at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Bert Cornett, one mile west of town. Mr. Fugate was a widower and is survived by 3 grown daughters and a son. He had relatives in Lawrence. Big Sandy News, Jul 19, 1907
Grayson, KY, Jul 5—Rufus Garvin, a distiller, who lived near Olive Hill, fell asleep on the C & O railroad track in the night and was killed by a train. Big Sandy News, Jul 12, 1907
Prestonsburg, KY, Jul 1—The saddest death that ever occurred here was that of Mrs. Lucinda Gearhart, widow of the late James Gearhart, who died suddenly of heart failure Thursday afternoon. The demise leaves an only child, a daughter, Miss Alice, with no loving relatives nearer in relationship than cousins. Mrs. Gearhart and daughter had spent their entire lives together. Mrs. Gearhart’s husband having died more than 20 years ago and one son and 3 daughters deaths following one by one until the death of the second oldest daughter some 10 years ago leaving alone Mrs. Gearhart and her oldest child, Miss Alice, they never separating, even for an entire day during these 10 years. Big Sandy News, Jul 5, 1907
Lon Huff, a printer who was employed on the Fort Gay Leader, met an untimely death Saturday afternoon. While returning from Kenova where he was somewhat intoxicated, he climbed aboard a freight train and rode up the line within a short distance of Fort Gay, where he was put off the train. He sat down between the tracks and was struck by No. 15, which killed him instantly. The remains were taken to Catlettsburg and prepared for burial, after which he was taken to his home at Paintsville, KY. Huff was known here, having worked in Louisa before going to Fort Gay. Big Sandy News, Jul 12, 1907
Osie—Died, on the 6 inst. an infant child of Mr. and Mrs. William Jordan of Irish Creek. The remains were gently laid to rest in the Jobe Cemetery. Big Sandy News, Jul 12, 1907
While playing about the premises at her home on Joe’s Creek, near Pikeville, the baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jenk King wandered to the stream that flows close to the home, fell in and was drowned. The little toddler was missed by the mother soon after she disappeared and a frantic search developed the tragedy. The child had drowned in a shallow pool in the bed of the stream that had almost gone dry. Big Sandy News, Jul 26, 1907
During a row at Rush Saturday Sam Kirk had his skull crushed by Buck Finn. Kirk wanted to kill Alf. Reeves and because Finn would not stand by him, he turned on Kirk with his pistol and told him he could kill him. Finn felled him with a brick before he could shoot. Kirk will die. Big Sandy News, Jul 12, 1907
Death has again visited our community and claimed for its victim little Susie Lakins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sine Lakins. Susie was born Oct 1, 1902, died Jun 16, 1907. She was the pride of their home, a sweet little girl. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Billups and others, after which the body was laid to rest in the family graveyard to await the resurrection morning. Big Sandy News, Jul 19, 1907
Pikeville, Jul 20—A terrible accident occurred on dry Fork of Shelby yesterday resulting in the death of the little son of Wesley McComas. A pile of sawdust had been set on fire and was burning furiously on the inside. Fresh sawdust having been thrown on the outside, made the flames invisible, when the 13 year old boy ran and lunged into the sawdust, sinking in the seething mass of flames. No one being present to rescue the little fellow, he managed to scramble out and ran home enveloped in flames, the flesh falling off his limbs. Fortunately for the little fellow, death soon relieved his sufferings. Big Sandy News, Jul 26, 1907
MEAD, Frank
Paintsville, KY, Jul 6—Last evening at 7 o’clock, Frank, the son of Willis Mead, aged 14 years, while swimming with a crowd of boys near the county bridge below Paintsville, was drowned in a deep hole. The body was located by a searching party in Paint Creek at 7:30 o’clock near where the accident happened. Big Sandy News, Jul 12. 1907
MILLER, Adison “At”
Charley—Death has again visited our neighborhood and taken from our midst “Uncle At” Miller. He had been sick for a long time. The attending physician did all he could for him, but to no avail. His death occurred Jul ?? at his home at this place. His body was taken to the E. H. Judd graveyard on Little Blaine for burial, the funeral service was conducted by Revs. A. H. Miller and G. V. Pack. The deceased was 84 years old. Big Sandy News, Jul 19, 1907
Adison Miller, born Apr 30, 1823, departed this life Jul 9, 1907, aged 84 years 9 months and 9 days. Uncle At, as he was commonly called, joined the church several years ago and remained a faithful Christian until death. He leaves a wife, 5 sons and 4 daughters and a host of friends to mourn their loss. Big Sandy News, Jul 19,1907
PENIX, David
Carter County’s sheriff arrested and delivered to the Sheriff of Greenup County Joseph Martin, a farmer, charged with causing the death of his son in law, David Penis, by stabbing, during a fight several days ago. Martin declares his innocence. Big Sandy News, Jul 12, 1907
A very shocking accident happened at the North East Coal mines on Muddy branch Tuesday afternoon. Arthur and Asa Preston, son of Jonathan Preston, were tamping a charge of powder into the bank, preparing for a blast, when a quantity of slate overhead gave way and fell on them, killing Arthur instantly and probably fatally injuring Asa. Big Sandy News, Jul 12, 1907
ROBERTS, Lawrence
Prestonsburg, KY, Jul 8—a shooting affray occurred yesterday at a Baptist meeting on Mud Creek, 15 miles from here, in which Noah and Lawrence Roberts were mortally wounded, and Jack Clark received a wound in the hip not thought to be injurious. It is claimed that the Roberts boys came to the church disorderly and that when Clark, who was constable in that district, went to them and asked them to be quiet, they assaulted him, knocking him down and relieving him of his revolver. They soon returned the revolver, and when Clark attempted to arrest them a general shooting match occurred in which the Roberts boys were each shot in the stomach and Clark received a flesh wound in the hip. Clark at once wired here and Deputy Sheriff K. B. Jones went to the scene on a late train last night and placed Clark under arrest. Brought here this afternoon, he was released on bond. All the wounded are yet alive, but neighter of the Roberts boys is expected to live. Big Sandy News, Jul 12, 1907
ROSE, Lora
Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord. At 3 o’clock last Saturday evening, Jun 29th, death visited the home of Russell Rose and took from him his darling wife. She leaves a husband, father, 3 brothers, 3 sisters and a host of friends to mourn her loss. Just a little while before she died she called her friends to her beside and told them to meet her in heaven. She said she saw her mamma and her sister and little baby who had proceeded to the glory land some time ago. All that loving hand could do was done to save her but it was of no avail God’s will, not ours, be done. Big Sandy News, Jul 12, 1907
Blaine—The infant daughter of G. W. Salyer died last Saturday. Big Sandy News, Jul 26, 1907
W.O.B. Scott, of Pike County, son of Silas and Martha Scott, died at the home of the latter Saturday night Jun 29, 1907, after a lingering illness of some 4 months, with tuberculosis and a complication of stomach trouble. At the time of his death he was 31 years, one month and 5 days old. Big Sandy News, Jul 12, 1907
SLOAN, Ernest
Crushed to death by a falling tree without an instant’s warning was the fate of little Ernest Sloan, the 4 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Sloan, of Pikeville, at his home near that place. The child and his little sister were playing near where the mother was doing a family washing. Suddenly a large sugar maple that was standing about 20 feet away crashed to the ground, catching and crushing the boy, and barely missing the little girl. Big Sandy News, Jul 26, 1907
Grayson, KY, Jul 22—Miss Nora Sloan, daughter of John Sloan, a well to do farmer, who resided on Clifty, near the Carter and Elliott lines, took carbolic acid last night about 8 o’clock and died in a few minutes. Her relatives think she took the acid by mistake, as she had been taking medicine for some time. Others think it was taken with suicidal intent, being worried over unfounded rumors. Big Sandy News, Jul 26, 1907
Cy. Sparks, the well known mail carrier between Williamson and Pikeville, met with instant death last week while walking on the railroad track in the west end of Williamson. It was his custom to arise early and get his horses in shape to make the trip, and he left his boarding house for this purpose that morning. Parties who witnessed is say that he was walking on the west bound track when passenger train No. 4 blew the whistle. Without glancing back he stepped from the west track to the east and directly in front of the train which was running at a high rate of speed. It is supposed that he thought he was walking on the wrong track which caused him to step in front of the train. Big Sandy News, Jul 12, 1907
SPENCER, Charley
Charley, the 11 year old son of David Spencer, residing on the Big Sandy road a few miles above Catlettsburg, received a death blow this week while pumping water from an old fashioned well. The boy in drawing up the bucket filled to the brim and overflowing lost hold of the heavy handle, when the weight of the bucket jerked it around with tremendous force, striking the little fellow as he turned aside just in the right temple. Big Sandy News, Jul 12, 1907
WEBB, Grover C.
A very sad accident followed by death occurred on the C & O near ??, Pike County, last Monday morning. The victim was Grover C. Webb, son of A. J. Webb of Webbville, this county. Webb was a brakeman and had been employed as such about 3 months. While at work early Monday he was caught between 2 cars, the ?? striking him just above the ??. He was extricated as soon as possible and taken to Pikeville and ??? in the care of Dr. Z. A. Thompson, the Company’s surgeon at that place. The gravity of the case was apparent, and this was wired to Superintendent Goodwin, of Ashland, who ordered Webb’s removal to the C & O Hospital at Huntington. The injured man was made as comfortable as possible and placed on No. 39, accompanied by Dr. Thompson. A special was waiting at Ashland to take Webb to Huntington and his parents had been informed by telegram of the sad accident.
When the train reached Fullers Mr. and Mrs. Webb met it and had the injured man transferred to No. 28 and brought back to Louisa, where he was placed in the hospital. By the time this time the man was in a state of ??? and Dr. York and Dr. Wroten the Company Surgeon here, in?? the relatives that there was no hope for recovery. Mr. Webb died about 9 o’clock that evening. He was terribly crushed between his hips and chest, the abdomen being torn open in one or two place. The left arm was crushed between the elbow and shoulder, but was not torn off as was stated in the papers. Mr. Webb’s body was prepared for burial and placed in a handsome casket, and on Tuesday morning it was taken to Webbville by undertaker Aug. Snyder and was there interred. Mr. Webb was about 23 years of age, unmarried and was a splendid specimen of physical manhood. He was an excellent character and his untimely and shocking death brought ?? to many friends and relatives. Big Sandy News, Jul 12, 1907
While performing his duty as brakeman, near Pikeville, on the 8th inst. Grover C. Wells, was fatally crushed between 2 cars. He was born Feb 23?, 1885, at Olioville. He lived with his parents there till ??? March when the great demand for young men caused him to leave the monotonous work of the farm fro a more lucrative position. He attended his home school and his teachers to whom he has gone speak of him as a model student, one that was ever ready to make a sacrifice for the benefit of others. He could readily adapt himself to any work and was never out of employment. He was of a gentle loving disposition, dearly loved his parents and brothers and sisters who reciprocated that love without measure. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Webb, of Olioville, one of the best known families of the county. But he is gone and his place can never be filled. He is not forgotten and never will be. Big Sandy News, Jul 19, 1907
See under Nora Stephens
?? Branham, aged 26, died at his home on Rockcastle last Monday night after a long illness caused by typhoid fever. The deceased was a son of ?. D. Branham, and was a most ??? young man, much liked and ?? respected by all who knew him He was single and leaves several brothers, one of whom is also ?? typhoid. Mr. Branham was buried on Wednesday. Big Sandy News, Aug 23, 1907
BROWN, Virgie
Miss Virgie Brown, the 18 year old daughter of Mr. Frank A. Brown, died at the home of her sister, Mrs. Joe B. Preston near Richardson, Monday. The body was taken to Paintsville for interment. Big Sandy News, Aug 16, 1907
On Monday , Aug 12, Miss Virgie Brown, daughter of F. A. Brown, of Paintsville, died at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. B. Preston, of Borders Chapel. She had been an invalid for some time and had come to visit her sisters, Mrs. Frank Allen and Mrs. Joe Preston, thinking to regain her former health, but she gradually grew weaker until the above date when she sweetly fell asleep in the arms of Jesus. She was young and fair and a general favorite with all who knew her and while home and relatives have lost a precious treasure Heaven has gained an priceless jewel. Big Sandy News, Aug 23, 1907
King Burchett killed his great uncle, Dick Burchett, at Prestonsburg yesterday over a land deal. The murdered man was 84 years old. King escaped but sons of the dead man are pursuing him. Murder is rampant in Floyd County of late. Big Sandy News, Aug 16, 1907
CHAFFIN, Mrs.Chris
Mrs. Chris. Chaffin died at her home in this county, opposite Webb, WV, a few days ago. She was the mother of Stant Chaffin, the merchant. Big Sandy news, Aug 16, 1907
Ulysses—On Sunday, Aug 4, an infant child of William Chails and wife died. Big Sandy News, Aug 23, 1907
Durbin—Died 17 of Aug, William Clarkson. He had been a citizen of this county for several years and his kindness to all has won many friends. His remains being taken to the Hatten graveyard for interment. He leaves a wife and 5 children and a host of friends to mourn his loss. Big Sandy News, Aug 23, 1907
CLAY, Mrs. R. S. (Gladys Mays)
On last Friday morning, Mrs. R. S. Clay died after an illness of several weeks. She was formerly Miss Gladys Mays, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mays, of near Prestonsburg. The death occurred in that town. Big Sandy News, Aug 2, 1907
Miss Rosa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Cooksey, was born Feb 2, 1880 and died Jul 19, 1907, aged 27 years 5 months and 16 days. Miss Rosa had been a member of the Methodist Church for about 5 years, during which time she devoted lots of her time in church and Sunday school work and in our festivals she was one of the leading members. She had been absent from her home for several months and we had hoped she would soon come back again and be with us, but alas she was taken suddenly sick and only lasted a few days. While sick she was converted and baptized and taken the Sacrament with her friends and she told them she was ready to go and just at her last she said to her mother “we are known as we are know, we shall know each other there. While sick Miss Rosa, was in the car of Mr. William Cooksey of Sand Hill about 10 miles from home. She leaves a dear mother, 4 brothers, 5 sisters to survive her. Her father died several years ago also 2 sisters who died in infancy. The services were held by Rev. Cassady at the cemetery Hill of Fallsburg. Big Sandy News, Aug 30, 1907
DALTON, Mrs. J. C.
Felix, WV—The death angel visited the home of J. C. Dalton on the 19th and took from him his loving wife. She died in the triumphs of a living faith. She begged all her friends to meet her in heaven, where there would be no more parting, no more good-byes, but where all would be joy and peace and gladness. She leaves a husband and 5 children to mourn their loss. She was laid to rest in the family graveyard overlooking her home. Big Sandy News, Aug 9, 1907
DIAMOND, Charles
News reached Louisa yesterday morning that Charles Diamond, formerly of this county, had been killed by a street car near Normal, between Ashland and Catlettsburg, some time during Wednesday night. Details on time and manner are very meager. Nearly all of the unfortunate man’s head had been severed from his body. When the news came to this place Will Sullivan telephoned the sad tiding to the young man’s father, Chris. Diamond, who lived somewhere near Morgan’s Creek. It is not yet known what disposition will be made of the body. The young man had only recently recovered from a spell of typhoid fever. Big Sandy news, Aug 23, 1907
G. W. Farrow, formerly miller for the Big Sandy Milling Co., died Tuesday night after a long illness, following a stroke of paralysis. The death occurred at the home of Mrs. Damron, where he and his wife and young child had been living for several weeks. The body was taken Wednesday to Bowling Green, KY for interment. Mr. Farrow’s daughter about 13 years old died shortly after the family came here. Big Sandy News, Aug 16,1907
The following story comes from Mesa, AZ. Read down the lines and you will find the names of persons and places which make the narrative very interesting to many of the readers of the NEWs. We have made inquiry and are satisfied that the parties referred to once lived on the headwaters of Big Blaine.
“Vengeance is mine saith the Lord. The truth of this Scriptural quotation on was exemplified in the case of Ben F. Ferguson who though betrayed by his own brother and deserted by his wife did not raise his hand against them. Yet the brother now occupies a dishonored grave and the wife lies in a hospital at the point of death, the hand of Providence appearing ??? the tragedies which overtakes them. Ben F. Ferguson, whose home was wrecked by his brother, John Ferguson, is a native of Keaton, KY. He located in Arizona 8 years ago, was careful and industrious and succeeded in accumulating a modest fortune. Several years after he came to this state, his brother John, who was engaged to a lady in Kentucky, was saddened by the death of the girl and was invited by his brother to come to Arizona and join him. Soon after the arrival of the younger brother, however, an intimacy sprang up between the wife of Ben F. Ferguson and the younger brother, finally culminating in their elopement.
The couple went to Globe and later moved to Mesa, where they resided until death overtook the young man and an accident befell the woman that may yet end her life. The woman while drawing water a few days ago fell into the well and was badly injured. Immediately thereafter John Ferguson drank carbolic acid and died in great agony. Learning of the affair the wronged husband came to Mesa and gave his erring brother a decent burial and is now watching over his injured wife, who if she survives, will be a cripple for life. Out of the abundance of his love for his dead brother and the wife whom he led astray, the wronged husband and brother has forgiven both. Big Sandy News, Aug 9, 1907
HAYMES, Trixie
Last Tuesday morning, Mrs. W. D. Pierce received the painful intelligence that her youngest sister, Miss Trixie Haymes of Elmo, VA, was dead. The sad news was entirely unexpected and came with crushing force to the shocked recipient. On last Sunday Mrs. Pierce received a letter which said that her sister was threatened with typhoid fever, but the attending physician had hopes that he might abort the attack. Miss Pierce was the youngest sister, only 19 and was said to have been a remarkable pretty girl. Mrs. Pierce and daughter, Eliza left for Elmo on the N & W. The will be absent probably a month. Big Sandy News, Aug 30 1907
A message received here stating that Lou Hewlett was killed by a train at Prichard, WV where he was employed in the improvements on the road. His father, Lewis Hewlett, is employed at the power house in Kenova and was at once notified. No particulars could be learned in regard to the accident, further than that he had been killed while working on the improvements being made there. Big Sandy News, Aug 2, 1907
HOLLY, Norah
Blesses are the dead that die in the Lord. On Sunday, Jun 8th, 1907, death visited the home of Norah Holly and took from him his darling wife. She leaves a husband and 6 children and a host of relatives and friends to mourn her loss. Her death was a great shock to the community. She was only sick 8 days. While she leaves a husband and children their loss is her gain, for she has gone to be with her 2 children, 2 sisters and a brother, who have been waiting her. She was a loving companion, kind mother, and a true Christian and in losing her we lose a great worker in the church and she will be missed by all. Big Sandy News, Aug 2, 1907
Dr. Joe M. Johnson died at Williamson on Wednesday of last week after an illness of several weeks. He was 43 years of age and leaves a family. Dr. Johnson was a son of the late Rev. John t. Johnson and had been a practitioner of medicine several years. Big Sandy News, Aug 30, 1907
JONES, Lottie
Miss Lottie Jones, who died recently at Winchester of injuries received some years ago in a runaway accident, was a daughter of the late Col. John Paul Jones, of Ashland. For many years she was a resident of New York, where she was connected with Mrs. Morgan’s noted school for girls, and where she had charge of elocution and higher mathematics. Miss Jones was always identified with that which was best in the social and intellectual life, and had a depth and earnestness which fully exemplified the exalted character given her by those who knew her best. She was a sister of Miss Hattie Milton Jones, of this city. Big Sandy News, Aug 2, 1907
MCCOY, James
Whitesburg, KY, Aug 3—Officers Albritton Potter and Randolph Holbrook went into Cumberland Mountains to arrest James McCoy, who beat his mother in law, Martha White, to death near Round Gap 3 weeks ago, and engaged in a battle with McCoy, who resisted and opened fire. The officers, who proved the better shots, killed McCoy. McCoy was once a leading figure in the McCoy feud of Pike County. Big Sandy News, Aug 9, 1907
MOORE, Francis
A telegram announcing the sudden death of Francis Moore in Manilla, P. I. where he had recently gone to accept a government position has been received. The decedent was well and favorably known here, having come to Louisa about 20 years ago with R. M. Broas, with whom he was identified as civil engineer in several timber and mineral deals, for a long time. He was also associated with the Northern Coal and Coke Company, being located in Pikeville. Big Sandy News, Aug 30, 1907
ONEY, Frank
Frank Oney, aged 19 years, son of John Oney, was killed a few days ago by the branch of a falling tree piercing his abdomen and causing his bowels to protrude therefrom. He lived only 2 hours. He was felling trees for Pinson and Thornsbury, of this place. This terrible accident is deeply regretted. The accident occurred on Coon Creek, near her. Big Sandy News, Aug 9, 1907
Charlie—Died on the 2nd day of this month, the infant son of Ed Parks. The remains were taken to the Preston graveyard near Whitehouse for burial. Big Sandy News, Aug 9, 1907
Pikeville, KY, Aug 22—The 15 year old daughter of Allen Ratcliff, of the Mouth of Pond, near here, fell from an apple tree last Friday, a distance of 29 feet, and sustained injuries from which she died Sunday. Undertaker Call shipped a casket to her home yesterday. Big Sandy News, Aug 30,1907
SKAGGS, Willis
Ulysses—On Saturday, Aug 3, an infant child of Willis Skaggs and wife died. Big Sandy News, Aug 23, 1907
SPENCER, Jonathan
Jonathan Spencer, of Henderson, KY, died at his home Saturday evening of typhoid fever. The remains were brought to Peach Orchard Monday and buried by the Odd Fellows. The deceased was formerly of Inez and was a brother of Mrs. J. C. Newberry and Mrs. L. B. Goble. Big Sandy News, Aug 23, 1907
In the death of Mrs. Lucy A. Spriggs, which occurred Saturday, Jul 20, our country has lost one of its oldest and most highly respected citizens. She was a widow and about 73 years of age. She lived a devoted Christian for several years. She was a member of the United Baptist Church and loved it dearly. Her soul’s delight was in the interest of Salvation. She leaves 2 children and a host of friends to mourn her loss. “Aunt Lucy” as most everyone called her, was a woman of broad and generous personality, loving all and beloved by all who knew her. The funeral took place on Sunday, Jul 21. The Rev. McCoy conducted a brief but impressive service. The body was then taken to the graveyard just below Mr. Bartletts and tenderly laid in its final resting place. Big Sandy News, Aug 9, 1907
While in a drunken frenzy early Sunday evening, Sam Arnett and Tom Sheppard of Goodloe, Floyd County, went to the home of Samuel Stephens, a prominent resident of that community, and endeavored to entice Miss Nora, the beautiful young daughter of Stephen, away from home. She refused to go and they then tried to force her, but she fought desperately, managing to escape their clutches. Arnett and Sheppard then began shooting ???, threatening to kill the family, and again endeavored to force the girl to go with them. At this point, Will Stephens, a brother of the girl, rushed into the house, secured a pistol and fired at Arnett, wounding him fatally.
Arnett staggered out into the yard and fell unconscious and Sheppard ran away. About 9 o’clock he returned to the Stephens home, and again endeavored to persuade the gril to go with him. Upon her refusal, he shot her through the body, and as she fell, caught her and placing the end of the pistol barrel between her lips, sent a 44 calibre bullet crashing into her brain. Dropping the dead body of the girl, he escaped to the hills that clustered about Goodloe and has not since been seen. A reward of $500 has been offered for Sheppard’s capture and an armed posse is now searching the surrounding country for miles about, and all towns within a radius of a hundred miles are on the watch for the murderer.
The crime is the most despicable and cowardly that has been committed in the history of Floyd County, and the entire countryside are aroused over the terrible deed. Immediately after the shooting, Will Stephens, who shot Arnett, one of his sister’s assailants, went to Prestonsburg and surrendered himself to Sheriff Martin, but was released on bond. Feeling is running high everywhere and there is little doubt that a lynching will follow the capture of Sheppard if he is found while the spirit of mob violence prevails. Floyd County people are the most hospitable in the world, but the utter brutality of this murder has stirred them to a frenzy that bodes ill for Sheppard if caught. Big Sandy News, Aug 16, 1907
Pikeville, KY, Aug 6—John Steven of Hurricane, near here, was killed Saturday. He was hauling limber and a projecting beam was loaded on his wagon, came in contact with a rotten tree forcing it from the stump it struck Mr. Stevens squarely, killing him instantly. Big Sandy News, Aug 9, 1907
VANOVER, William
Sergent, KY, Aug 24—William Vanover, aged 100 years, the oldest man in Letcher County, whose soubriquet, “Wolfy Bill”, has won him much publicity hereabouts, died on Bluefields Creek, east of here, late yesterday. He had been 5 times married and was the father of 18 children. Big Sandy News, Aug 30, 1907
Blaine--??? Vaughan was shot in the ??? with a shot gun last Sunday ??? on Caine’s Creek and fatally wounded by Harrison Williams, son of ??? Williams, Jr.. the whole charge ??? his body and the doctor says he cannot live. Williams has not been arrested and full particular of the ??? are not known. Big Sandy News, Aug 23, 1907
WADELL, Arnold
Arnold Wadell, a well-known citizen of Hellier, Pike County, was found dead in the rear of a poolroom in Hellier. He had a number of enemies and foul play is suspected by his relatives. An inquest was held and the Coroner’s jury returned a verdict of death from natural causes. Big Sandy News, Aug 2, 1907
WHITT, George J.
Dry Ridge—Died 28 of Jul George J. Whitt. He leaves a wife and 5 children and a host of friends to mourn his loss. Big Sandy News, Aug 9, 1907
Wilbur—Died last week the little daughter of W. A. Arrington. Big Sandy News, Sep 20,1907
Boones Camp—Died, Seymore Baldridge, of this place, of consumption. Big Sandy News, Sep 6, 1907
Wilbur—Died last week the infant of Jay Boling. Big Sandy News, Sep 20, 1907
In the year of 1878 the Lord place in the care of Mr. and Mrs. Leander Borders a son to love and cherish. They had the pleasure of seeing this child grow into a useful man. His thoughts were not of self, but for others. He was always ready to lend a helping hand and while waiting on his brother in law he took measles and cold which caused his death. For 4 long months Eskham suffered, but never a word of complaint passed his lips he would say Jesus’ suffering on the cross was worse than his. He certainly lived a life any mother would be proud for sons to follow in his footsteps. Georges Creek has lost one of its best young men. Big Sandy News, Sep 27, 1907
BURNS, Worth
Worth Burnes, who was born in Louisa about 53 years ago, died at his home in Catlettsburg last Sunday. A message was received here by Capt. Frank Freese, his bother in law, which said he was dying, and the Captain and his daughter, Kate left for Catlettsburg on the 9:30 train. Mrs. Freese was in Cannel City, but she reached Catlettsburg Monday night and she and Capt. Freese attended the burial of Mr. Burns at Grayson on Tuesday. Concerning the death of Mr. Burns the following was published in the Independent on Monday last:
Worth Burns, a resident to this city since childhood, died Sunday afternoon at his home in Broadway of peritonitis. He was born Mar 27, 1853, in Louisa, and when quite an infant was adopted by his uncle Judge Rice and reared in Catlettsburg by the Judge and his good wife, Matilda. Mr. Burns’ education was finished at the Naval Academy, in Annapolis, from which he graduated while yet very young. A few years afterward he was married to Laura McClung, the only daughter of Capt. And Mrs. Andrew McClung, of Greenbrier County, who were late residents of Grayson. After 17 years of wedded life Mr. Burns passed into the great beyond leaving his wife and 3 children, one girl and 2 boys surviving him. He also has a sister, Mrs. Frank Freese, of Louisa, and a half-brother, Rev. Burns, pastor of a Huntington church, still living. For 3 years Mr. Burns had been ill, but was only in a critical condition during the past week and his violent sickness lasted just one day. The funeral services took place at 4 o’clock this afternoon from the house and were conducted by the Rev. J. W. Crites, of the M. E. Church, South. The body is to be taken to Grayson tomorrow morning and interred in the family graveyard. Big Sandy News, Sep 20, 1907
The Rev. John C. Chapman died at his home on Lick Creek, about 4 miles from this place, Wednesday morning. Interment was made yesterday afternoon, near his old home. Mr. Chapman had been sick quite a long time and his death was due to a complication of diseases. He leaves a widow and quite a large family of children and grandchildren. Mr. Chapman was a “local” minister of the M. E. church, and was a highly respected, good citizen. He was in his 75th year. Big Sandy News, Sep 27, 1907
DIXON, Mrs. Milt
During a quarrel in their home at Oakview, about 4 o’clock Monday afternoon, in which it is alleged jealousy largely figured, Mrs. Milt Dixon’s brains were blown out by a heavily charged shotgun in the hands of her husband, it is alleged, although he denies, it, claiming positively that the woman killed herself. They had been married only 3 months. The tragedy that has place one more blot on the fair name of the Blue Grass State, followed close upon the heels of a sensational occurrence at a platform dance at Oakview, where, it is said, Mrs. Dixon assaulted her husband for dancing with another woman, whom she disliked, and whose name cannot be learned. Immediately after the trouble the Dixons left the dance for their home, still quarreling. An interesting and more than usually pathetic feature connected with the killing of Mrs. Dixon lies in the fact that the young couple had been married scarcely 3 months. It is presumed that bitter jealousy on the part of the young wife was the indirect cause of the tragedy. Ashland Independent. Big Sandy News, Sep 6, 1907
Death has again visited our community and taken one of our best boys, Merdia Ferguson, son of D. H. Ferguson. He was born Feb 1, 1890 died Sep 9, 1907, of typhoid fever. His death was unexpected. After only one week’s illness he was called home to live with Jesus. He bore his sickness with patience, bid them all good-bye and said he was going home and hoped to meet all in Heaven. Big Sandy News, Sep 27, 1907
The grim reaper, death, is again abroad in our community and has taken from us our kind, loving little friend, Mollie Gussler. Mollie was born Jun 3, 1889 and died Aug 28, 1907, aged 18 years 2 months and 25 days. She lived a happy and contented life until early last May she was stricken with that dreaded disease consumption and for 3 long weary months knew not what rest was. But she did not complain, she said she kenw she must die, and God’s will be don, she had no fear. Big Sandy News, Sep 6, 1907
Cadmus—Died, Aug 24, 1907, Mrs. Della Harmon, wife of V. D. Harmon. She leaves a husband and 2 infant children and relatives and friends to mourn their loss. The youngest child is 2 weeks old. Big Sandy News, Sep 13, 1907
Departed this life Aug 24, 1907, Della Harman dear wife of V. D. Harman and loving daughter of William Wellman of Lawrence Co., KY, now deceased. She was born in Lawrence County, Feb 14, 1881 and died at the age of 26 years 6 months and 10 days. She was married to V. D. Harman Aug 22, 1905 and to that union was born 2 sweet little children the baby being 8 days old when she died. Della was a good mother, a loving companion and a kind neighbor, dearly loved by her many friends. She was highly valued noted for being such a good kind stepmother. Her funeral was preached by Rev. H. B. Hulett and her remains interred in the Short graveyard by the I.O.O.F. and Redmen fraternity. Big Sandy News, Sep 27,1907
HAYS, ??
Died, Aug 21, 1907, ??? Hays, son of Lafe Hays. He was about 17. He died of typhoid fever. His death was unexpected, ??? a kind and loving boy and loved by all who knew him. This is the ?? death in Mr. Hays’ family ???? 17 months. Father, mother, brothers and sisters be ready to meet ??? loving sons, daughters and ??? and be ready to meet one and all. Big Sandy News, Sep 13, 1907
MAY, Cynthia
(Note: this is typed exactly as it appeared in the newspaper) Prestonsburg, Sep 11. After a lingering illness of several months, Mrs. Cynthia May ) widow of the late Wm. Pike crossing near Mt. Sterling. At the 2o’clock at the home of her daughter Mrs. Jake Porter who lives one mile below town. Mrs. May was one of the oldest residents of our town. She was in her 70th year and had been suffering for several weeks with dropsy. Big Sandy News, Sep 20, 1907
MOORE, Mary (Castle)
Death has again visited our community and taken there from our kind friend and neighbor, Mrs. Mary Moore. Mary was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Castle of Johnson County. She was born Oct 9th, 1867, died Sep 8th, 1907. Aged 40 years 10 months and 25 days. She was converted a good many years ago and lived a constant Christian until God called her home. Mary was married to David M. Moore of Lawrence County at the age of 23. There were born to this union 8 children, 3 of them preceded her to heaven some time ago. The groom had been married once before, and had 2 small orphan boys, Arthur and Johnnie. The youngest only 3 years old, Arthur died about 4 years ago. It can truly be said of Mary that she was a mother to those orphan boys. She was always kind and affectionate to them and loved them as her own. In her dying hour she called Johnnie to her bed and begged him to always be a good boy and meet her in heaven. She told him she had always tried to be a mother to him and teach him to do right. She also called her own children to her and told them to live right that they might meet her in heaven, where no more separation comes. Big Sandy News, Sep 20, 1907
RICE, Raymond Burns
Raymond Burns, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rice, died at their home at Bonanza, Friday afternoon. The little one had been sick only a few days, and its death is a great blow to its parents, this being the second child they have lost in the past year. The funeral occurred today, at their old home in Magoffin County. Big Sandy News, Sep 6, 1907
SPARKS, Mrs. Nelson
Boones Camp—Died Mrs. Nelson Sparks of Muddy Branch of typhoid fever she formerly lived here where she was brought for burial. Big Sandy News, Sep 6, 1907
SPRADLIN, Jonathan
Jonathan Spradlin, more familiarly known as “Uncle Jonse”, died at his home, 2 miles below Prestonsburg Monday afternoon. Mr. Spradlin was in his 75th years and had only been ill a few weeks, when the end came. No better man lived in our community than “Uncle Jonse” and we feel sure if there is a brighter and better country, that he is enjoying its beauties and privileges now. Big Sandy News, Sep 6, 1907
TRAVIS, Tennie
A very sad case of drowning occurred on Brushy Fork of Blaine last Tuesday afternoon whereby a young and beautiful girl met an untimely end. She was a daughter of Rob Travis, and was attending school about one mile from her home. At the recess hour on the day she was drowned she left the school intending to go home. The creek was very high and while she was walking on some slate near the tip of the creek bank it broke, precipitating the unfortunate girl into the swollen waters. It is not known whether or not the accident was witnessed by anyone. The body was found about dark below the forks of the creek. The News is indebted to Mr. F. Daniels, of Brushy, for these particulars. Big Sandy News, Sep 6, 1907
The Wilbur school was progressing nicely with A. J. Moore as teacher until last Tuesday evening the pale Angel of death came unbidden and took from loving playmates, Tennie Travis. Tennie was on her way home from school when the fatal accident happened. On passing around a slippery place to surround the water her foot slipped and she fell into the water. There was no one near to help her, and the cruel, swift current tossed her hither and thither in a few moments the alarm was given by Tennie’s classmate and men searched up and down until almost dark. She was found a corpse about half a mile from where she had fallen. Big Sandy News, Sep 27, 1907
WEBB, Mrs. Wash
Webbville—Mrs. Wash. Webb, widow, died Sunday and was buried Tuesday. Several of her children live in the state of Washington. Big Sandy News, Sep 20, 1907
Irad—Died Sep 27, 1907, Anna Adams, aged 83 years. She was the last sister of W. M. Large who died years ago. She was a good Christian and has gone to her reward in heaven. To her children and grandchildren should not weep but prepare to meet her in heaven. She was a member of the M. E. Church for many years. Big Sandy News, Oct 19, 1907
The friends of Mrs. Sam Freese, of Cannel City, will regret to hear that she has been called to mourn the death of her father, Mr. Frank Armstrong, of Pineville, this state. Mr. Armstrong was for many years a resident of Paris, where he served one term as Sheriff of the county. In 1895 he was elected Mayor of the city by the General Council. Mr. Armstrong was noted for his urbane and kindly manner, his high conception of civic duty and honorable and upright character generally. By a singular coincidence a brother in law of Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Douglas Lewis, died about the same hour at his home in Cincinnati. Big Sandy News, Oct 11, 1907
ARNETT, Morris B.
The body of Morris B. Arnett, that was laid to rest in the Ashland Cemetery 2 weeks ago, has been disinterred and removed to Salyersville to be laid beside his mother, who died a number of years ago. Mr. Arnett’s death occurred at Russell. Big Sandy News, Oct 25, 1907
The body of Jeff Banks was found in the mill pond at East Point near Paintsville Sunday afternoon. Banks had been missing since last Tuesday. Monday a week ago, he left East Point enroute to West Virginia to work. Reaching Catlettsburg he commenced drinking and returned to East Point Tuesday well supplied with whiskey. He disappeared the same day and a search was made. Late in the week a hat was found in the pond and identified as the hat Banks had worn. Thinking his body might be in the pond the floodgate was raised Sunday morning. Sunday evening when the water had receded the body was found, face downward in the mud. It is supposed he fell in the pond at night and was too drunk to save himself. On his person was found a pistol, and a pair of knucks. He was 18 years of age and resided near East Point. Big Sandy News, Oct 25, 1907
Ulysses—Mrs. Hannah Beasley, who has been sick for quite a while died Sep 27 at the home of her son, J. A. Beasley. She was 75 years old. Her funeral sermon was preached by Rev. P. J. Collins, after which she was laid to rest in the Kazee graveyard beside her husband who died over 2 years ago. Big Sandy News, Oct 11, 1907,
CARTER, Rev. J. C.
The Rev. J. C. Carter one of the foremost figures in the Baptist ministry of West Virginia, is dead having passed away at an early hour Friday morning at the home of J. W. Comm??. In Huntington, where he had gone from his home in Spencer, WV to attend the annual session of the West Virginia General Baptist Association, which organization he founded in 1865, directly following the close of the Civil War and during the reconstruction period when to speak of organization of anything or any element seemed almost a pathetic attempt at humor. There were no obstacle to great for Dr. Carter, then a young theological student unattached to any school, and he fought his way through until he triumphed and the result was the great West Virginia Association of Baptists, that has thrived and grown until today it stands among the greatest and most powerful church organization of the country. Big Sandy News, Oct 25, 1907
CHAPMAN, John Renshaw
Rev. John Renshaw Chapman was born Oct 13, 1832 and died Sep 25, 1907. He was the son of David and Maria Chapman who were among the earlier settlers of the Big Sandy Valley. During his early manhood he was married to Joannah Booth of West Virginia. To this union were born 14 children, 8 boys and 6 girls. Being a poor man so far as this world’s goods is concerned he labored hard to support his family. He cared but little for the things of this world, but he longed to lay up treasures “Where moth doth not corrupt nor thieves break through and steal.” His life was largely patterned after that of the old patriarchs. He read his Bible and lived by its precepts. Early in life he was soundly converted and began to preach the gospel. He united with the M. E. Church and dearly loved her cause and labored for her success. No legacy of houses and land of stocks and bonds has he left his widow and 11 surviving children, but a legacy whose value cannot be measured in dollars and cents has he richly bequeathed to them an example of a noble character and an upright life. Big Sandy News, Oct 4, 1907
Knob Branch—Sorry to state the sudden death of B. F. Fannin, of Minor, KY, on Sep 23rd. While in apparently good health was walking across the lawn at his home and fell dead. The cause was supposed to be heart failure. He was about 65 years of age, leaving a wife and 3 children and a host of friends to mourn the loss of a companion, father, friend and fraternity a brother. He was a member of the Knights of the Golden Eagle and F. and A. M. of which he was made a member in Herern Lodge. Served in all the stations in the Lodge, 3 years as W. M. Then took and active Lodge. Served them 2 years as W. part in organizing Fannin’s Valley M. He was well known in Elliott and Morgan counties as a good upright citizen and Christian gentleman. He was a brother of F. R. Fannin, of our county. Big Sandy News, Oct 11, 1907
FERGUSON, Della (Frasher)
Last week the News chronicled the relapse of Mrs. Della Ferguson at Colorado Springs, and now it regretfully published the news of her death. This occurred on Monday, Oct 7, and the body, accompanied by her brother in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Vinson, will arrive here tomorrow. Interment will be at Pine Hill Cemetery, where lies the body of her husband, Emmett Ferguson, who died at Pikeville Oct 12, 1902. She leaves one child, a boy, Mrs. Ferguson had been sick a long time, suffering with a form of tuberculosis. She had been everywhere, vainly seeking a restoration to health, going finally to Colorado where, for a short time, she seemed to improve. But the inroads made by disease were too great and she succumbed to the attack. Mrs. Ferguson was the daughter of James Allen Frasher, formerly of Fort Gay. She was a most excellent woman, a devoted wife and mother, and her untimely death brings sorrow to many hearts. She was about 32 years of age. Big Sandy News, Oct 11, 1907
GREER, Myrtle
Myrtle, the 11 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Greer, who died yesterday from burns received the day before will be buried today, the funeral will be preached at the residence by Rev. A. Lee Barrett. Big Sandy News, Oct 4, 1907
Death has again been in our midst and this time has taken the dear wife of Harvie Jordan. Aunt Jane was a kind and loving woman and was well liked by all who knew her. She had been a member of the church for many years. She leaved an aged husband, 7 children and a host of friends to mourn their loss. The burial service was conducted by Rev. McKinster. The body was laid to rest in the Jordan graveyard. Big Sandy News, Oct 25,1907
Lindsey Litteral, a prominent farmer and former sheriff of Johnson County, died at his home at Oil Springs, Monday morning. He was stricken with typhoid fever 2 weeks ago and continued to sink until the end. He was one of the county’s best citizens and his death is greatly regretted. Big Sandy News, Oct 25, 1907
MCCOY, Ballard
Last Saturday Ballard McCoy was killed in a coal mine on Blackberry Creek, Pike County. He had lighted the fuse for a blast, but as it did not go off as soon as he thought it should, he went back to investigate and the explosion took place just as he stood by the place. He was killed instantly. Big Sandy News, Oct 25, 1907
NEW, Bessie
Death has again visited our land and taken from the home of Mrs. Clara Capelton her darling grandchild, Little Bessie. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe New. She was born May 21 1900 and died Sep 20, 1907, aged 7 years 3 months and 30 days. Bessie’s mother preceded her to heaven when she was only one year old, and her grandmother took her, and to her Bessie was company, as she was a widow. And to Bessie she was a kind and affectionate mother. Bessie was kind and loving to all her playmates, and to know her was to love her, but God in his infinite wisdom seen fit to take her home to heaven. Big Sandy News, Oct 4, 1907
Last Friday afternoon a shocking accident, with fatal results, occurred at the residence of Lys Sammons, on the point, not far from the bridge. About 2 o’clock his little daughter a beautiful child of only 2 years attempted to climb upon the top of a cook stove. She had gotten from the floor to the front or “step” of the stove when she lost her balance and fell backwards. It was at first thought that the little one was only stunned, but she was dead before the doctor who was summoned arrived. The death was due to concussion or cerebral hemorrhage. Big Sandy News, Oct 25, 1907
SMITH, Charles
A very prominent and worthy citizen of Wayne County died in a hospital in Huntington last Friday. Charles F. Smith, former Sheriff and for some time a resident of Fort Gay but lately of Kenova, had been suffering quite awhile from an intestinal trouble. Failing to get relief, and his symptoms becoming very grave he went to the hospital for an operation. But he put it off too long. He died on the operating table before his physician began the work of relief. The body was taken to the Charley Ferguson burial place near the town of Wayne where interment was made with Masonic ceremony. Mr. Smith’s wife is a sister of Mrs. At Wellman of Louisa. Mrs. Wellman and other Louisa relatives attended the funeral which occurred on Sunday last. Big Sandy News, Oct 25, 1907
STEELE, Samuel
Capt. And Mrs. D. W. Steele and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Steele were called to Prestonsburg today by the death of Captain Steele’s brother, Samuel Steele, which occurred this morning. The decedent was 81 years of age and has for years been prominently connected with the business interest of the Big Sandy Valley. Mr. Steele is survived by his wife who is 86 years of age. Big Sandy News, Oct 4, 1907
SYCK, Webb
SYCK, Jane (Burris)
Webb Syck shot and killed his wife, a bride of 2 weeks and then killed himself in Fairview, a suburb of Pikeville, last Saturday. Just before daylight a shot rang out in the handsome Syck home and a few moments later another was heard. Neighbors rushed to the scene and found Syck’s body in the yard with the entire tip of his head blown away and blood and brains scattered for a distance of 10 feet. He had on his night shirt. Inside the house stretched out face down on the bed, clothed only in her night gown, lay the still warm body of Mrs. Syck, with the blood oozing from a terrible hole in the back of the head and another in the forehead, where the bullet had passed out after tearing its way entirely through.
The position of the body indicated that Mrs. Syck had been killed without a struggle. She was formerly Mrs. Jane Burris and is connected with some of the most prominent families in Northeastern Kentucky. The cause of the tragedy is unknown, but is supposed to have followed a bitter quarrel of the previous day and possibly renewed during the night. The couple had been married but 2 weeks and had just returned from their honeymoon trip through the South.
Syck was a brother of George Syck, of Pikeville, one of Pike County’s successful business men and most astute politician. The woman murdered by Syck was his third wife, his first wife having died 2 years ago and his second wife being divorced about one year ago. It is thought that Syck’s mind became unbalanced temporarily over his quarrel with his bride, as he was known to be madly in love with her and insanely jealous. He was a veteran of the civil war and was very wealthy. The body of Syck was taken to his farm on Joe’s Creek for burial, Sunday. The fragments of the head were collected, bound in a linen cloth and placed in the casket with the remainder of the body. The body of Mrs. Syck was buried in the Pikeville Cemetery, Sunday afternoon, beside her little son who died there a few years ago. The funeral was preached by Rev. M. C. Reynolds. It is supposed she had been shot by the crazed man while asleep, as the expression of the face was one of perfect peace. Syck is supposed to have placed the muzzle of the gun against the back of her head and fired. Her skull was literally torn to pieces, being held intact only by the scalp. This occurrence is a matter of deep regret. Webb Syck was related to some of Pike County’s best people, being an uncle of Dan Syck, Mrs. Dr.. W. J. Walters, Mrs. O. A. Stump and Attorney J.P. B. Shelton, all of Pikeville. Big Sandy News, Oct 19, 1907
WATSON, Mrs. W. H.
Death has again been in our midst and this time has taken the dear wife and sister, Mrs. W. H. Watson, daughter of John and Hannah Wellman. She died Oct 11, 1907, aged 72 years ?? months and 24 days. Had been a member of the church several years. She leaves an aged husband and 8 brothers and sisters and a host of friends to mourn their loss. Weep not Uncle bill, but keep faithful and meet Aunt France where there will be no more parting and no more good byes. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. York and the body was laid to rest in the Wellman graveyard. Big Sandy News, Oct 19, 1907
WEBB, Mrs. Wash
Mrs. Wash Webb, of Webbville, who died at her home on Sep 2 was one of the most highly respected women of this county. She was a woman of strong mind, with many noble traits of character. She left several children, among them whom is M. J. better known as “Mun” Webb, formerly of this place but now of Greenup. Mrs. Webb was 74 years old. Big Sandy News, Oct 4, 1907
After a long and painful sickness Mrs. Lyda Wilson, wife of Zeke Wilson, died at her home in this place last Monday night. The funeral service was held at the Baptist Church Wednesday afternoon, conducted by the Rev. L. M. Copley, followed by interment in the Fulkerson Cemetery. Mrs. Wilson’s disease was an affection of the liver. She leaves a husband and 4 children. Mrs. Wilson was a quiet, unassuming woman, devoted to her family, and will be much missed by them and her friends. Big Sandy News, Oct 19,1907
WORKMAN, Napoleon
Napoleon Workman, who lived in Louisa many years ago, died at the Cincinnati Hospital, Cincinnati, on the 4th of this month of intestinal tuberculosis. The body was brought to this place last Sunday and was taken to the old Workman burying ground on Tug River, 4 or 5 miles above here, for interment. He had been employed for some time in Cincinnati as a railroad switchman. Mr. Workman was a son of Alf Workman, deceased, and a brother of John Workman, of Louisa. Big Sandy News, Oct 11, 1907
BOGGS, Winfield
Busseyville—Ross Boggs and wife mourn the death of their 2 year old boy who died last Friday morning from croup having been sick only a few hours when death relieved him from his suffering. The remains were interred in the H. W. Castle graveyard on the hill near the Castle home. Big Sandy News, Nov 8, 1907
The angel of death visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Boggs on the 1st and took from them their darling boy Winfield , age 3 years 8 months. He was a bright little boy and will be missed by all. Big Sandy News, Nov 22, 1907
O. D. Botner was born 1819, Dec 4th in Pittsylvania Co., VA was commissioned Lieutenant of Militia by Governor of Virginia. He came to Kentucky in 1861. Was elected Captain of Co., G. 14 KY Infantry, resigned 1863 by reason of bad health and when Judge Ferguson was a judge he was selected Foreman of Grand Jury to hunt after regulators for unlawful assembly. After tedious undertaking he obtained about 700 and they were presented and came in and surrendered and the Judge petitioned Governor for their pardon and was acquitted. Botner has both appointments one from Gov. of Virginia and one from Kentucky. Judge Ferguson was a noble and fearless man and now Botner is seeking a commission from God to house not made with hands eternal in the Heavens. Love to all. He has the 2 commissions now. O. D. Botner. Big Sandy News, Nov 1, 1907
CARTER, Millard F.
After a long and painful illness M. F. Carter, a prominent and highly respected citizen of this county, died at Riverview hospital at an early hour Wednesday morning. More than a month ago, it was reported in Louisa that Mr. Carter was dying at his home at Blaine, but he became somewhat better and was brought to Riverview hospital for treatment. His trouble was Bright’s disease and while he seemed for a time to grow better, his medical advisors held out to him very little hope of ultimate recovery. At the time of his death his wife and his son, George, were with him. The body was taken to the residence of his nephew, A. O. Carter, and from there it was conveyed to his hold home at Madge, on Big Blaine. Interment was made yesterday afternoon under the direction of the Masonic fraternity. Mr. Carter having been a member of Apperson Lodge and Louisa Chapter. Mr. Carter leaves a widow and 4 children, 2 girls and 2 boys. The children are the fruits of a former marriage with Miss Jennie Clayton, who was a sister of Sheriff James Clayton. The present Mrs. Carter is a daughter of the late Claiborne Swetnam, of Blaine. Mr. Carter was 54 years of age.
He was a high type of Christian manhood, known by nearly everybody in Lawrence County and held in high regard by all. He was a man of warm genial nature, a clever man in our kindly meaning of the word, unassuming and modest. For a long time after his marriage with Miss Clayton they lived in the locality now known as Madge, so called for his daughter. And there the great sorrow of his life cast its dark shadow upon him. His comfortable residence was burned, and in its flames one of his children met a cruel death. Millard Carter will live long in the memory of those who knew him best. Big Sandy News, Nov 29, 1907
CASSELL, William
William Cassell departed this live May 26, 1907, aged 83 years 7 months and 19 days. He was 3 times married. His last wife survived him. To these three unions were born 13 children, 8 of whom have preceded him to the better land. He was a member of the United Baptist Church and had been a constant Christian for over 50 years. He lived a long and useful life and always had good health until about 2 months before he passed away. Big Sandy News, Nov 29, 1907
Sergent, KY, Nov 2—Uncle Sammie Caudill, aged about 80, a confederate veteran and the father of 22 children, is dead at his old home on Sandlick Creek, near here. Exposure during the late war is said to have brought on trouble which at length became chronic and caused his death. Big Sandy News, Nov 15, 1907
Ulysses—General Chandler, who has had consumption for several moths died and was buried Friday, Oct 18th in the Kazee burying ground beside his mother and 3 sisters. Big Sandy News, Nov 22, 1907
Yatesville—Died on the 11th the one year old child of Millard Crank and wife. Big Sandy News, Nov 22, 1907
DAVIDSON, Green R.A message received just as we went to press brings the sad news of the death of Green R. Davidson, County Clerk of Floyd County, which occurred at Prestonsburg. Pneumonia caused his death, after a brief illness. He was widely known and quite popular. Funeral Friday. Big Sandy News, Nov 22, 1907
Ulysses—An infant child of Lyss Edwards and wife died Nov 3rd. Big Sandy News, Nov 22, 1907
Opal, the bright and beautiful little daughter aged 4 years, of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Elliott died yesterday forenoon after an illness of 2 days of spinal meningitis. Big Sandy News, Nov 29, 1907
William Ferguson, one of Wayne County’s oldest and best known citizens, died at his home Monday evening. The death of Mr. Ferguson cannot be attributed to any special disease, but was the result of general debility, being 82 years of age past. All of his children living, James Ferguson of Moundsville, A. W. Ferguson of Wayne, William Ferguson of Bluffton, IN and Mrs. Lawrence Dickerson, of Radnor, OH, were at his bedside at the time of his death. Mr. Ferguson was born and brought up in the county and had been a useful citizen. The news of his demise will be received with general regret. Big Sandy News, Nov 22, 1907
GARRETT, Daisy Pearl
Miss Daisy Pearl Garrett, youngest daughter of Rev. J. D. Garrett, died of consumption at her home, 4 miles north of Wayne on Nov 14, 1907. She was a niece of Mrs. Martha McClure, of Louisa. Big Sandy News, Nov 29,1907
HATFIELD, Harrison
On Sunday night Harrison Hatfield died in the county jail at Williamson, where he has been pending the decision of the Supreme Court as to his application for a new trial. The old fellow suffered from a complication of diseases. Our readers will remember the circumstances of his trial and conviction for the poisoning of his wife shortly after his return from the Trent post office case in Charleston. Big Sandy News, Nov 22, 1907
HUFF, Jake
Another of the frequent fatal accidents happening on the railroad occurred just below the tunnel below Williamson Tuesday afternoon, when Jake Huff was crushed to death under the wheels of the engine pulling No. 16. Huff was walking on the track and stepped off one track to get out of the way of a freight only to get into the path of the swiftly moving passenger train. Death was instantaneous. Big Sandy News, Nov 22, 1907
Doc Johnson, the young man who had his leg crushed by a C & O train at Coalton died at the King’s Daughters’ Hospital without having rallied from the shock and loss of blood attending his injuries. The decedent was 21 years of age and was highly thought of in the neighborhood of his home. He was employed by E. V. Green, the crosstie dealer and was on his way to work when the accident occurred. The body was taken to Coalton today on the A. C. & I train. He had jumped on a freight and fell off. Big Sandy News, Nov 1, 1907
On Tuesday, Nov the 5th, just as the sun was casting its bright rays over our community we were again shocked by the death of our loved one, Nancy Lemons. She was about 69 years of age. She was sick only a few days. She bore her suffering with patience and murmured not. She told her children from the beginning of her illness that death was at hand. Children weep not for mother, but prepare to meet her in that glory land where parting is no more. Big Sandy News, Nov 29, 1907
MARTIN, General James
Word was received here last week that General James Martin, died at his home in Salem, IL. General Martin was a veteran of the Mexican and Civil Ward, and was a man of much prominence. His wife was Miss Margaret Savage, formerly of this city. Big Sandy News, Nov 29, 1907
MAY, Mrs. David
Mrs. May, widow of David May, a brave Confederate soldier, who met death at Cynthiana during the Civil strife, died after a long and lingering illness at her home on Robinson Creek, early Sunday morning. She was quite an aged and a most highly respected lady, mother of Mrs. J. P. Marrs and Mrs. J. J. Stratton of this place and of Thomas, Hatter, Willard and David May, excellent citizens of this county. Big Sandy News, Nov 1, 1907
MCCOY, Perry
Perry McCoy was shot and instantly killed by a man named Farrell at Delorme, near Thacker Tuesday night of last week after Farrell had been fired upon by McCoy several time and desperately wounded. Farrell and brother of Pikeville, KY, applied at the hme of McCoy for lodging which was refused. The brothers then went to a boarding house to bed. McCoy proceeded to the boarding house and made the two men get up and leave. They started down the railroad, McCoy following. After a short distance McCoy began firing with 2 guns, shooting Farrell through the lungs. Farrell returned the fire striking McCoy in 3 places and killing him instantly. Big Sandy News, Nov 29,1907
Sometime Monday night Charles McFarland, a well-known citizen of the Kentucky side near Pike Collieries Co., was run over at the east end of Williamson yards and crushed to a shapeless mass, one limb being carried some distance from the rest of the body. It is supposed that No. 84 run over him but nothing very definite is known as to the particulars of the accident. Big Sandy News, Nov 15, 1907
R. H. Meek died at his residence near Busseyville last Sunday and was buried the next day. He had been blind for a number of years and leaves several children, all grown. Big Sandy News, Nov 29, 1907
Busseyville—The last of all that was mortal of Richard Meek, better known as “Uncle Dick” was interred in the old family graveyard last Monday morning, he having died Sunday about noon, after long and severe suffering having within the past few months lost his eyesight, and was compelled to grope his declining years in total darkness. Funeral rites were conducted by Rev. York. Big Sandy News, Nov 29, 1907
MOORE, Cealcel
Death has again visited our community and took from Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Moore their darling little baby, aged 8 weeks. Father and mother, brothers and sisters, weep not for little Cealcel but prepare to meet him where there will be no more parting. Big Sandy News, Nov 15, 1907
PACK, Willie
Ulysses—Willie Pack who was born and raised near here was killed by falling off a bridge at Davy, WV about Oct 12. His remains were brought back here for burial by the Red men, of which order he was a member. He leaves a widow and 3 small children. Big Sandy News, Nov 22, 1907
J. Louis Prichard, whose boyhood days were spent in Louisa and Catlettsburg, and who was favorably known throughout the Big Sandy Valley, died very unexpectedly at his home in Huntington, WV Monday night. On last Saturday morning he sustained a stroke of apoplexy from which he never rallied. Medical aid was summoned from Cincinnati, but the case was hopeless. The attack was too severe to leave room for any encouragement and this stalwart man was forced to give up the struggle about the close of the third day. The funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon from the residence. The body was then placed aboard a special car on the Camden Electric railway and conveyed to Catlettsburg, where the interment took place immediately after arrival.
Deceased was in his 44th year, a fine specimen of manhood, apparently in the best of health, and in the prime of his life. With promise of a score or more of happy successful years ahead of him he was swept from his feet in an instant, and his earthly career was closed forever with scarcely a warning that the end was near. The wife and 4 little children, the oldest 11 years of age, were wholly unprepared for the great shock that was in store for them. Mr. Prichard was a successful business man. His time for about 2 years had been given to the cold storage business. He was one of the largest stockholders in the J. M. McCoach Co., of Huntington and was active in the management. Previous to that he was cashier of the First National Bank of Ceredo. A number of years ago he was a traveling salesman. His father was Jack Prichard, of Kavanaugh, Boyd County, who died when Louis was a child. His mother was a daughter of George R. Burgess, of this county, and a sister of Mrs. William Carey and Mrs. Ellen Waldeck, of Louisa. Two sisters of the deceased survive him—Mrs. W. I. Andrews of Ashalnd and Mrs. George Calvin, of Cannonsburg. His only brother, Dr. T. J. Prichard, died in Huntington about 3 years ago. The widow was Miss Fannie Marr, of Catlettsburg. Big Sandy News, Nov 29, 1907
QUEEN, Harry
Harry Queen, a brother of Willie Queen, of this place, was killed at Portsmouth Thursday morning of this week. He was employed in the lumber yards at the Norfolk and Western Terminal and was caught between moving cars and crushed to death. The accident happened about 15 minutes after the young man began work. He was carrying a load of lumber across the railroad tracks of which there are about 50 in the yards, with many work trains shifting cars at all times. He became confused in trying to avoid the trains and ran in between some cars just as they were coming together. He was caught and crushed about the stomach and breast so badly that death resulted within 2 minutes. He was only 15 years old and had been at Portsmouth but 2 weeks, having gone there from Louisa. His parents are dead. The boy’s home was on East Fork, this county, and the body will be taken there tomorrow via Ashland for burial. Willie Queen and John Elswick went to Portsmouth immediately upon receipt of the sad news, to take charge of the body. Big Sandy News, Nov 8, 1907
Donithon--The death angel has again visited our neighborhood and taken from the home of Mr. and Mrs. John I. Roberts their 4 year old son, little George. The child took sick so suddenly that the father, who was at Williamson, could not get home until about 2 hours after the child was dead. Big Sandy News, Nov 1, 1907
At a late hour Wednesday afternoon a long distance message from Prestonsburg was received announcing the unexpected death of the Hon. Albert H. Stephens, Commonwealth’s Attorney of the 31st, Judicial District and one of Floyd County’s most prominent lawyers and politicians and influential citizens. Death was due to a stroke of paralysis coming just when Mr. Stephens was in the prime of life. He was about 40 years of age and passed away at his home in Prestonsburg, survived by a wife and 10 children. Mr. Stephens was well-known in this city and those who knew him will sincerely regret his demise. A son of Mr. Stephens was a pupil of the Kentucky Normal College here last year. Big Sandy News, Nov 15, 1907
Elsie, the little 5 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Greely Thompson was burned to death at their home on Brandy Keg Monday. Mrs. Thompson, the mother was here in town at the time, having left the little one with the older children but the little girl’s clothing caught fire from the grate and she was burned to death before aid reached her. Big Sandy News, Nov 29, 1907
THOMPSON, Squire Michael
It is with regret that the News announced the death of former magistrate Mike Thompson. Mr. Thompson was well and favorably known all over Lawrence County. He was an old time “Squire” honest and capable. He died at his home on Little Blaine last Friday, aged about 70 years. Big Sandy News, Nov 29,1907
Charley—Died on the 22 Dinah Vanhoose, at Richardson, at the home of her daughters. She was brought here for burial. Big Sandy News, Nov 1, 1907
Nippa—Death has again visited our community and took from our midst little Ervin Vanhose. He was a bright little boy and loved by all who knew him. All was done for him that loving hand and doctors could do. Big Sandy News, Nov 8, 1907
Webbville—The infant child of Jim Monroe Webb died last night. Big Sandy News, Nov 22, 1907
We regret to learn of the death of the little 3 year old son of James H. Woods, of Vessie, this county, which occurred yesterday very unexpectedly. The little fellow had kidney trouble and physicians had pronounced it Bright’s disease, but he was so bright and playful up to a short time before his death that the parents, were wholly unprepared for the result. Mr. Woods is a son of Judge W. H. Woods and is a prominent stock merchant. Big Sandy News, Nov 15, 1907
BARTRAM, Jane (Frazier)
Mrs. Jane Bartram, the aged lady who had for the past several weeks had been so critically ill, died in Catlettsburg at the home of her daughter Mrs. L. G. Chatfield. Mrs. Bartram was formerly Jane Frazier, and was born Dec 29, 1810 in Louisa, KY. On Oct the first of 1833, she was married to James Bartram in Wayne County, WV. In 1844 Mrs. Bartram united with the Methodist Church in Wayne, WV. Eight children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Bartram, four dying in infancy, the four living being John A. Bartram, and William Bartram, of Clifford, KY, Mrs. L. G. Chatfield, Lindsay Bartram of San Bernardino, CA. One brother and 2 sisters survive her, William Frazier, of Core Creek, WV, Mrs. Catherine Martin of Catlettsburg, and Mrs. Nancy Ratcliff, of Huntington. She was the oldest of 12 children and having moved to Catlettsburg during the war was counted as one of its oldest residents, and also the person greatest advanced in years in that city. Mrs. Bartram had 11 grandchildren, 29 great grandchildren and one great-great grandchild. Big Sandy News, Dec 13, 1907
BERRY, Mrs. John
Mrs. John Berry, living 5 miles west of Louisa, near M. H. Johns’ place on Blaine, is at the point of death as the result of her clothing being burned from her body. She was standing before an open fire place, in which wood was used for fuel, when the light dress she was wearing caught fire and burned off, searing the flesh over almost the entire body. Her sister was in the room and in the efforts to save Mrs. Berry she also was severely burned. Dr. J. M. Moore was called from Louisa, and he found the woman’s condition to be such that but little hope for her recovery could be indulged. A late report says she cannot live much longer. The unfortunate victim is 24 years of age and has 2 small children. She is a daughter of William Adams, of Irish Creek. Big Sandy News, Dec 13, 1907
BOGGS, Henry
Henry Boggs, aged 42 years, died at his home, 360 South Third street, Ironton, of typhoid fever, of which he had been sick for about 7 weeks. He went to Ironton 2 month ago from Webbville, expecting to be employed and reside there. His brother, Lewis Boggs, arrived in Ironton Monday afternoon and took the remains to Webbville Wednesday for burial. Big Sandy News, Dec 20, 1907
Mattie—The death angel has again visited our community and taken from us uncle Harve Chaffins. He leaves a wife and 5 children and a host of friends to mourn their loss. Big Sandy News, Dec 6, 1907
Judge John E. Cooper, the distinguished jurist, well-known in this city died recently in Hot Springs, Ark., where he had gone in the hope of benefitting his heatlh. His body was brought to Mt. Sterling for interment. Judge John E. Cooper, a native of Morgan County, was born Jun 4, 1836, and was a son of David M. and Celia Cooper. Judge Cooper was reared on a farm in his native county and received his education in the common schools, which finished in Lexington. He taught school in Morgan County for awhile and then began reading law. In 1859 he was admitted to the bar at West Liberty.
In 1871 Mr. Cooper was elected to the State Senate of Kentucky,f rom the Thirty-fourth senatorial district, and in 1886 was elected “Circuit Judge” to fill the vacancy left by Judge Riddell. IN 1886, Mr. Cooper was re-elected without opposition for a full term in the Thirteenth district, embracing the counties of Bath, Elliott, Magoffin, Menifee, Morgan and Montgomery. When the district was changed to Montgomery, Menifee, Rowan and Bath counties, Judge Cooper was elected and declined to stand for renomination.
IN politics he was a Democrat and took an active interest in every campaign for his party, having stumped nearly every county in Kentucky. He sought the Democratic nomination for Congress on 2 occasions, but was unsuccessful. His name was frequently mentioned as a candidate for Governor of his party. Judge Cooper was a Confederate soldier and served with distinction throughout the war. Big Sandy News, Dec 27, 1907
ELLIOTT, Julia Hatcher
News has been received here of the recent death in Cimmarron, KS, of Mrs. Julia Hatcher Elliott. Mrs. Elliott was a sister of John B. Hatcher, deceased, and formerly lived in Louisa. Big Sandy News, Dec 13, 1907
Death has again visited our community and taken away the little daughter of James and Elizabeth Limons. She was only 6 years old the day she was buried. She accidentally caught fire from a lamp and the blessed little darling was completely burned almost the entire surface. She only lived about 3 hours. They endeavored to save her but could not. While the little body was encircled with flames, it was only for a few hours, then until she should be enshrined in glory. Big Sandy News, Dec 27, 1907
Pikeville, KY, Dec 17—Last night at Shelbiana a few miles above here at the large general store of John McCown, a prominent merchant, a dreadful tragedy occurred. Mr. McCown’s daughter just budding into womanhood was assisting in the store when a shot gun in the hands of one of her uncles and which he was cleaning exploded, the load of shot striking the ceiling and then rebounding, struck Miss McCown in the face tearing away the eyes and a portion of the skull and face, death resulting immediately. The untimely end of this bright young life is a matter of general regret and much sympathy is felt for the parents, who are among the best people of this section. Big Sandy news, Dec 20, 1907
A 14 year old daughter of Will Rowe, who lives on the head of Greasy in Pike County, was burned to death last Wednesday. Big Sandy News, Dec 20, 1907
SAUNDERS, Lucinda Frances
Lucinda Frances Saunders, sister of Mrs. Albert Murray, died at Wayne, WV last Friday and was buried at Centerville on Saturday Dec 7th, 1907. Mrs. Saunders was a Pyles before marriage and was a devout and consistent Christian, being a member of the Methodist Church for a number of years. She was a widow and leaves 6 minor children and a host of relatives to mourn her death which was caused by cardiac rheumatism or something of that nature. Big Sandy News, Dec 13, 1907
Died, Nov 23, 1907, Uncle Mike Thompson. Uncle Mike had lived at that ripe old age of 77 years 5 months and 22 days. He leaves a wife, 3 children and a host of friends to mourn the loss. During his life he was noted for his kindness, modesty and moral character. Was always ready to help anybody in distress. Aunt Nancy, still keep faithful a few days long and you can be with your loving companion, never to part again. Children, don’t weep for father. Get ready to meet him. He was to kind and affectionate father for you to forget and not to meet in heaven. Addie Miller. Big Sandy News, Dec 13, 1907
TYLER, Hiram
Captain Hiram Tyler passed away in Ironton after a lingering illness of a complication of diseases. The deceased was born in Vermont, May 6, 1819. He came westward while comparatively a young man, and was a genius as a mechanic. He was an engineer on many boats. He was well known all along the Ohio river as well as up the Big Sandy having owned and operated steamboats on the stream during the Civil War, he also did considerable government work at that time. When his age compelled him to retire he made his home at South Portsmouth and from there spent the balance of his days with his grandson, C. W. Likens, of North 5th street, Ironton. He was a phenomenal man, of strong character, was patient and kind to the end and died peacefully, knowing that his time had come. Big Sandy News, Dec 20, 1907
STUMP, Mrs. Oscar B.
On last Saturday a shocking and fatal accident resulting in the horrible death of a highly respected woman occurred near Buchanan, about 12 miles north of this city. Mrs. Oscar Stump and her niece, Mrs. Anna Bennett were walking down the man track a short distance east of Bear Creek, going to Buchanan. There is a siding near that point, and on the siding were 3 camp cars used by the C & O bridge force. The women saw a coal train near and concluded to get onto this siding and just as they got on the siding No. 87 backed down and struck the camp cars which in turn struck Mrs. Stump and knocked her down. Mrs. Bennett jumped and escaped without injury, but sad to relate 3 cars passed over Mrs. Stump, crushing the life out of her and mangling the body beyond recognition. Indeed, so fearfully cut and crushed was the poor woman, there was no attempt to get the remains into human shape for burial. The pieces were placed in a sheet and then with a man at each corner of the sheet it was place in the coffin. Mrs. Stump was an excellent woman, highly respected by all who knew her. She was a good wife and mother and leaves a husband and 7 children to mourn her loss. She was a sister in law of John Stump of Louisa.
The scene of this sad fatality has been marked by other casualties. Quite near the same spot where Mrs. Oscar Stump was killed her husband’s mother was killed by a train 18 years ago. Shortly afterwards Mrs. Andrew Fletcher, mother in law of John Stump, while walking near the track was struck by a passing train and killed. Mat Soctt, a negro, was shot and killed by a saloon keeper not far from where Mrs. Stump was killed, and within less than 500 yards from the fateful sopt the wife of the Rev. Mr. Pangburn was drowned. The News is indebted to Dr. Joseph Hatten, of Buchanan, for many of the particular related above. Big Sandy News, Dec 20, 1907
WALLER, Willie
The death angel has again visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Waller and took from them their darling baby; age one year and 5 months. Weep not for little Willie but get ready to meet him where there will be no more good-byes. He was noticed by his loving ways and loved by all. The funeral was conducted by Rev. L. C. Diamond, after which the body was laid to rest in the Fraley graveyard. Big Sandy News, Dec 20, 1907
WOODS, Virgil
Death has entered the home of J. W. and Dora Woods, of Vessie, KY and claimed the beloved boy as its victim, Virgil, was called home Nov. 13 after an illness of only a few days. All that could be done by physicians and loving hands of friends was done. Big Sandy News, Dec 27, 1907
WRAY, Willie
Willie Wray, the 24 year old son of W. P. Wray, died in a Huntington hospital and his remains were taken to Hollywood, the home of apt. and Mrs. Z. C. Vinson, in Catlettsburg. The boy had been an invalid almost from birth and recently became so ill that he was taken to a hospital for care and treatment. The funeral took place from the Vinson residence. The young man’s mother, died for several years, was Miss Lizie Bromley, a sister of Dr. Bromley of Louisa. Big Sandy News, Dec 20, 1907